Iterating across list contents

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This is (of course) a front for adaptors. List retrieval comes in two flavors, but both work from a list specifier XML that the caller supplies. The first flavor takes a copy of the list specifier and adds a bunch of elements to it representing results at some level of complexity. The second flavor is a true iterator; it saves a cursor and the caller may retrieve successive results. The first returns the (filled-in) list it got; the second returns pointers into what may be a partial list; you are guaranteed that the ID of the pointer records is valid; nothing else is guaranteed but may be supported later -- "first" does a "list" before proceeding, so any funky query stuff we define later will work just fine for it, and "next" just advances a cursor in the result list.

This area, and the object retrieval area, are the two points in the API at which pseudolists come into play. Pseudolists are lists which are defined and used internally by the repository manager itself. Their names begin with an underscore, and they are as follows:
_listsThe list of all lists defined in the repository. Pseudolists are included, at least for now.
_pagesThe list of pages defined. Each page is marked with its parent via a "parent" attribute.
_tasksThe task list. This is simply the list of tasks generated, both those attached to other objects, and those which stand alone.
_todoThe to-do list. The _todo list is the _tasks list, but filtered for tasks assigned to the current user.
_textThe list of text pieces to be used to make pages.
_logThe change log. This will figure heavily in times to come, for retrieving incremental updates.
_imagesImages used by the repository's Wiki.
_stylesStyles used by the repository's Wiki.
_linksExternal links referenced by the repository's Wiki.

March 15, 2002: Added the ability to look aside to a defined index for all list queries (by setting the "list-from" attribute on the list definition.)

May 30, 2003: Special handling for _tasks and _todo -- they actually look at _taskindex but then switch keys back to the _tasks-native key.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_list (XML * repository, XML * list)
   const char *id = xml_attrval (list, "id");
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark2;
   XML * copy;
   XML * user;
   const char * line;
   const char * end;
   char * key;
   int count = 0;
   struct _repos_remote * sock = (struct _repos_remote *) xml_getbin (repository);

   if (sock) { /* Remote. */
      xml_setf (sock->parms, "outgoing", "list %s\n", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
      _repos_send (sock);
      line = _repos_receive (sock);
      if (*line == '-') {
         xml_set (list, "error-state", line + 6);
         return (list);
      line = strchr (line, '\n') + 1;
      while (*line == ' ') {
         copy = xml_create ("record");
         end = strchr (line, '\n');
         if (!end) break;
         xml_set (copy, "id", "");
         xml_attrncat (copy, "id", line + 1, end - line - 1);
         xml_append (list, copy);
         line = end + 1;
      xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
      xml_set (sock->parms, "buffer", "");
      return list;

   if (!strcmp (id, "_todo")) {
      user = wftk_session_getuser (repository);
      if (user) {
         mark = xml_create ("where");
         xml_set (mark, "field", "user");
         xml_set (mark, "value", xml_attrval (user, "id"));
         xml_prepend_pretty (list, mark);

   if (!strcmp (id, "_tasks") || !(strcmp (id, "_todo"))) {
      xml_set (list, "actual-list", id);
      xml_set (list, "id", "_taskindex");
   } else {
      xml_unset (list, "actual-list");

   mark = NULL;
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "id")) {
      mark = repos_defn (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"));
      if (mark) {
         xml_copyinto (list, mark);
   if (!strcmp (id, "_taskindex") && !*xml_attrval (list, "order")) xml_set (list, "order", "priority desc");

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "storage"), "here")) return list; /* An immediate mode.  Handy, eh? */

   xml_set (list, "error-state", "");
   if (!strcmp (id, "_lists")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (repository);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "list") && *xml_attrval (mark, "id") != '_') { /* We don't return overridden pseudolists in _lists. */
            xml_append (list, xml_copy (mark));
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
      return list;
   if (!strcmp (id, "_pages")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (repository);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "page")) {
            xml_append (list, copy = xml_copy (mark));
            if (xml_parent (mark) != repository) xml_set (copy, "parent", xml_attrval (xml_parent(mark), "id"));
            if (xml_firstelem (mark)) {
               mark = xml_firstelem (mark);

         do {
            if (xml_nextelem (mark)) {
               mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
            } else {
               mark = xml_parent (mark);
               if (mark == repository) mark = NULL;
               if (!mark) break;
         } while (1);
      xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
      return list;

   if (!mark && *xml_attrval (list, "id")) {
      xml_setf (list, "error-state", "List %s not defined in repository.", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
      repos_log (repository, 2, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "repos_list: list %s not defined", id);
      return (list);

