Macro processing

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Macro resolution covers a whole lot of ground; a macro is defined in the repository by inserting it into the page structure. When a page searches for values, it can then find that macro (by id) by searching in its parent, then the parent's parent, and so forth until it reaches the top of the repository. A macro is selected by tool name ("nav" is a navigation macro, for instance), and the resolver is given the repository, the page it's being resolved in, the macro definition itself (which may reference an external file), and the name of the value which it's resolving.

Macros will include the navbar tool, simple value definition (an area name, for instance), file inclusion, and probably many other things. Navbars are the most complex at this point.

The result of a macro resolution is text, not XML. This text may contain any XML special characters needed, so that macros can define arbitrary HTML.
char * _repos_macro_tool_nav (XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * defn);
char * _repos_macro_resolve (XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * macro, const char * value)
   char * result;
   FILE * file;
   XML * defn = NULL;

   if (!*xml_attrval (macro, "tool") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (macro, "tool"), "value")) {
      if (!*xml_attrval (macro, "value")) {
         return (strdup (xml_attrval (macro, "value")));
      return xml_stringcontenthtml (macro);

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (macro, "tool"), "include")) {
      if (!*xml_attrval (macro, "defn")) {
         file = _repos_fopen (repository, xml_attrval (macro, "defn"), "r");
         if (file) {
            /* Read the file into a string. */
            defn = xml_create ("scratch");
            xml_read_attr (defn, "scratch", file);
            result = strdup (xml_attrval (defn, "scratch"));
            fclose (file);
            xml_free (defn);
            return (result);
      return (strdup (""));

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (macro, "tool"), "nav")) {
      if (*xml_attrval (macro, "defn")) {
         file = _repos_fopen (repository, xml_attrval (macro, "defn"), "r");
         if (file) {
            defn = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
            fclose (file);
            if (xml_is (defn, "xml-error")) {
               xml_free (defn);
               defn = NULL;
      return _repos_macro_tool_nav (repository, page, object, defn ? defn : macro);

   return (strdup (""));
So let's define how navbar construction works. First, our navbar definition language is structured pretty much like the template language. We have nav:level, nav:list and nav:type elements; a nav:level element selects a set of navbar definitions based on the level of the page in its hierarchy, a nav:list iterates through the pages at the current level, and nav:type checks for selection and other attributes of the page. This is a great improvement over representing everything as a set of templates, which is what the predecessor code to the repository manager did. It was messy indeed, since it had to be very general.

Once we get inside the nav element structure, we can use template application to continue.
void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_level (XML * result,
                                          XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object,
                                          XML * template,
                                          int curlevel, int pagelevel);
void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express (XML * result,
                                    XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object,
                                    XML * master, XML * template,
                                    int curlevel, int pagelevel);
char * _repos_macro_tool_nav (XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * defn)
   XML * mark;
   XML * result;
   XML * nav;
   int level;
   char * res;

   /* Find page in hierarchy. */
   level = 1;
   mark = xml_parent (page);
   while (mark && mark != repository) {
      level ++;
      mark = xml_parent (mark);

   result = xml_create ("nav");
   _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_level (result, repository, page, object, defn, 1, level); /* This bit is recursive. */

   res = xml_stringcontenthtml (result);
   xml_free (result);

   return (res);
Now let's look at the recursive definition of navbar expression. To express an element, we look at its type: if a nav: element we call the appropriate handler, if a template: element we call template expression, and if anything else we just copy it and express its children. This works pretty much the same as plain-vanilla template expression, and really it's quite the illustration of the power of XML when working with recursive structure. I love this stuff.

I find myself nearly incapable of documenting this logic. I don't think I even understand it, not globally. We're iterating through the site map, and to do that, we iterate through the navbar template. All of this is taking place in a greater iteration through the site map as pages are calculated and written. There are thus at least three different traversals of XML trees going on, and I find myself getting them confused on an ongoing basis. I think I have it right. But to really understand it (if indeed any mortal being is capable of understanding it fully) you'll just have to read the code.
void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_level (XML * result, XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * template, int curlevel, int pagelevel)
   XML * defn;
   XML * mark;

   /* Limit this whole thing to one level down from the current page. */
   if (curlevel > pagelevel + 1) return;

   /* Let's find the appropriate level expression in the nav template. */
   defn = xml_firstelem (template);
   while (defn && xml_is (defn, "nav:level")) {
      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (defn, "level"), "*")) break;
      if (atoi (xml_attrval (defn, "level")) == curlevel) break;
      defn = xml_nextelem (defn);

