Publishing objects: internals

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We have three different functions for this, simply because it's cleaner than passing NULLs in for wildcards. Publishing is, of course, the bulk of the library, because working with lists is farmed out to adaptors. So the repository API for lists and objects is mostly just another set of wrappers around the appropriate adaptor. But publishing -- publishing is large and complicated.

Publishing is done by tools. At the moment, the tools are hardcoded. Obviously, publishing tools would be an excellent adaptor class, and eventually I'll do that, but for now I just don't have time. I've got the tools I already have implemented, and they'll have to do.

There are five different publishing modes, which take different combinations of data pushing and data pulling styles of dataflow. Pages are files which are constructed using arbitrary collections of data sources, including lists and page-specific values, area-specific values, macro resolution, and a boatload of other things (including rather free-form text formating in the Wiki Wiki style.) Publishers, on the other hand, are explicit dataflow linkages which are triggered when data is changes. A publisher may publish to a page, it may publish to files on the sly, or it may notify some external system of events.

Publishing does not activate change notification.

The five modes are "publish all", which publishes pages and then mops up non-page publication links; "publish list", which activates all publishers attached to a data source; "publish object", which activates all publishers attached to a data source, but does so for a single object; "publish pages", which simply iterates along the pages and publishes each; and "publish page", which publishes a single page. The latter two are exposed in the command-line utility via the "make" command, as "publishpage" would be too cumbersome to type.

(August 31, 2002): I'm introducing verbose logging using the reporting API I just wrote. This will make it possible to see every time what exactly the repmgr did. Yes, there is a story behind this, and a quiet look of panic in my eye as I write these words. At any rate, each API-level function opens a report, and each internal function will inform us what it's doing.

(December 26, 2002): Introducing the concept (long needed) of a publishing context, a structure which carries along with it where precisely we are in the current publishing operation. In this case, the publishing context is really just the list we're in the midst of publishing -- and where we are in that list. As we iterate the list, we also publish individual objects in it, if we have a detail publisher attached.
int _repos_publish_file (XML * pubcon, XML * publisher, const char * filespec, XML * object);
int _repos_publish_page (XML * pubcon, XML * page, XML * object, XML * publisher);
void _repos_publish_prepare (XML * repository);
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_publish_all  (XML * repository)
   XML * pub;
   XML * pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
   XML * pubto = xml_loc (repository, ".publish-to");

   repos_report_start (repository, "_publog", NULL);
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "repos_publish_all");

   /* Publish pages first. */
   repos_publish_pages (repository);

   /* Mop up non-page publishers. */
   pub = xml_firstelem (repository);
   while (pub) {
      if (xml_is (pub, "publish")) {
         /*  xml_set (pubcon, "list", xml_attrval (pub, "from")); -- TODO: this was broken for over a year.  Sigh. */
         if (!*xml_attrval (pub, "to")) {
            if (pubto) xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pubto, "dir")); else xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", "./");
            xml_attrcat (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
            xml_set (pubcon, "filespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
            _repos_publish_file (repository, pub, xml_attrval (pubcon, "fullfilespec"), NULL);
      pub = xml_nextelem (pub);

   repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
   xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;

WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_publish_list (XML * repository, const char * list)
   XML * pub;
   XML * page;
   XML * pubto = xml_loc (repository, ".publish-to");
   XML * pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
   XML * hook;

   repos_report_start (repository, "_publog", NULL);
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "repos_publish_list (%s)", list);
   _repos_publish_prepare (repository);
   repos_log (repository, 4, 4, NULL, "publish", "repos_publish_list (%s)", list);

   hook = xml_create ("repository");
   xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   hook = xml_create ("files");
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   xml_set (pubcon, "list", list);

