Creating and administering lists

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The basic core of list administration is the definition of the data in the list. The repository manager is very flexible when it comes to what can be in objects -- essentially, it doesn't care what XML you toss in there, as long as it can figure out a couple of fields. However, your needs may require restrictions, and of course if the list is stored in a relational database then the database may also impose some restrictions. Changing those restrictions may require addition of columns, or even the complete reload of a table, depending on how much change you actually need. So naturally (as per usual procedure) I'm glossing over most of that for now.
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_create  (XML * repository, const char * list)
   return 0;
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_drop    (XML * repository, const char * list)
   return 0;
Returning the definition of a list is a pretty straightforward process; this might get a little more fraught with detail after we get more serious about the various special-purpose pseudolists. We'll see.

TODO: may need pseudolist post-processing of definition retrieval for _publog: we *always* need, for instance, a "start" field with special "now" handling.

November 29, 2002: Here we go. The definition of the "_sessions" list must be returned correctly even if it's not defined. Thus we first look at the repository to find a definition, and return that (overriding) definition if found. But if it's not overridden, we return a default definition. We'll eventually be doing much the same thing with all the system lists (and not only here in the defn return function, but also in various access and editing functions as well.)

May 26, 2003: Woo! Workflow smarts! All that repos_defn has to do is to make sure that _tasks and _taskindex work correctly regardless of their definitions in the repository. (I.e. all the correct fields are there, default storages are appropriate, etc.) And _todo. And _procdefs.

May 29, 2003: Still debugging.... Anyway, it seems to me that repos_defn should enforce the default localdir:(list name) storage location.

Feb 4, 2004: Added _views. Slowly the formatting end is starting to make a little sense.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_defn    (XML * repository, const char * list_id)
   XML * list;
   XML * defn;
   int   later_check = 0;
   FILE * file;

   list = xml_locf (repository, ".list[%s]", list_id);
   if (!list) {
      /* System-defined lists, first list. */
      if (!strcmp (list_id, "_sessions")) {
         list = xml_parse ("\n\n");
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_views")) {
         list = xml_parse ("\n\n\n");
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_notifications")) {
         list = xml_parse ("");
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_tasks")) {
         list = xml_parse ("");
         later_check = 1;
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_todo")) {
         list = xml_parse ("");
         later_check = 1;
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_taskindex")) {
         list = xml_parse ("");
         later_check = 1;
      } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_procdefs")) {
         list = xml_parse ("\n\n");
         later_check = 1;

      if (list) xml_append (repository, list);
      if (!later_check) return list;

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "defn")) {
      file = _repos_fopen (repository, xml_attrval (list, "defn"), "r");
      if (file) {
         defn = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
         if (!xml_is (defn, "xml-error")) {
            xml_copyinto (list, defn);
            xml_set (list, "defn", "");
            xml_free (defn);
         fclose (file);

   if (!strcmp (list_id, "_notifications")) {
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "storage")) xml_setf (list, "storage", "localdir:%s", list_id);
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) xml_set (list, "key", "key");
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[label]"))   xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[from]"))    xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[to]"))      xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[subject]")) xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[text]"))    xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[html]"))    xml_append_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
   } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_todo") || !strcmp (list_id, "_tasks")) {
      /* Ensure no stupidity with key or default storage defns. */
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "storage")) xml_set (list, "storage", "localdir:_tasks");
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key"))     xml_set (list, "key",     "key");
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "format"))  xml_set (list, "format",  "object"); /* Formatting looks to object for labels, etc. */
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "order"))   xml_set (list, "order",   "priority desc");

      /* _tasks requires some particular fields. */
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[only_after]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[priority]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[cost]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[sched_end]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[sched_start]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[user]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[role]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[label]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[state]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[id]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[obj]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[list]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[key]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
   } else if (!strcmp (list_id, "_taskindex")) {
      /* Ensure no stupidity with key or default storage defns. */
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "storage")) xml_set (list, "storage", "delim:_taskindex");
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key"))     xml_set (list, "key",     "id");
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "create"))  xml_set (list, "create",  "yes");
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "order"))   xml_set (list, "order",   "priority desc");

