Working with repository objects

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The repository itself is (of course) an XML object. This object describes the repository in detail, listing pages, lists, layout specifications, publishing links, and so on. This is combined with a current directory used to store various information.

In the case of a remote repository, however, things get more interesting. Here, all traffic in and out is piped to the remote repository's command-line listener. This is by default on port 4239 -- I don't know why, I just made it up. Anyway, everything is handled by the API, including conversion to and from whatever on-the-wire representation is expected. A fully remote repository looks like this: <site host="!4239!/mydir/repository"/> -- if 4239 is the port, of course, then you don't need to specify it. Relative directories may also be specified, in which case the interpretation of the relative directory is up to the host.

When a remote repository such as this is opened, the XML object's binary pointer is used to store the socket. When xml_free is called, the socket is automatically cleaned up -- or repos_close can be used to clean it up at any arbitrary time.

So anyway, a nonremote repository needs no particular opening. A remote repository does. Other types ... well, if there ever are any other types, they may or may not need this service. We'll find out.
struct _repos_remote {
   XML * parms;
#ifdef WINDOWS
   SOCKET sock;
   int sock;
void _repos_remote_cleanup (void * _sock) {
   struct _repos_remote * sock = (struct _repos_remote *) _sock;

   xml_free (sock->parms);
#ifdef WINDOWS
   if (sock->sock) closesocket (sock->sock);
   if (sock->sock) close (sock->sock);

   free (sock);
const char * _repos_receive (struct _repos_remote * sock)
   char *line;
   int bufsize = 0;
   int bufsizelen = sizeof (int);
   int bytes;
/*#ifdef WINDOWS
   ULONG flag = 1;
   ioctlsocket (sock->sock, FIONBIO, &flag);
   int flags = fcntl (sock->sock, F_GETFL);

   fcntl (sock->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCKING);

   getsockopt (sock->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &bufsize, &bufsizelen);
   if (!bufsize) bufsize = 1024; /* Why doesn't the getsockopt work on Solaris?  Dunno. */
   line = (char *) malloc (bufsize);

   xml_set (sock->parms, "buffer", "");
   do {
      bytes = recv (sock->sock, line, bufsize, 0);

      if (bytes > 0) xml_attrncat (sock->parms, "buffer", line, bytes);
   } while (!strstr (xml_attrval (sock->parms, "buffer"), "++done++"));

   free (line);
   return xml_attrval (sock->parms, "buffer");
void _repos_send (struct _repos_remote * sock)
   send (sock->sock, xml_attrval (sock->parms, "outgoing"), strlen (xml_attrval (sock->parms, "outgoing")), 0);

static struct wftk_adaptor_info * 
             _repmgr_standard_adaptor_lookup_function (int adaptor_class,
                                                       int name_length,
                                                       const char * adaptor_descriptor);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_open (XML * repository, WFTK_MODULE_LOOKUP_FN * lookup_function, const char * calling_app)
   struct _repos_remote * sock;
   const char * host = xml_attrval (repository, "host");
   const char * mark;
   struct hostent *server;
#ifdef WINDOWS
   WSADATA wsa;
   struct sockaddr_in name;

   repos_log (repository, 2, 0, NULL, "repos", "opening repository (%s)", calling_app ? calling_app : "no app named");

   if (*host) {
      if (xml_getbin (repository)) return (repository);
#ifdef WINDOWS
      WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (1, 0), &wsa);
      sock = (struct _repos_remote *) malloc (sizeof (struct _repos_remote));
      sock->parms = xml_create ("p");
      sock->sock = 0;
      xml_set (sock->parms, "mode", "sockets");
      xml_set (sock->parms, "host", host);
      mark = strchr (host, '!');
      if (!mark) {
         xml_set (sock->parms, "server", host);
         xml_set (sock->parms, "port", "4239");
      } else {
         xml_set (sock->parms, "server", "");
         xml_attrncat (sock->parms, "server", host, mark - host);
         host = mark + 1;
         mark = strchr (host, '!');
         if (mark) {
            xml_set (sock->parms, "port", "");
            xml_attrncat (sock->parms, "port", host, mark - host);
            xml_set (sock->parms, "repos", mark + 1);
         } else {
            xml_set (sock->parms, "port", "4239");
            xml_set (sock->parms, "repos", host);

      server = gethostbyname (xml_attrval (sock->parms, "server"));
      if (!server) {
         xml_setf (repository, "error-state", "Unable to resolve remote server name '%s'.", xml_attrval (sock->parms, "server"));
         _repos_remote_cleanup (sock);
         return repository;

      sock->sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
#ifdef WINDOWS
      if (sock->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
      if (sock->sock < 0) {
         xml_set (repository, "error-state", "Unable to allocate socket.");
         sock->sock = 0;
         _repos_remote_cleanup (sock);
         return repository;

      memset (&name, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
      name.sin_family = AF_INET;
      name.sin_port = htons (xml_attrvalnum (sock->parms, "port"));
      memcpy (&name.sin_addr, server->h_addr_list[0], server->h_length);