   /* Iterate along publishers, publishing those emanating from the given list. */
   pub = xml_firstelem (repository);
   while (pub) {
      if (xml_is (pub, "publish")) {
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (pub, "from"), list)) {
            if (*xml_attrval (pub, "to")) {
               page = xml_search (repository, "page", "id", xml_attrval (pub, "to"));
               if (page) _repos_publish_page (pubcon, page, NULL, pub);
               else      repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "No page id '%s' found for publisher id '%s'",
                                           xml_attrval (pub, "to"), xml_attrval (pub, "id"));
            } else if (*xml_attrval (pub, "as")) {
               if (pubto) xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pubto, "dir")); else xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", "./");
               xml_attrcat (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
               xml_set (pubcon, "filespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
               _repos_publish_file (repository, pub, xml_attrval (pubcon, "fullfilespec"), NULL);
            } else {
               repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "No destination ('to' or 'as') specified for publisher id '%s'",
                                 xml_attrval (pub, "id"));
      pub = xml_nextelem (pub);
   repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
   xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;

int _repos_publish_obj (XML * pubcon, const char * list, XML * object);
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_publish_obj  (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * key)
   int ret;
   XML * object;
   XML * pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
   XML * hook;

   repos_report_start (repository, "_publog", NULL);
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "repos_publish_obj (%s, %s)", list, key);
   _repos_publish_prepare (repository);

   hook = xml_create ("repository");
   xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   hook = xml_create ("files");
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   /* Do the same, but give the specific key to be published. */
   /* Find the object. */
   object = repos_get (repository, list, key);
   if (!object) {
      repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "object not found");
      repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
      xml_free (pubcon);
      return 0;

   ret = _repos_publish_obj (pubcon, list, object);
   xml_free (object);

   repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
   xml_free (pubcon);
   return ret;

int _repos_publish_obj (XML * pubcon, const char * list, XML * object)
   XML * pub;
   XML * page;
   XML * hook;
   XML * pubto = NULL;
   int   free_pubcon;

   XML * repository;

   if (xml_is (pubcon, "pubcon")) { /* Normal mode. */
      repository = xml_search (pubcon, "repository", NULL, NULL);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      repository = xml_getbin(repository);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      free_pubcon = 0;
      pubto = xml_loc (repository, ".publish-to");
   } else { /* Library-internal call with no publishing context; this is the repository. */
      repository = pubcon;
      pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
      hook = xml_create ("repository");
      xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      hook = xml_create ("files");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      free_pubcon = 1;

   xml_set (pubcon, "list", list);

   hook = xml_search (pubcon, "object", NULL, NULL);
   if (!hook) {
      hook = xml_create ("object");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
   xml_setbin (hook, object, NULL);

   repos_log (repository, 4, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "publishing object from list '%s'", list);

   pub = xml_firstelem (repository);
   while (pub) {
      if (xml_is (pub, "publish")) {
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (pub, "from"), list)) {
            if (*xml_attrval (pub, "to")) {
               page = xml_search (repository, "page", "id", xml_attrval (pub, "to"));
               if (page) _repos_publish_page (pubcon, page, object, pub);
            } else {
               if (pubto) xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pubto, "dir")); else xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", "./");
               xml_attrcat (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
               xml_set (pubcon, "filespec", xml_attrval (pub, "as"));
               _repos_publish_file (pubcon, pub, xml_attrval (pubcon, "fullfilespec"), object);
      pub = xml_nextelem (pub);
   xml_delete (xml_search (pubcon, "object", NULL, NULL));
   if (free_pubcon) xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;
A quick note on preparing the repository for publishing -- each page has an ID but optionally may also specify a different place to publish itself. Thus id="page1" may well have page="otherpage.html" -- but when getting the URL for a page, we don't want to have to look for the page attribute and then default to building something if it's not there. So first we just scan the repository and set a page attribute before doing any publishing procedure. This is called before each of the publishing API calls, so it could do other preparation as well.
void _repos_publish_prepare (XML * repository)
   XML * page;

   page = xml_search (repository, "page", NULL, NULL);
   while (page) {
      if (xml_is (page, "page")) {
         if (!*xml_attrval (page, "page")) xml_setf (page, "page", "%s.html", xml_attrval (page, "id"));
      page = xml_search_next (repository, page, "page", NULL, NULL);