      /* _taskindex requires some particular fields. */
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[only_after]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[priority]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[cost]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[sched_end]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[sched_start]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[user]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[role]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[label]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[state]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[internal_id]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[obj]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[list]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[key]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
      if (!xml_loc (list, ".field[id]")) xml_prepend_pretty (list, xml_parse (""));
   } else {
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "storage")) xml_setf (list, "storage", "localdir:%s", list_id);

   return list;
(25 June 2003): Thanks to the fine folks at Startext GmbH, I'm revisiting a lot of functionality around here lately. Today's task is to provide a way to get a list of valid values for a given field; the immediate application is to ask the role datastorage adaptor for a list of valid users for a given role if the role is being represented as a field -- but other applications may include, for instance, a list of valid categories for an object.

The function will look in the following places for the list of values: Failing all that, we return NULL, meaning there is no restriction on values.

The format of the return XML is similar to that of an HTML select tag, with [[option value="something">label[[/option> being the motif. This makes it easy to use the result to format an HTML dropdown selection for the field.

2004-Feb-6: This is also the logical place to build the list of choices for the state variable (either named "_state", or with type="state") -- and also the list of choices for valid actions to take against an object. For either of these, the eventual logic is going to be a lot more complex than what I'm putting here today. But this is still the logical place.

Permissible actions fall into three categories that I can think of right now: regular object actions (mod, del), state transitions (state.x for all valid transition states x, including "complete" for task objects), and task completion (active, potential, or passive tasks). Note that completion of tasks at the process level is different from completing a task object at the task level. (I forget this point again and again.)
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_list_choices (XML * repository, const char *list_id, XML * obj, const char *field) {
   XML * list;
   XML * fld;
   XML * mark;
   XML * state;
   XML * choices = NULL;
   XML * choice;
   XML * holder;
   XML * val;
   const char * adaptor;
   char * adaptor_buf;
   char * label;
   XML * query;

   list = repos_defn (repository, list_id);
   fld = xml_locf (list, ".field[%s]", field);

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (fld, "type"), "select")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (fld);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "option")) {
            if (!choices) choices = xml_create ("select");
            xml_append_pretty (choices, xml_copy (mark));
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      return (choices);

   /* State? */
   if (!strcmp (field, "_state") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (fld, "type"), "state")) {
      if (!obj) return NULL;

      choices = xml_create ("select");
      xml_set (choices, "name", field);
      xml_set_nodup (choices, "state", xmlobj_get (obj, list, field));

      if (*xml_attrval (choices, "state")) {
         state = xml_search (list, "state", "id", xml_attrval (choices, "state"));
      } else {
         state = xml_search (list, "state", NULL, NULL);
         if (state) xml_set (choices, "state", xml_attrval (state, "id"));

      mark = NULL;
      if (state) mark = xml_search (state, "transition", NULL, NULL);
      if (!mark) { /* No transitions (or no such state): all states are fair game. */
         mark = xml_search (list, "state", NULL, NULL);
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "state")) {
               holder = xml_create ("option");
               xml_set (holder, "value", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (choices, "state"))) {
                  xml_set (holder, "selected", "yes");
               xml_append (holder, xml_createtext (*xml_attrval (mark, "label")
                                                   ? xml_attrval (mark, "label")
                                                   : xml_attrval (mark, "id")));
               xml_append (choices, holder);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      } else { /* Current state has restricted transition list. */
         holder = xml_create ("option");
         xml_set (holder, "value", xml_attrval (choices, "state"));
         xml_set (holder, "selected", "yes");
         xml_append (holder, xml_createtext (*xml_attrval (state, "label")
                                             ? xml_attrval (state, "label")
                                             : xml_attrval (state, "id")));
         xml_append (choices, holder);
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "transition")) {
               state = xml_search (list, "state", "id", xml_attrval (mark, "to"));
               if (strcmp (xml_attrval (state, "id"), xml_attrval (choices, "state"))) {
                  holder = xml_create ("option");
                  xml_set (holder, "value", xml_attrval (mark, "to"));
                  xml_append (holder, xml_createtext (*xml_attrval (state, "label")
                                                      ? xml_attrval (state, "label")
                                                      : xml_attrval (state, "id")));
                  xml_append (choices, holder);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      xml_unset (choices, "state");
      return (choices);