      if (connect(sock->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &name, sizeof (struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
         xml_setf (repository, "error-state", "Unable to connect to server '%s:%s'", xml_attrval (sock->parms, "server"), xml_attrval (sock->parms, "port"));
         _repos_remote_cleanup (sock);
         return repository;

      xml_set (sock->parms, "outgoing", "\n");
      _repos_send (sock);
      _repos_receive (sock); /* Throw away greeting. */
      if (*xml_attrval (sock->parms, "repos")) {
         xml_setf (sock->parms, "outgoing", "repos %s\n", xml_attrval (sock->parms, "repos"));
         _repos_send (sock);
         if (*_repos_receive (sock) == '-') {
            xml_setf (repository, "error-state", "Unable to open repository '%s'", xml_attrval (sock->parms, "repos"));
            _repos_remote_cleanup (sock);
            return repository;

      xml_setbin (repository, sock, _repos_remote_cleanup);
   } else {
      /* Local repository, so we have to tell it about the adaptors we have statically linked. */
      if (lookup_function) {
         wftk_session_setlookup (repository, (WFTK_MODULE_LOOKUP_FN) lookup_function);
      } else {
         wftk_session_setlookup (repository, (WFTK_MODULE_LOOKUP_FN) _repmgr_standard_adaptor_lookup_function);

   return repository;
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_open_file (const char * repfile, WFTK_MODULE_LOOKUP_FN * lookup_function, const char * calling_app)
   char * buf;
   char * chmark;
   FILE * file;
   XML * ret;

   if (-1 == chdir(repfile)) {
      buf = strdup (repfile);
      chmark = strrchr (buf, '/');
      if (!chmark) chmark = strrchr (buf, '\\');
      if (chmark) {
         *chmark = '\0';
         if (-1 == chdir (buf)) {
            free (buf);
            return NULL;
         repfile = chmark + 1;
         if (!*repfile) repfile = "site.opm";
   } else {
      buf = strdup (repfile);
      repfile = "site.opm"; /* TODO: um.  configurable?  But where?  Compilation? */

   file = fopen (repfile, "r");
   if (!file) {
      free (buf);
      return NULL;

   ret = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
   fclose (file);
   if (!xml_is (ret, "xml-error")) {
      repos_open (ret, (WFTK_MODULE_LOOKUP_FN *)lookup_function, calling_app);
      xml_set_nodup (ret, "basedir", buf);
      return ret;
   xml_free (ret);
   free (buf);
   return NULL;
WFTK_EXPORT void  repos_close     (XML * repository)
   struct _repos_remote * sock = (struct _repos_remote *) xml_getbin (repository);

   if (!sock) return;

   _repos_remote_cleanup ((void *) sock);
   xml_setbin (repository, NULL, NULL);
March 26, 2002: Under Windows, where we package up a repmgr.dll, there are cases (such as when we dynamically link the repository manager from Python) where it would be inconvenient to provide a C callback to look up statically linked (or at least known) modules. So in this case we have a standard lookup function which knows about the adaptors available in the DLL. The same applies to Unix, so I guess this will look pretty much the same for both.

WFTK_ADAPTOR_INFO_FN LIST_localdir_get_info;
WFTK_ADAPTOR_INFO_FN LIST_oracle_get_info;

static struct wftk_adaptor_info * _repmgr_standard_adaptor_lookup_function (int adaptor_class, int name_length, const char * adaptor_descriptor)
   switch (adaptor_class) {
      case LIST:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 8 && !strncmp ("localdir", adaptor_descriptor, 8))) {
            return LIST_localdir_get_info();
         if ((name_length == 5 && !strncmp ("delim", adaptor_descriptor, 5))) {
            return LIST_delim_get_info();
         if ((name_length == 5 && !strncmp ("lines", adaptor_descriptor, 5))) {
            return LIST_lines_get_info();
         if (name_length == 5 && !strncmp ("mysql", adaptor_descriptor, 5)) {
            return LIST_mysql_get_info();
         if (name_length == 6 && !strncmp ("oracle", adaptor_descriptor, 6)) {
            return LIST_oracle_get_info();
      case USER:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("list", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return USER_list_get_info();
      case DATASTORE:
         if ((name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("role", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return DATASTORE_role_get_info();
      case DSREP:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("list", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return DSREP_list_get_info();
      case PDREP:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("list", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return PDREP_list_get_info();
      case TASKINDEX:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("list", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return TASKINDEX_list_get_info();
      case PERMS:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("list", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return PERMS_list_get_info();
      case NOTIFY:
         if (!name_length || (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("smtp", adaptor_descriptor, 4))) {
            return NOTIFY_smtp_get_info();
      case ACTION:
         if (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("http", adaptor_descriptor, 4)) {
            return ACTION_http_get_info();
         if (name_length == 4 && !strncmp ("soap", adaptor_descriptor, 4)) {
            return ACTION_soap_get_info();
         if (name_length ==3 && !strncmp ("dns", adaptor_descriptor, 3)) {
            return ACTION_dns_get_info();
   return NULL;
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