Overview of the program and main()

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The overall layout of the file is pretty much like any single-file C program: includes at the top, followed by type and struct definitions, then globals, then functions, and finally the main function.

The structure of this code is a little weird, because it's generating four executables instead of one. The four are:
xmlsnip#define XMLSNIPexcerpts a named section
xmlreplace#define XMLREPLACE replaces a named section
xmlset#define XMLSET sets an attribute, otherwise not touching the file
xmlinsert#define XMLINSERT inserts stdin somewhere in the tree
All these write to stdout; snip and set can read the source from stdin, but replace and insert need stdin for the thing to be inserted, so a file must be given explicitly.

And now that I notice, none of these defines is used in the main function; they're all out in the handlers, which is appropriate. The main function is short and sweet; it reads the command line (which initializes the global state variables), figures out where the input is coming from, then enters the regular expat loop, as I explain in my expat tutorial. All the real work is done in the handlers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "xmlparse.h"

See Data structures: frames and tags
See Global variables (state)

See Freeing frames and the stack
See Printing the current stack as a locator
See Handling elements: startElement
See Handling elements: endElement
See Handling non-element data: charData
See Reading the command line

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   char buf[BUFSIZ];
   FILE * in;
   XML_Parser parser;

   init(argc, argv);

   if (!stack.locator) {
     See Print usage description

   if (!infile) {
      in = stdin;
   } else if (!(in = fopen (infile, "r"))) {
      printf ("Unable to open input file %s\n", infile);
      exit (2);
   parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);

   XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement);
   if (emit_content) XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, charData);

   done = 0;
   finished = 0;

   do {
      size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in);
      done = len < sizeof(buf);
      if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, done)) {
            "%s at line %d\n",
         return 1;
   } while (!done && !finished);


   if (emit_tags) printf ("\n");

   if (in != stdin) fclose (in);
   return 0;

Print usage description
To print usage, we just print some stuff. In the original version of this program, I made this a separate function print_usage() for readability. In the literate presentation, there's no reason to do that, so I save a whole function call. Ha. You may scoff at that, and in this case of course one piddling function call is trivial -- but the whole concept of breaking functions into smaller functions for readability is obviated by a literate style. OK, end of soapbox.
#ifdef XMLSNIP
   printf ("usage: xmlsnip <flags> <location> [<file>]\n");
   printf ("usage: xmlreplace <flags> <location> <file>\n  - Replacement on stdin\n");
#ifdef XMLSET
   printf ("usage: xmlset <flags> <location> <attr> <new value> [<file>]\n");
   printf ("usage: xmlsnip <flags> <insertwhere> <location> <file>\n  - Insert on stdin\n");
   printf ("  Flags: (not all may make sense for this program; xmltools share the flags.\n");
   printf ("  -c : include comments\n");
   printf ("  -o : exclude elements\n");
   printf ("  -t : exclude nonelement content\n");
   printf ("  -m : exclude the matching tag\n");
   printf ("  -p : include processing instructions (PIs)\n");
   printf ("  -l : include locator when match occurs\n");
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