   /* Permissible actions? */
   if (!strcmp (field, "_action")) {
      /* TODO */

   adaptor = strchr (field, ':') ? field : fld ? (*xml_attrval (fld, "choices") ? xml_attrval (fld, "choices") : xml_attrval (fld, "storage") ) : "";
   if (*adaptor && strcmp (adaptor, "record")) { /* Ask datastore adaptor */
      if (!strncmp (adaptor, "list:", 5)) {
         adaptor_buf = strdup (adaptor + 5);
         label = strchr (adaptor_buf, ';');
         if (label) {
            *label = '\0';
         query = xml_create ("list");
         xml_set (query, "id", adaptor_buf);
         repos_list (repository, query);
         choices = xml_create ("select");
         mark = xml_firstelem (query);
         while (mark) {
            if (!xml_is (mark, "field") && !xml_is(mark, "where") && !xml_is (mark, "link")) {
               choice = xml_create ("option");
               xml_set (choice, "value", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               if (label) {
                  xml_append (choice, xml_createtext_nodup (xmlobj_format (mark, NULL, label)));
               } else {
                  xml_append (choice, xml_createtext (xml_attrval (mark, "id")));
               xml_append_pretty (choices, choice);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
         xml_free (query);
         free (adaptor_buf);
         return (choices);

      ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, DATASTORE, adaptor);
      if (!ad) return NULL;
      choices = wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "choices", field, obj, list);
      wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);
      return (choices);

   if (!fld) return NULL;

   if (*xml_attrval (fld, "link")) { /* TODO: implement linked fields. */
      return NULL;

   /* Are options supplied in the field spec? */
   mark = xml_firstelem (fld);
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "option")) {
         if (!choices) choices = xml_create ("select");
         xml_append_pretty (choices, xml_copy (mark));
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   return choices;
(30 July 2002): So I'm just now getting down to the business of displaying object edit forms now that I'm working on the CGI interface (i.e. the first actual use of object edit forms). The way I'm doing this is going to be pretty complex in the end -- I want the ability to encode wizards into the list definition, so the actual display of an edit form will depend on three variables: the mode is specified by the caller (example: edit, display), the status of the object is the second, and third the user making the request can also have an effect on the form actually displayed. For the time being, of course, I'm ignoring most of that. This is just the game plan. TODO: (as usual) implement the big plan.

The overall steps for building an edit (or display) form are: It's the layout where we're going to get clever with our Big Plan. If there is no layout (which for the time being will always be the case) then we build a default layout consisting of a table with labels and fields as appropriate. So there's a meaningful improvement path ahead of us.

(2 Jan 2003): so. Breaking ground with integration of workflow and repmgr, at last; today the form display function learns how to display states and available transitions.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_form    (XML * repository, const char * list_id, const char * key, const char * mode)
   XML * list;
   if (!repository) return NULL;
   list = repos_defn (repository, list_id);
   if (!list) return NULL;
   return repos_form_direct (repository, list, key, mode);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_form_object (XML * repository, const char * list_id, XML * object, const char * mode)
   XML * list;
   if (!repository) return NULL;
   list = repos_defn (repository, list_id);
   if (!list) return NULL;
   return repos_form_object_direct (repository, list, object, mode);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_form_direct (XML * repository, XML * list, const char * key, const char * mode)
   XML * object;

   /* Retrieve the object. */
   if (key) {
      object = repos_get (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"), key);
      if (!object) return NULL;
   } else {
      object = NULL;

   return repos_form_object_direct (repository, list, object, mode);

void _repos_default_field_layout (XML * layout, XML * field, const char * mode);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_form_object_direct (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, const char * mode)
   XML * layout = NULL;
   XML * field;
   XML * state;
   XML * parent_list;
   XML * defn_field;
   XML * actions;
   XML * tr;
   XML * td;
   XML * mark;
   char * view;

   if (!mode) mode = "new";