   /* TODO: create default _info publisher, if necessary. */

WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_publish_pages  (XML * repository)
   XML * page;
   XML * publisher;
   int close_report;
   XML * pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
   XML * hook;

   close_report = !repos_report_start (repository, "_publog", NULL);
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "repos_publish_pages");
   _repos_publish_prepare (repository);

   hook = xml_create ("repository");
   xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   hook = xml_create ("files");
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   /* Iterate along the pages, publishing each in turn. */
   page = xml_search (repository, "page", NULL, NULL);
   while (page) {
      if (xml_is (page, "page")) {
         publisher = xml_search (repository, "publish", "to", xml_attrval (page, "id"));
         xml_set (pubcon, "list", publisher ? xml_attrval (publisher, "from") : "");
         _repos_publish_page (pubcon, page, NULL, publisher);
      page = xml_search_next (repository, page, "page", NULL, NULL);

   if (close_report) repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
   xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;

WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_publish_page  (XML * repository, const char * key)
   XML * page;
   XML * publisher;
   XML * pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
   XML * hook;

   repos_report_start (repository, "_publog", NULL);
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "repos_publish_page (%s)", key);
   _repos_publish_prepare (repository);

   hook = xml_create ("repository");
   xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   hook = xml_create ("files");
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   /* Given a page, publish it. */
   page = xml_search (repository, "page", "id", key);
   if (!page) {
      repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "No such page as %s", key);
      repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");
      xml_free (pubcon);

   publisher = xml_search (repository, "publish", "to", key);
   xml_set (pubcon, "list", publisher ? xml_attrval (publisher, "from") : "");
   _repos_publish_page (pubcon, page, NULL, NULL);

   repos_report_close (repository, "_publog");

   xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;

void _repos_merge_layout (XML * repository, XML * publisher, XML * layout)
   XML * obj_layout;
   FILE * file;
   const char * replaces;
   XML * member;
   XML * mark;

   obj_layout = NULL;
   if (*xml_attrval (publisher, "defn")) {
      file = _repos_fopen (repository, xml_attrval (publisher, "defn"), "r");
      if (file) {
         obj_layout = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
         if (xml_is (obj_layout, "xml-error")) {
            repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "Bad XML in layout definition %s for publisher %s",
                                                  xml_attrval (publisher, "defn"), xml_attrval (publisher, "id"));
            xml_free (obj_layout); 
            obj_layout = NULL;
         } else {
            if (xml_is (obj_layout, "list")) xml_set (publisher, "list-layout", "yes");
            xml_copyinto (publisher, obj_layout);
            obj_layout = publisher;
         fclose (file);
         xml_set (publisher, "defn", "");
      } else {
         repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "can't find layout definition %s for publisher %s",
                                                  xml_attrval (publisher, "defn"), xml_attrval (publisher, "id"));
   } else {
      obj_layout = publisher;

   if (obj_layout) {
      if (*xml_attrval (obj_layout, "list-layout")) {
         member = xml_firstelem (obj_layout);
         while (member) {
            replaces = xml_attrval (member, "replaces");
            if (!*replaces) replaces = "content";
            mark = xml_search (layout, "template:value", "name", replaces);
            if (mark) xml_replacewithcontent (mark, member);

            member = xml_nextelem (member);
      } else {
         replaces = xml_attrval (obj_layout, "replaces");
         if (!*replaces) replaces = "content";
         mark = xml_search (layout, "template:value", "name", replaces);
         if (mark) xml_replacewithcontent (mark, obj_layout);

int _repos_publish_to_files (XML * pubcon, const char * filespec, XML * layout, XML * page, XML * object);
int _repos_publish_page (XML * pubcon, XML * page, XML * object, XML * publisher)
   XML * layout;
   XML * repository;
   XML * hook;
   XML * pubto;
   int   free_pubcon;