   /* Check for a list-from index and read from that if requested. */
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "list-from")) {
      mark = xml_locf (list, ".index[%s]", xml_attrval (list, "list-from"));
      if (mark) {
         mark = xml_copy (mark);
         xml_replacecontent (list, xml_createtext ("\n"));
         xml_copyinto (list, mark);
         xml_free (mark);
      xml_unset (list, "id");

   ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, LIST, *xml_attrval (list, "id") ? xml_attrval (list, "id") : xml_attrval (list, "storage"));
   if (!ad) {
      repos_log (repository, 1, 1, NULL, "repmgr", "error while listing %s: can't find adaptor for '%s'",
                                                   xml_attrval (list, "id"), xml_attrval (list, "storage"));
      xml_setf (list, "error-state", "can't find adaptor for '%s'", xml_attrval (list, "storage"));
      return NULL;
   xml_set (ad->parms, "basedir", xml_attrval (repository, "basedir"));

   wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "query", list);
   wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);

   /* Clean up the result list. */
   mark = xml_firstelem (list); mark2 = NULL;
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "field") ||
          xml_is (mark, "where") ||
          xml_is (mark, "index") ||
          xml_is (mark, "state")) {
         xml_delete_pretty (mark);
         if (mark2) mark = mark2;
         else       mark = xml_firstelem (list);
      } else {
         mark2 = mark;
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
   /*while (mark = xml_loc(list, ".where")) xml_delete (mark);
   while (mark = xml_loc(list, ".index")) xml_delete (mark);*/

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "actual-list")) {
      xml_set (list, "id", xml_attrval (list, "actual-list"));
      xml_unset (list, "actual-list");

      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "id"), "_tasks") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "id"), "_todo")) {
         mark = xml_firstelem (list);
         while (mark) {
            key = xmlobj_get (mark, NULL, "key");
            if (key) xml_set_nodup (mark, "id", key);
            xml_set_nodup (mark, "label", xmlobj_get (mark, NULL, "label"));
            xml_set_nodup (mark, "role",  xmlobj_get (mark, NULL, "role"));
            xml_set_nodup (mark, "user",  xmlobj_get (mark, NULL, "user"));
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "error-state")) {
      repos_log (repository, 2, 0, NULL, "repmgr", "repos_list %s: %s", id, xml_attrval (list, "error-state"));

   return list;
/* TODO: make this work again... (it being inherently more scalable.) */
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_list_first (XML * repository, XML * list)
   XML * ret;
   XML * mark;

   mark = repos_defn (repository, xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (mark) {
      xml_copyinto (list, mark);

   /* Check for a list-from index and read from that if requested. */
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "list-from")) {
      mark = xml_locf (list, ".index[%s]", xml_attrval (list, "list-from"));
      if (mark) {
         mark = xml_copy (mark);
         xml_replacecontent (list, xml_createtext ("\n"));
         xml_copyinto (list, mark);
         xml_free (mark);

   ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, LIST, *xml_attrval (list, "id") ? xml_attrval (list, "id") : xml_attrval (list, "storage"));
   if (!ad) return NULL;
   xml_set (ad->parms, "basedir", xml_attrval (repository, "basedir"));

   ret = wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "first", list);
   wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);

   return ret;
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_list_next (XML * repository, XML * list)
   XML * ret;

   /* On list_next, we don't need to do the index substitution because it's already been done. */

   ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, LIST, *xml_attrval (list, "id") ? xml_attrval (list, "id") : xml_attrval (list, "storage"));
   if (!ad) return NULL;
   xml_set (ad->parms, "basedir", xml_attrval (repository, "basedir"));

   ret = wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "next", list);
   wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);

   return ret;
The change log is a special set of lists defined implicitly by the repository manager. At some point it'll be adaptor-based, but for the time being its requirements outstrip the list adaptor I have (LIST_localdir), so right now it's pretty hard-wired. The change log reader (repos_changes) works in two modes. The first looks for which lists have been changed since a given date. It returns a list of lists with change timestamps. The second looks for changes to a specific list after the given date, and it returns a list of record keys with timestamp, action taken (add, mod, or del), and the userid of the person who made the change. This userid is actually the first occurrence of userid in the repository manager, and really it needn't be a userid -- essentially it indexes a list of change sources or something. Could be people, could be programs or reasons or organizations or webpages or whatever makes sense, I suppose.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_changes (XML * repository, XML * list, const char * date, const char * list_id)
   FILE * log;
   XML * scratch = xml_create ("s");
   XML * record = xml_create ("record");
   char line[1024];
   char datecopy[32];
   int  count;
   char * end;
   char * mark;
   char * mark2;
   struct _repos_remote * sock = (struct _repos_remote *) xml_getbin (repository);

   if (sock) { /* Remote. */
      memset (datecopy, '\0', 32);
      strncpy (datecopy, date, 31);
      if (strlen (datecopy) > 10) datecopy[10] = 'T';
      xml_setf (sock->parms, "outgoing", "changes %s %s\n", datecopy, list_id);
      _repos_send (sock);
      mark = (char *) _repos_receive (sock);
      if (*mark == '-') {
         xml_set (list, "error-state", mark + 6);
         return (list);
      mark = strchr (mark, '\n') + 1;
      while (*mark == ' ') {
         record = xml_create ("record");
         end = strchr (mark, '\n');
         if (!end) break;
         strncpy (line, mark + 1, end - mark);
         line[end - mark] = '\0';

         mark = line;
         mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
         if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
         xml_set (record, "action", mark);
         if (mark2) {
            mark = mark2 + 1;
            mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
            if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
            xml_set (record, "time", mark);
            if (mark2) {
               mark = mark2 + 1;
               mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
               if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
               xml_set (record, "user", mark);
               if (mark2) {
                  mark = mark2 + 1;
                  mark2 = strchr (mark, '\n');
                  if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
                  xml_set (record, "id", mark);

         xml_append (list, record);

         mark = end + 1;
      xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
      xml_set (sock->parms, "buffer", "");
      return list;

   if (list_id) {
      xml_setf (scratch, "f", "_log/%s.txt", list_id);
      log = _repos_fopen (repository, xml_attrval (scratch, "f"), "r");
      if (log) {
         while (fgets (line, sizeof(line), log)) {
            mark = line;
            mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
            if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
            xml_set (record, "action", mark);
            if (mark2) {
               mark = mark2 + 1;
               mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
               if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
               xml_set (record, "time", mark);
               if (mark2) {
                  mark = mark2 + 1;
                  mark2 = strchr (mark, '\t');
                  if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
                  xml_set (record, "user", mark);
                  if (mark2) {
                     mark = mark2 + 1;
                     mark2 = strchr (mark, '\n');
                     if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';
                     xml_set (record, "id", mark);

            if (date) {
               if (strcmp (date, xml_attrval (record, "time")) > -1) continue;

            xml_append (list, xml_copy (record));
         fclose (log);
   } else {
      /* Scan directory, or ask adaptor or something.  TODO: write this! */
   xml_free (scratch);
   xml_free (record);

   return list;
(December 22, 2001): The snapshot feature is a nifty little thing for integration with external datasources -- it asks the adaptor for a snapshot of the list, then it compares this snapshot with the last snapshot it stored (if any). If changes are detected, and note that by using a current file date or a checksum we can detect modifications, then all the changes are logged and published. This is a handy way to mark changes for synching to a remote repository, too. (Note January 8, 2002: I haven't actually written this, though.)
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_snapshot (XML * repository, const char * list_id)

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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2001-2005, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license.