   /* Ask the list how we should lay the current object out, assuming there is one. */
   /* TODO: this is where we implement form construction from the system definition (or form lookup, or whatever). */
   /* 2004-02-14 - one method: _views (see repos_view_find) */
   view = repos_view_find (repository, list, object, mode);
   if (view) {
      repos_log (repository, 4, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "building _views-derived form in mode %s for object in class %s", mode, xml_attrval (list, "id"));
      layout = xml_createtext_nodup (repos_view_express (repository, list, object, view));
      free (view);
      return (layout);

   /* Otherwise we build our default. */
   repos_log (repository, 4, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "building default form in mode %s for object in class %s", mode, xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* The default for tasks, of course, differs from the regular run of the mill object, as field information
      comes from the parent object and its list rather than (mostly) from the _tasks list. */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "id"), "_tasks") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "id"), "_todo")) {
      list = repos_defn (repository, "_tasks");

      layout = xml_create ("table");
      repos_log (repository, 4, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "task's parent list is %s", xml_attrval (object, "list"));
      parent_list = repos_defn (repository, xml_attrval (object, "list"));
      /* For tasks, we first scan the object itself for fields, and display them using labeling info from the parent object's list. */
      field = xml_firstelem (object);
      while (field) {
         if (xml_is (field, "field")) {
            defn_field = xml_search (parent_list, "field", "id", xml_attrval (field, "id"));
            if (strcmp (xml_attrval (defn_field, "special"), "rest_xml")) {
               _repos_default_field_layout (layout, defn_field ? defn_field : field, mode);
         field = xml_nextelem (field);

      /* We then scan the task defn for all fields with a display-mode attribute, and add them to the form. */
      field = xml_firstelem (list);
      while (field) {
         if (xml_is (field, "field") && *xml_attrval (field, "display-mode")) {
            _repos_default_field_layout (layout, field, (strcmp (mode, "edit") && strcmp (mode, "new")) ? mode : xml_attrval (field, "display-mode"));
         field = xml_nextelem (field);

   /* If not a task, we build a simple layout. */
   if (!layout) {
      layout = xml_create ("table");
      field = xml_create ("input");
      xml_set (field, "name", "_control.list");
      xml_set (field, "type", "hidden");
      xml_set (field, "value", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
      xml_append_pretty (layout, field);
      if (object) {
         field = xml_create ("input");
         xml_set (field, "name", "_control.key");
         xml_set (field, "type", "hidden");
         xml_set_nodup (field, "value", xmlobj_getkey (object, list));
         xml_append_pretty (layout, field);
      field = xml_firstelem (list ? ((!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "format"), "object") && object) ? object : list) : object);
      while (field) {
         if (xml_is (field, "field") && strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "special"), "rest_xml")) { /* rest_xml fields are invisible. */
            _repos_default_field_layout (layout, field, mode);
         } /* TODO: how about lists and links? */
         field = xml_nextelem (field);

      /* Add standard actions. */
      if ((!object || !strcmp (mode, "new") || !strcmp (mode, "edit")) && strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "defaultview"), "nobuttons")) {
         actions = repos_action_list_object_direct (repository, list, object, mode);
         tr = xml_create ("tr");
         td = xml_create ("td");
         xml_append_pretty (layout, tr);
         xml_append_pretty (tr, td);
         xml_set (td, "colspan", "2");
         tr = xml_create ("center");
         xml_append_pretty (td, tr);
         for (mark = xml_firstelem (actions); mark; mark = xml_nextelem (mark)) {
            field = xml_create ("input");
            xml_setf (field, "name", "_action.%s", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
            xml_set (field, "type", "submit");
            xml_set  (field, "value", xml_attrval (mark, "label"));
            xml_append (tr, field);
            xml_append (tr, xml_create ("nbsp"));
            xml_append (tr, xml_create ("nbsp"));