   if (xml_is (pubcon, "pubcon")) { /* Normal mode. */
      repository = xml_search (pubcon, "repository", NULL, NULL);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      repository = xml_getbin(repository);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      free_pubcon = 0;
   } else { /* Library-internal call with no publishing context; this is the repository. */
      repository = pubcon;
      pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
      hook = xml_create ("repository");
      xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      hook = xml_create ("files");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      free_pubcon = 1;
   pubto = xml_loc (repository, ".publish-to");

   xml_delete (xml_search (pubcon, "page", NULL, NULL));
   hook = xml_create ("page");
   xml_setbin (hook, page, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   xml_delete (xml_search (pubcon, "publisher", NULL, NULL));
   hook = xml_create ("publisher");
   xml_setbin (hook, publisher, NULL);
   xml_append (pubcon, hook);

   /* Find layout for page. */
   layout = repos_get_layout (repository, xml_attrval (page, "layout"));
   if (!layout) return 0;

   repos_log (repository, 4, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "publishing to page '%s'", xml_attrval (page, "id"));

   /* If an object is given, get the object format and merge it with the layout. */
   /* If no object layout is specified, then no mapping is necessary. */
   _repos_merge_layout (repository, publisher, layout);

   /* Publish filespec. */
   if (pubto) xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pubto, "dir")); else xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", "./");
   xml_attrcat (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (page, "page"));
   xml_set (pubcon, "filespec", xml_attrval (page, "page"));
   _repos_publish_to_files (pubcon, xml_attrval (pubcon, "fullfilespec"), layout, page, object);
   if (free_pubcon) xml_free (pubcon);
   return 1;
int _repos_publish_file (XML * pubcon, XML * publisher, const char * filespec, XML * object)
   XML * layout = NULL;
   XML * obj_layout;
   FILE * file;
   const char * replaces;
   XML * member;
   XML * mark;
   XML * hook;
   int   free_pubcon;

   XML * repository;

   if (xml_is (pubcon, "pubcon")) { /* Normal mode. */
      repository = xml_search (pubcon, "repository", NULL, NULL);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      repository = xml_getbin(repository);
      if (!repository) return 0;
      free_pubcon = 0;
   } else { /* Library-internal call with no publishing context; this is the repository. */
      repository = pubcon;
      pubcon = xml_create ("pubcon");
      hook = xml_create ("repository");
      xml_setbin (hook, repository, NULL);
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      hook = xml_create ("files");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      free_pubcon = 1;

   xml_delete (xml_search (pubcon, "page", NULL, NULL));

   /* If layout named, retrieve it. */
   if (*xml_attrval (publisher, "layout")) layout = repos_get_layout (repository, xml_attrval (publisher, "layout"));

   /* If an object is given, get the object format and merge it with the layout. */
   /* If no object layout is specified, then no mapping is necessary. */
   _repos_merge_layout (repository, publisher, layout);
   _repos_publish_to_files (pubcon, filespec, layout, NULL, object);
   if (free_pubcon) xml_free (pubcon);
   return 0;
All the real work of publication is done here. (23 Feb 2003): introduced _repos_pagefile_open, which opens a page file being published. It looks for a configuration value of "pagebase", then if that's not there, goes ahead with the repository's "basedir" value. It opens the file for writing.
static FILE * _repos_pagefile_open (XML * repos, const char * filename)
   XML * scratch = xml_create ("s");
   FILE * ret;

   xml_set_nodup (scratch, "dir", xmlobj_getconf (repos, "pagebase", xml_attrval (repos, "basedir")));
   if (*filename == '/' || *filename == '\\') {
      xml_set (scratch, "f", filename);
   } else {
      xml_setf (scratch, "f", "%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), filename);
   ret = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "f"), "w");
   xml_free (scratch);
   return (ret);