   /* If there is no level which matches, but we're not at the current page's level, then we increment the level and try again.
      This might be a series of local nav bars, after all. */
   if (!defn) {
      _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_level (result, repository, page, object, template, curlevel + 1, pagelevel);

   /* Now we scan up to curlevel in the site tree above the current page, and generate the entries for the ancestor and all siblings
      of the ancestor.  When we hit a nav:level element, we'll increment curlevel and call this function again. */
   mark = xml_first (defn);
   while (mark) {
      _repos_macro_tool_nav_express (result, repository, page, object, template, mark, curlevel, pagelevel);
      mark = xml_next (mark);

void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_piece (XML * result,
                                          XML * repository, XML * page, XML * origpage, XML * object,
                                          XML * master, XML * template,
                                          int curlevel, int pagelevel,
                                          int selected, int parent_selected);  /* A mouthful! */
void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express (XML * result, XML * repository, XML * page, XML * object, XML * master, XML * template, int curlevel, int pagelevel)
   XML * res;
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark_but_one;
   XML * mark2;
   int i;

   if (!xml_is_element (template)) {
      xml_append (result, xml_copy (template));

   if (!strcmp (xml_name (template), "nav:list")) {
      /* Find the right level. */
      if (curlevel > pagelevel) {
         mark_but_one = NULL;
         mark = page;
      } else if (curlevel == pagelevel) {
         mark_but_one = page;
         mark = xml_parent (page);
      } else {
         mark_but_one = page;
         mark = xml_parent(page);

         for (i = curlevel; i < pagelevel; i++) {
            mark_but_one = xml_parent (mark_but_one);
            mark = xml_parent (mark);

      /* Iterate through it, expressing pages. */
      mark = xml_firstelem (mark);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "page")) {
            mark2 = xml_first (template);
            while (mark2) {
               _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_piece (result, repository, mark, page, object, master, mark2, curlevel, pagelevel, mark == page, mark == mark_but_one);
               mark2 = xml_next (mark2);
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
   } else if (!strncmp (xml_name (template), "template:", 9)) {
      res = xml_template_apply (page, template, object, _repos_publish_getvalue);
      mark = xml_first (res);
      while (mark) {
         xml_append (result, xml_copy(mark));
         mark = xml_next (mark);
      xml_free (res);
   } else {
      res = xml_create (xml_name (template));
      xml_copyattrs (res, template);
      mark = xml_first (template);
      while (mark) {
         _repos_macro_tool_nav_express (res, repository, page, object, master, mark, curlevel, pagelevel);
         mark = xml_next (mark);
      xml_append (result, res);

void _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_piece (XML * result,
                                          XML * repository, XML * page, XML * origpage, XML * object,
                                          XML * master, XML * template,
                                          int curlevel, int pagelevel,
                                          int selected, int parent_selected)
   XML * res;
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark_but_one;
   XML * mark2;
   int test;
   int i;

   if (!xml_is_element (template)) {
      xml_append (result, xml_copy (template));

   if (!strcmp  (xml_name (template), "nav:type")) {
      /* Determine whether we express this or not. */
      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (template, "test"), "selected")) {
         test = selected;
      } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (template, "test"), "unselected")) {
         test = !selected && !parent_selected;
      } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (template, "test"), "parentselected")) {
         test = parent_selected && !selected;
      } else {
         test = *xml_attrval (page, xml_attrval (template, "test"));

      if (test) {
         res = xml_create ("nav");
         mark = xml_first (template);
         while (mark) {
            _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_piece (res, repository, page, origpage, object, master, mark, curlevel, pagelevel, selected, parent_selected);
            mark = xml_next (mark);
         mark = xml_first (res);
         while (mark) {
            xml_append (result, xml_copy(mark));
            mark = xml_next (mark);
         xml_free (res);
   } else if (!strcmp  (xml_name (template), "nav:level")) {
      _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_level (result, repository, origpage, object, master, curlevel + 1, pagelevel);
   } else if (!strncmp (xml_name (template), "template:", 9)) {
      res = xml_template_apply (page, template, object, _repos_publish_getvalue);
      if (xml_is_element (res)) {
         mark = xml_first (res);
         while (mark) {
            xml_append (result, xml_copy(mark));
            mark = xml_next (mark);
         xml_free (res);
      } else {
         xml_append (result, res);
   } else {
      res = xml_create (xml_name (template));
      xml_copyattrs (res, template);
      mark = xml_first (template);
      while (mark) {
         _repos_macro_tool_nav_express_piece (res, repository, page, origpage, object, master, mark, curlevel, pagelevel, selected, parent_selected);
         mark = xml_next (mark);
      xml_append (result, res);

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