   return repos_format_object (repository, list, object, layout);
That uses a little helper function to build a standard field's layout, defined as follows:
void _repos_default_field_layout (XML * layout, XML * field, const char * mode)
   XML * row;
   XML * col;
   XML * val;

   row = xml_create ("tr");
   col = xml_create ("td");
   xml_append (row, col);
   xml_append (col, xml_createtext (*xml_attrval (field, "label") ? xml_attrval (field, "label") : xml_attrval (field, "id")));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "type"), "text") && strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "type"), "wiki")) {
      col = xml_create ("td");
      xml_append (row, col);
      val = xml_create ("template:value");
      xml_set (val, "name", xml_attrval (field, "id"));
      xml_set (val, "storage", xml_attrval (field, "storage"));
      xml_set (val, "mode", mode);
      xml_append (col, val);
   } else {
      xml_set (col, "colspan", "2");
      xml_append_pretty (layout, row);
      row = xml_create ("tr");
      col = xml_create ("td");
      xml_append (row, col);
      xml_set (col, "colspan", "2");
      val = xml_create ("template:value");
      xml_set (val, "name", xml_attrval (field, "id"));
      xml_set (val, "storage", xml_attrval (field, "storage"));
      xml_set (val, "mode", mode);
      xml_append (col, val);
   xml_append_pretty (layout, row);
2004-02-05: I split the field formatter out of format_object, so that we can use it to format fields in repos_view_express. In the process, I cleaned it up a little, which is good, because it's already a mess and it's not even doing half of what I want it to be able to do eventually.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_form_object_field  (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, const char * field_name)
   XML * field;
   XML * spec;
   XML * choices;
   XML * mark;
   XML * state;
   XML * val = NULL;
   char * value = NULL;
   const char * t;
   const char * f;

   spec = xml_locf (list ? list : object, ".field[%s]", field_name);
   if (object) value = xmlobj_get (object, list, field_name);

   /* Select drop-down if repos_list_choices can come up with a list of value choices. */
   /* Note: this includes state selection fields. */
   if (strchr (xml_attrval (spec, "storage"), ':') || !strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "select")) {
      choices = repos_list_choices (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"), object,
                                    strchr (xml_attrval (spec, "storage"), ':') ? xml_attrval (spec, "storage") : field_name);
      if (choices) {
         val = xml_create ("select");
         xml_set (val, "name", field_name);
         if (*xml_attrval (spec, "size")) xml_set (val, "size", xml_attrval (spec, "size"));
         if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "class", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
         if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
         mark = xml_firstelem (choices);
         while (mark) {
            if (value && !strcmp (value, xml_attrval (mark, "value"))) xml_set (mark, "selected", "yes");
            xml_append_pretty (val, xml_copy (mark));
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      xml_free (choices);
      if (value) free (value);
      return (val);

   /* Next, normal text fields. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (spec, "type") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "string")
                                    || !strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "numeric")) {
      val = xml_create ("input");
      xml_set (val, "name", field_name);
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "size")) xml_set (val, "size", xml_attrval (spec, "size"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "class", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
      if (value) xml_set_nodup (val, "value", xmlobj_get (object, list, field_name));
      return (val);

   /* Attachment fields = upload fields. TODO: something sensible if an attachment is already present. */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "document")) {
      val = xml_create ("input");
      xml_set (val, "name", xml_attrval (spec, "id"));
      xml_set (val, "type", "file");
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "size")) xml_set (val, "size", xml_attrval (spec, "size"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "class", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));

      if (value) free (value);
      return (val);

   /* Text/Wiki fields, that is, textareas. */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "text") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "wiki")) {
      val = xml_create ("textarea");
      xml_set (val, "name", field_name);
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "rows")) xml_set (val, "rows", xml_attrval (spec, "rows"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "cols")) xml_set (val, "cols", xml_attrval (spec, "cols"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "cols", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
      if (value) xml_append (val, xml_createtext_nodup (value));

      return (val);