char * _repos_publish_getvalue (XML * context, XML * object, const char * value);
int _repos_publish_to_files (XML * pubcon, const char * filespec, XML * layout, XML * page, XML * object)
   XML * result;
   XML * publisher;
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * list_t;
   int free_list = 0;
   XML * mark;
   XML * first;
   XML * prev;
   XML * cur;
   XML * next;
   XML * last;
   XML * repository;
   XML * hook;
   char * filesp = NULL;
   const char * detail;
   FILE * file;
   XML * files;
   XML * pubto;

   repository = xml_search (pubcon, "repository", NULL, NULL);
   repository = xml_getbin (repository);
   publisher = xml_search (pubcon, "publisher", NULL, NULL);
   if (publisher) publisher = xml_getbin (publisher);

   /* Express template, once if object is supplied or filespec is a single file; iteratively otherwise. */
   if (object || !strchr (filespec, '[') || !page) { /* This case is a single file, but may express a list. */
      repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", " -- write to %s", filespec);

      xml_set (pubcon, "file", filespec);
      if (object) {
         /* Format filespec as flat template. */
         filesp = xmlobj_format (object, NULL, filespec);
         xml_set (pubcon, "file", filesp);
      repos_log (repository, 6, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "publishing single object to file %s", filesp ? filesp : filespec);

      /* Is the template a list template?  If so, attempt to figure out which list should be expressed. */
      list_t = xml_search (layout, "template:list", NULL, NULL);
      if (list_t) {
         xml_set (list_t, "list", xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"));
         if (!*xml_attrval (list_t, "list")) list_t = NULL;
      if (!list_t) { /* Nope, not a list expression, just a plain old page. */
         result = xml_template_apply (pubcon, layout, object, _repos_publish_getvalue);
      } else {
         list = xml_search (pubcon, "list", NULL, NULL);
         if (list) list = xml_getbin (list);
         if (!list) { /* If the publishing context doesn't already have a list, retrieve the named list. */
            list = xml_create ("list");
            free_list = 1;
            xml_set (list, "id", xml_attrval (list_t, "list"));
            xml_set (list, "order", xml_attrval (list_t, "order"));
            if (!*xml_attrval (list, "order")) xml_set (list, "order", xml_attrval (publisher, "order"));
            xml_set (list, "record", "record");
            repos_list (repository, list);
            hook = xml_create ("list");
            xml_append (pubcon, hook);
            xml_setbin (hook, list, NULL);
         result = xml_template_apply_list (pubcon, layout, list, NULL, _repos_publish_getvalue);

      /* Write */
      file = _repos_pagefile_open (repository, filesp ? filesp : filespec);
      if (file) {
         repos_log (repository, 7, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "file %s opened successfully", filesp ? filesp : filespec);
         if (!*xml_attrval (result, "type") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (result, "type"), "page")) {
            fprintf (file, "\n\n");
            xml_writecontenthtml (file, result);
            fprintf (file, "\n\n");
         } else {
            xml_writecontenthtml (file, result);
         fclose (file);
         files = xml_search (pubcon, "files", NULL, NULL);
         if (!files) {
            files = xml_create ("files");
            xml_append (pubcon, files);
         hook = xml_create ("file");
         xml_append (files, hook);
         xml_set (hook, "file", xml_attrval (pubcon, "file"));
      xml_free (result);
      if (filesp) free (filesp);

      if (!*xml_attrval (publisher, "detail")) {
         if (free_list) xml_free (list);
         return 0;

      /* So we're now going to write the detail page(s) of this list.  Let's retrieve the proper publisher. */
      detail = xml_attrval (publisher, "detail");
      if (detail) {
         if (publisher) publisher = xml_search (repository, "publish", "id", xml_attrval (publisher, "detail"));
         if (!publisher) {
            repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "Detail publisher '%s' not found", xml_attrval (publisher, "detail"));

      if (!detail || !publisher) { /* no detail publisher, or not found */
         if (free_list) xml_free (list);
         return 0;