   /* State fields that didn't get handled by repos_list_choices */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "state")) {
      val = xml_create ("div");
      xml_set (val, "name", field_name);
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "class", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
      state = xml_search (list, "state", NULL, NULL);
      if (state) {
         if (*xml_attrval (state, "label")) {
            xml_append (val, xml_createtextf ("(%s)", xml_attrval (state, "label")));
         } else {
            xml_append (val, xml_createtextf ("(%s)", xml_attrval (state, "id")));
      } else {
         xml_append (val, xml_createtext ("(system will supply)"));

      if (value) free (value);
      return (val);

   /* System-determined fields (treated as simple text) */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "system")) {
      val = xml_create ("div");
      xml_set (val, "name", field_name);
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (val, "cols", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (val, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
      if (value) xml_append (val, xml_createtext_nodup (xmlobj_get (object, list, field_name)));
      else       xml_append (val, xml_createtext ("(system will supply)"));

      return (val);

   /* Boolean fields (new 2004/03/04) */
   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "bool") || !strncmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "bool:", 5)) {
      if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (spec, "type"), "bool:", 5)) {
         f = xml_attrval (spec, "type") + 5;
         t = strchr (f, ':');
         if (t) {
            xml_set (spec, "t", t);
            xml_set (spec, "f", "");
            xml_attrncat (spec, "f", f, t-f);
         } else {
            if (!*xml_attrval (spec, "t")) xml_set (spec, "t", "1");
            xml_set (spec, "f", f);
         xml_set (spec, "type", "bool");
      if (!*xml_attrval (spec, "t")) xml_set (spec, "t", "1"); /* TODO: should there be a one-time preparation phase? */

      val = xml_create ("div");
      mark = xml_create ("input");
      xml_append_pretty (val, mark);
      xml_set (mark, "name", field_name);
      xml_set (mark, "type", "hidden");
      xml_set (mark, "value", xml_attrval (spec, "f"));
      mark = xml_create ("input");
      xml_append_pretty (val, mark);
      xml_set (mark, "name", field_name);
      xml_set (mark, "type", "checkbox");
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "class")) xml_set (mark, "class", xml_attrval (spec, "class"));
      if (*xml_attrval (spec, "style")) xml_set (mark, "style", xml_attrval (spec, "style"));
      xml_set (mark, "value", xml_attrval (spec, "t"));

      if (value) {
         if (*value && strcmp (value, xml_attrval (spec, "f"))) xml_set (mark, "checked", "yes");
         free (value);

      return (val);

   /* Last chance: let the adaptor deal with it. */
   ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, DATATYPE, xml_attrval (spec, "type"));
   if (ad) {
      val = wftk_call_adaptor (ad, value ? "html" : "htmlblank", object, spec);
      wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);

      if (value) free (value);
      return (val);

   if (value) free (value);
   return NULL;

WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_format_object (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, XML * layout)
   XML * row;
   XML * col;
   XML * val;
   XML * spec;
   XML * field;
   XML * state;
   XML * mark;
   XML * holder;
   XML * choices;
   char * value;

   /* Express the object using the layout we just retrieved or built. */
   field = xml_firstelem (layout);
   while (field) {
      if (xml_is (field, "template:value")) {
         spec = xml_locf (list ? list : object, ".field[%s]", xml_attrval (field, "name"));
         val = NULL;
         if (!object || !strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "mode"), "new")) {
            val = repos_form_object_field (repository, list, NULL, xml_attrval (field, "name"));
         } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "mode"), "edit")) {
            val = repos_form_object_field (repository, list, object, xml_attrval (field, "name"));
         } else {
            if (*xml_attrval (field, "storage")) {
               choices = repos_list_choices (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"), object, xml_attrval (field, "storage"));
            } else {
               choices = NULL;
            value = xmlobj_get (object, list, xml_attrval (field, "name"));
            if (choices) {
               for (mark = xml_firstelem (choices); mark; mark = xml_nextelem (mark)) {
                  if (!strcmp (value, xml_attrval (mark, "value"))) {
                     val = xml_createtext_nodup (xml_stringcontenthtml (mark));
            if (!val) {
               val = xml_createtext_nodup (value);
            } else {
               free (value);
         if (!val) val = xml_createtext ("");
         xml_replace (field, val);
         field = val;
      } /* TODO: presumably we'll have some sort of list things too. */