      /* Load proper detail page, set in pubcon, error if not found. */
      pubto = xml_loc (repository, ".publish-to");
      if (pubto) xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (pubto, "dir")); else xml_set (pubcon, "fullfilespec", "./");
      page = xml_search (repository, "page", "id", xml_attrval (publisher, "to"));
      xml_attrcat (pubcon, "fullfilespec", xml_attrval (page, "page"));
      xml_set (pubcon, "filespec", xml_attrval (page, "page"));
      filespec = xml_attrval (pubcon, "fullfilespec");

      /* Load and merge detail layout. */
      layout = repos_get_layout (repository, xml_attrval (page, "layout"));
      if (*xml_attrval (publisher, "layout")) layout = repos_get_layout (repository, xml_attrval (publisher, "layout"));
      _repos_merge_layout (repository, publisher, layout);

   /* If we're here, then this filespec refers to multiple files.  It might be a detail of a list published above. */
   repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", " -- write list %s to %s", xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"), filespec);
   repos_log (repository, 6, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "publishing multiple objects to files %s", filespec);

   if (!list) {
      list = xml_create ("list");
      free_list = 1;
      xml_set (list, "id", xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"));
      xml_set (list, "order", xml_attrval (publisher, "order"));
      xml_set (list, "record", "record");
      repos_list (repository, list);
      hook = xml_create ("list");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
      xml_setbin (hook, list, NULL);

   /* TODO: rewrite all this below to store records in the pubcon by list/key combination and not by list position. */
   first = xml_firstelem (list);
   if (!first) {
      repos_report_log (repository, "_publog", "list empty");
      if (free_list) xml_free (list);
      return 0;
   xml_set (list, "first", xml_attrval (first, "id"));
   /*first = repos_get (repository, xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"), xml_attrval (first, "id"));*/
   hook = xml_search (pubcon, "first", NULL, NULL);
   if (!hook) {
      hook = xml_create ("first");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
   xml_setbin (hook, first, NULL);

   last = xml_lastelem (list);
   xml_set (list, "last", xml_attrval (last, "id"));
   /*if (strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "first"), xml_attrval (list, "last"))) {
      last = repos_get (repository, xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"), xml_attrval (last, "id"));
   } else {
      last = xml_copy (first);
   hook = xml_search (pubcon, "last", NULL, NULL);
   if (!hook) {
      hook = xml_create ("last");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
   xml_setbin (hook, last, NULL);

   xml_set (list, "cur", xml_attrval (first, "id"));
   /*cur = xml_copy (first);*/
   cur = first;

   mark = xml_firstelem (list);
   next = xml_nextelem (mark);
   /*if (next) next = repos_get (repository, xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"), xml_attrval (next, "id"));*/
   hook = xml_search (pubcon, "next", NULL, NULL);
   if (!hook) {
      hook = xml_create ("next");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
   xml_setbin (hook, next, NULL);
   prev = NULL;
   hook = xml_search (pubcon, "prev", NULL, NULL);
   if (!hook) {
      hook = xml_create ("prev");
      xml_append (pubcon, hook);
   xml_setbin (hook, prev, NULL);

   mark = xml_firstelem (list);
   while (mark) {
      /* Format filespec as flat template. */
      /* printf ("cur object: %s\n\n", xml_string (cur));*/
      filesp = xmlobj_format (cur, NULL, filespec);
      xml_set (pubcon, "file", filesp);

      result = xml_template_apply (pubcon, layout, cur, _repos_publish_getvalue);