      if (xml_firstelem (field)) {
         field = xml_firstelem (field);
      } else do {
         if (xml_nextelem (field)) {
            field = xml_nextelem (field);
         } else {
            field = xml_parent (field);
            if (!field) break;
      } while (1);

   /* Return the result. */
   return (layout);

Valentine's Day, 2004: So today I return to my true love, the workflow toolkit, and start a new function section: a new way of formatting objects. This is really pretty straightforward, consisting of two functions: repos_view_find and repos_view_express. The view finder takes an object and based on that object, the current user, and the user's requested view (say, "view" or "edit") looks up the appropriate template to use in a _views list. Then repos_view_express takes that and builds a text object.

"Hey, wait a minute," you're saying, "you just defined repos_format_object to do that." Well, yeah. Except I hate repos_format_object. For one thing, it gives an XML output, which is great for writing HTML pages, but isn't great for building, say, textual email messages. For another, its input layouts are also XML, and I like my template format better; it's easier to deal with, for me anyway. The way view_express works is that named tags are enclosed like this: [##tagname##]. It's simple and easy to deal with, and doesn't interfere with SGML-type markup, or any other markup I know of. Granted, it's weaker in principle than the full XML layout, but usually that doesn't matter much.

Anyway, let's look at how these templates are looked up, with repos_view_find. Note that repos_view_find returns an allocated string, not an XML object, which makes it pretty unusual for this API.

Note also: this is a very simplified version of what we will probably end up with here. Ideally, we'd want to use a rule-based decision engine to figure out what view applies to a given current situation. However, since I don't want to implement a rule-based engine in order to use simple views for the project I'm working on at the moment, I'm going to simplify. The _views list is indexed by a view key. That view key will be the result of a rule-based process eventually -- but in the meantime it is an explicit flat-template string attached to the list, as viewkey="[field]_[_mode]". The named [fields] in this are just like our normal flat templates (i.e. they're field names in the object we're viewing) extended with [_user] (the current userid, not too useful since it doesn't scale at all well), [_state] for the object's state, and [_mode] (the view mode passed in to repos_view_find). Klar? Easy.

The final key actually used to index _views is composed of the list id (always), underscore, and the expressed view key. This is going to be the same when we apply a rule engine, too, or at least it looks that way now.

TODO: (as always) do something appropriate to define views for tasks in lists.
WFTK_EXPORT char * repos_view_find (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, const char * mode)
   char * viewkey;
   char * viewkey_expressed;
   char * key;
   XML * view_object = object;
   char * ret;

   if (!list) return NULL;
   if (!view_object) view_object = list;

   /* Get viewkey -- TODO: implement said rule engine interface here, when we have a rule engine. */
   viewkey = strdup (xml_attrval (list, "viewkey"));
   if (!*viewkey) {
      free (viewkey);
      return NULL; /* TODO: make sure this behavior makes sense in the bigger picture.  When called from repos_form, it does. */

   /* Do the flat-template thing, with extra fields. */
   /*xml_set (view_object, "_user", TODO: get current user from repository); */
   /* _state is already set for object, right?  TODO: test this. */
   xml_set (view_object, "_mode", mode);

   viewkey_expressed = xmlobj_format (view_object, list, viewkey);
   free (viewkey);
   key = xml_string_format ("%s_%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"), viewkey_expressed);
   free (viewkey_expressed);

   xml_unset (view_object, "_mode"); /* Clean up pseudofield. */

   /* Use the key just built to index _views. */
   repos_log (repository, 5, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "repos_view_find: looking for %s in _views", key);
   view_object = repos_get (repository, "_views", key);
   free (key);