      /* Write */
      repos_log (repository, 7, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "publishing object with key %s to %s", xml_attrval (list, "cur"), filesp);
      file = _repos_pagefile_open (repository, filesp);
      if (file) {
         if (!*xml_attrval (result, "type") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (result, "type"), "page")) {
            fprintf (file, "\n\n");
            xml_writecontenthtml (file, result);
            fprintf (file, "\n\n");
         } else {
            xml_writecontenthtml (file, result);
         fclose (file);
         files = xml_search (pubcon, "files", NULL, NULL);
         if (!files) {
            files = xml_create ("files");
            xml_append (pubcon, files);
         hook = xml_create ("file");
         xml_append (files, hook);
         xml_set (hook, "file", xml_attrval (pubcon, "file"));
      free (filesp);
      xml_free (result);

      if (!next) break;

      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

      /*if (prev) xml_free (prev);*/
      prev = cur;
      xml_setbin (xml_search (pubcon, "prev", NULL, NULL), prev, NULL);
      cur = next; /* With new setup, cur and mark are always going to be pointing to the same structure. */
      xml_set (list, "prev", xml_attrval (prev, "id"));
      xml_set (list, "cur", xml_attrval (cur, "id"));
      xml_set (list, "next", xml_attrval (next, "id"));
      next = xml_nextelem (mark);
      /*if (next) next = repos_get (repository, xml_attrval (pubcon, "list"), xml_attrval (next, "id"));*/
      xml_setbin (xml_search (pubcon, "next", NULL, NULL), next, NULL);
   /*if (prev) xml_free (prev);
   if (cur) xml_free (cur);
   if (first) xml_free (first);
   if (last) xml_free (last);*/
   if (free_list) xml_free (list);
Finally, a callback to retrieve a named value given the (rather complicated) context of the value. The search for values proceeds as follows:
  1. Page attribute, with one pass through flat-template expression against the object using [] notation
  2. Macro value (search siblings, then parent siblings, etc.)
  3. Field value from object -- permits named object to be used: (next), (first), (prev), (last)
  4. HTML text value from text directory
  5. Wiki text value from text directory, Wiki-ized
  6. Page field value (treat the page as a record.)
In case I forget to define flat-template expression elsewhere, it's just the ability to take a string such as "obj[key].html" and return a value of, say, "obj2874.html" using the key of the object.

Eventually there should be a cache mechanism for values, but frankly I don't expect this thing to have to scale very hard anyway. I'll probably prove myself wrong at some point, but until then I'm not going to think it through.

(December 27, 2002) - added named records attached to the context.
char * _repos_macro_resolve (XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * macro, const char * value);

/* Quick little hack. */
void xml_read_attr (XML * xml, const char * attr, FILE * file)
   char line[1024];

   xml_set (xml, attr, "");
   while (fgets (line, sizeof(line) - 1, file)) {
      xml_attrcat (xml, attr, line);

char * _repos_publish_getvalue (XML * context, XML * object, const char * value)
   const char * val;
   XML * mark;
   XML * srch;
   XML * page = context;
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * defn;
   XML * repository = context;
   char * chmark;
   char filename[256];
   char filename2[256];
   FILE * file;
   XML * wiki;
   XML * finished;
   XML * todo;

   /* Find top.  If the context *is* the top, then we haven't got a page. */
   if (xml_is (context, "pubcon")) {
      page = xml_search (context, "page", NULL, NULL);
      if (page) page = xml_getbin (page);
      repository = xml_search (context, "repository", NULL, NULL);
      if (repository) repository = xml_getbin (repository);
      list = xml_search (context, "list", NULL, NULL);
      if (list) list = xml_getbin (list);
      defn = repos_defn (repository, xml_attrval (context, "list"));
   } else { /* Don't know if this will ever get used, but ... */
      while (xml_parent (repository)) repository = xml_parent (repository);
      if (page == repository) page = NULL;

   /* Macro value? */
   srch = repository;
   if (page) if (xml_parent(page)) srch = xml_parent(page);
   mark = NULL;
   while (!mark) {
      mark = xml_search (srch, "macro", "id", value);
      if (!mark) {
         if (srch == repository) break;
         srch = xml_parent (srch);
         if (!srch) break;
   if (mark) {
      val = _repos_macro_resolve (repository, page, object, mark, value);
      if (val) return ((char *)val);

   /* Field value? */
   if (*value == '(') { /* Named object in context. */
      strncpy (filename, value+1, sizeof (filename)-1);
      chmark = strchr (filename, ')');
      if (chmark) {
         value += chmark - filename + 2;
         *chmark = '\0';
         object = xml_search (context, filename, NULL, NULL);
         if (xml_getbin (object)) object = xml_getbin (object);
   if (object) {
      if (!*value) { /* default value is URL of object */
         val = xmlobj_format (object, defn, xml_attrval (context, "filespec"));
         return ((char *) val);
      if (strchr (value, '[')) {
         val = xmlobj_format (object, defn, value);
         if (val) return ((char *)val);
      } else {
         val = xmlobj_get (object, defn, value);
         mark = xml_search (defn, "field", "id", value);
         if (val && !strcmp ("wiki", xml_attrval (mark, "type"))) {
            wiki = wiki_parse (val);
            todo = xml_loc (repository, "todo");
            if (!todo) {
               todo = xml_create ("todo");
               xml_append (repository, todo);
            finished = wiki_build (repository, wiki, todo);
            xml_free (wiki);
            free ((void *)val);
            val = xml_stringcontenthtml (finished);
            xml_free (finished);
         if (val) return ((char *)val);
      if (!strcmp (value, "_key")) {
         return (strdup (xml_attrval (object, "key")));
      if (!strcmp (value, "_list")) {
         return (strdup (xml_attrval (object, "list")));

   /* Page attribute? */
   if (page) {
      val = xml_attrval (page, value);
      if (*val) return (xmlobj_format (object, NULL, val));
      if (!strcmp (val, "_page")) {
         return (strdup (xml_attrval (page, "id")));
      if (!strcmp (value, "_section")) {
         if (xml_loc (page, ".page")) {
            return (strdup (xml_attrval (page, "id")));
         } else if (xml_is (xml_parent(page), "page")) {
            return (strdup (xml_attrval (xml_parent (page), "id")));
         } else {
            return (strdup (xml_attrval (page, "id")));

   /* HTML text from text directory? */
   strcpy (filename, *xml_attrval (repository, "text") ? xml_attrval (repository, "text") : "opmtext");
   strcat (filename, "/");
   strcat (filename, xml_attrval (page, "id"));
   strcat (filename, "_");
   strcat (filename, value);

   sprintf (filename2, "%s.html", filename);
   file = _repos_fopen (repository, filename2, "r");
   if (!file) {
      sprintf (filename2, "%s.htm", filename);
      file = _repos_fopen (repository, filename2, "r");
   if (file) {
      mark = xml_create ("scratch");
      xml_read_attr (mark, "scratch", file);
      val = strdup (xml_attrval (mark, "scratch"));
      xml_free (mark);
      fclose (file);
      return (char *) val;

   /* Wiki text? */
   sprintf (filename2, "", filename);
   file = _repos_fopen (repository, filename2, "r");
   if (!file) {
      sprintf (filename2, "%s.txt", filename);
      file = _repos_fopen (repository, filename2, "r");
   if (file) {
      mark = xml_create ("scratch");
      xml_read_attr (mark, "scratch", file);
      wiki = wiki_parse (xml_attrval (mark, "scratch"));
      xml_free (mark);
      todo = xml_loc (repository, "todo");
      if (!todo) {
         todo = xml_create ("todo");
         xml_append (repository, todo);
      finished = wiki_build (repository, wiki, todo);
      xml_free (wiki);
      val = xml_stringcontenthtml (finished);
      xml_free (finished);
      fclose (file);
      return (char *) val;

   /* Page field value? */
   if (page) {
      val = xmlobj_get (page, NULL, value);
      if (val) return ((char *)val);

   return (strdup (""));
Previous: Working with repository objects ] [ Top: Repository manager ] [ Next: Macro processing ]

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