   if (!view_object) return NULL;

   ret = xmlobj_get (view_object, NULL, "view");
   xml_free (view_object);
   return (ret);
Once we find a view, we'll probably want to express it. Here's how. Some interesting caveats here: although the canonical tag is a named field, we also define some other neat stuff. [##input (field)##] calls repos_form_object_field to build some HTML for a populated input widget for the named field. [##insert (viewkey)##] calls another view, allowing us to cascade views. And [##repeat (sublist)##] ... [##between##] ... [##/repeat##] lets us iterate our template expression over a list in the object. And I might implement something like [##if (eval)##] ... [##elseif##] ... [##else##] ... [##/if##] for conditional evaluation; this would be particularly attractive with the insertion tag.

2004-02-15: Just added a special [##actions (mode)##] tag to display buttons for the actions available to the user. This is a pretty low-level thing, so we'll probably want some kind of more refined alternative someday.
WFTK_EXPORT char * repos_view_express (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, const char * view)
   XML  * scratch = xml_create ("s");
   char * mark;
   int    len;
   char * val;
   XML  * actions;
   XML  * xmark;
   char * viewkey_expressed;
   char * key;
   XML  * view_object;
   char * other_view;

   xml_set (scratch, "s", "");

   mark = strstr (view, "[##");
   while (mark) {
      xml_attrncat (scratch, "s", view, mark - view);
      view = mark + 3;
      xml_set (scratch, "name", "");
      mark = strstr (view, "##]");
      if (mark) len = mark - view;
      else      len = strlen (view);
      xml_attrncat (scratch, "name", view, len);

      /* Evaluate the tag in "name" */
      val = NULL;
      if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "input ", 6)) {
         xmark = repos_form_object_field (repository, list, object, xml_attrval (scratch, "name") + 6); /* This is some cool magic. */
         val = xml_stringhtml (xmark);
         xml_free (xmark);
      } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "include ", 8)) {
         mark = (char *) xml_attrval (scratch, "name") + 8;
         while (*mark == ' ') mark++;

         viewkey_expressed = xmlobj_format (object, list, mark);
         key = xml_string_format ("%s_%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"), viewkey_expressed);
         free (viewkey_expressed);

         repos_log (repository, 6, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "repos_view_find: inserting %s from _views", key);
         view_object = repos_get (repository, "_views", key);
         free (key);

         if (view_object) {
            other_view = xmlobj_get (view_object, NULL, "view");
            xml_free (view_object);
            val = repos_view_express (repository, list, object, other_view);
         } else val = NULL;
      } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "repeat ", 7)) {
         /* TODO: do. */
      } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "if ", 3)) {
         /* TODO: do. */
      } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "actions ", 8)) {
         actions = repos_action_list_object_direct (repository, list, object, xml_attrval (scratch, "name") + 8);
         for (xmark = xml_firstelem (actions); xmark; xmark = xml_nextelem (xmark)) {
            xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"_action.");
            xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", xml_attrval (xmark, "id"));
            xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "\" value=\"");
            xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", xml_attrval (xmark, "label"));
            xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
      } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (scratch, "name"), "control ", 8)) {
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_control.list\" value=\"");
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "\">\n");
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_control.key\" value=\"");
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", repos_getkey (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"), object));
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "\">\n");
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_control.mode\" value=\"");
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", xml_attrval (scratch, "name") + 8);
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", "\">\n");
      } else {
         if (object) val = xmlobj_get (object, list, xml_attrval (scratch, "name"));

      if (val) {
         xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", val);
         free (val);
      view += len;
      if (*view) view += 3; /* Skip the ending ##] */
      mark = strstr (view, "[##");
   xml_attrcat (scratch, "s", view); 

   mark = strdup (xml_attrval (scratch, "s"));
   xml_free (scratch);
   return (mark);
At some point, the repmgr API will also be able to redefine lists on the fly. This is the function which will do it. This is safely in the future at this point.
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_define  (XML * repository, const char * list, XML * defn)
   printf ("define\n");
   return 0;
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