User administration screens

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The user administration screens are just like any other set of screens to maintain database data. They're relatively boring. I'm putting everything into one big Tcl script just to keep things more or less neat; let's go ahead and register the URL.
ns_register_proc GET $todomgr_root/user todomgr_user_admin
ns_register_proc POST $todomgr_root/user todomgr_user_admin
OK. So what can we do with users? We can list them, add them, modify them, and delete them. So we have a parameter action which can take those values. Default is "list".

Here's the overall handling function:
proc todomgr_user_admin {conn ignore} {
   set form [ns_conn form $conn]
   if {$form == ""} {
      set action list
   } else {
      set action [ns_set get $form action]

   global todomgr_pool
   set db [ns_db gethandle $todomgr_pool]

   switch -- $action {
      list {
         See Listing users
      add {
         See Adding users
      modify {
         See Modifying users
      delete {
         See Deleting users

   set tags(title) "Unknown action"
   set tags(body) "What is this $action of which you speak?"
   todomgr_pageout $conn message.html

Listing users
Listing users is easy. The list is only available to users of level 3, however.
See Checking authuser
if {[ns_set get $userrow permlevel] < 3} {
   set tags(title) "Insufficient privileges"
   set tags(body) "Your permission level is lower than 3; a level of 3 is required to view the list of users.  Sorry."
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn message.html]

set row [ns_db select $db "select * from users"]
set tags(body) ""
while {[ns_db getrow $db $row]} {
   append tags(body) "<tr><td>"
   append tags(body) "<input type=checkbox name=delete value=\""
   append tags(body) "[ns_urlencode [ns_set get $row userid]]\">"
   append tags(body) "<a href=user?action=modify&user=[ns_urlencode [ns_set get $row userid]]>"
   append tags(body) "[ns_set get $row name] ([ns_set get $row userid])</a></td>"
   append tags(body) "</td></tr>\n"
if {$tags(body) == ""} {
   append tags(body) "<i>No users found</i>"
todomgr_pageout $conn user_list.html

Adding users
The "add" action is used both for a blank form display and also for actual addition of a user. We determine which is which by checking the query. If userid is included, then it's a new add. First off, we'll get the fields we're interested in out of the query.
set fields [list]
set values [list]
set userfields {userid password name email website}

foreach field $userfields {
   set value [ns_set get $form $field]
   set tags($field) $value
   if {$value == ""} { continue }
   lappend fields $field
   if {$field != "permlevel"} {
      lappend values "'[sql_safe_string $value]'"
   } else {
      lappend values "$value"
At this point, fields is a list of fields passed into the query, and values is a list of the values which correspond to those fields. If no fields were supplied, then we just toss the blank form up.
if {[llength $fields] == 0} {
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn user_add.html]
But even if fields were given, there may be some problem. For instance, there may be no userid -- without a userid we can't add a record at all. So we'll complain and give the requester another chance. I like to check all possible problems up front and then give the user a list of problems rather than simply report one at a time and then wait for the user to figure things out after five tries. So I have a problems list. As I run checks, I add problems to the list -- if the list is empty afterwards, then I have a clean bill of health, otherwise I can return a bullet list of things missing. Just a nice little design pattern I like to use.
set problems [list]
if ![string compare $tags(userid) ""] {
   lappend problems "You must supply a desired userid to request a userid..."
if ![string compare $tags(password) ""] {
   lappend problems "You must supply a password."

if {[llength $problems] == 0} { # got this far...
   set row [ns_db select $db "select count(*) as ct from users where userid='[sql_safe_string $tags(userid)]'"]
   ns_db getrow $db $row
   if {[ns_set get $row ct] > 0} {
      lappend problems "Sorry, the userid <code>$tags(userid)</code> is taken.  Please choose something else."

if {[llength $problems] > 0} {
   if {[llength $problems] == 1} {
      set tags(message) [lindex $problems 0]
   } else {
      set tags(message) "<ul>"
      foreach problem $problems {
         append tags(message) "<li> $problem\n"
      append tags(message) "</ul>"
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn user_add.html]

OK, so we've gotten this far with no problems. So let's just build the query and add the user to the database. All new adds come in as level-0 (inactive) users, and an admin must bump up the level to whatever is appropriate; this allows anonymous users to request access to the system. I guess it open you to a kind of denial-of-service attack whereby an anonymous malicious user adds requests until your database crashes, but in that case you should probably put some sort of access restriction onto the whole site anyway.
lappend fields permlevel
lappend values 0

set query "insert into users ("
append query [join $fields ", "]
append query ") values ("
append query [join $values ", "]
append query ")"
ns_db dml $db $query
return [ns_returnredirect $conn user?action=list]

Modifying users
Modification is even easier. What we do depends on whether we have fields or not; if we have no fields to be changed, then we'll just display a form with the current values. After a successful change, we redirect back to the list.

A user may modify his or her own personal data, but not his or her permission level, of course. I'm not going to mess around with that in the display part; any attempt to modify permission level (unless the user is level 3) will simply softly and silently vanish away.

If the userid is not specified, the assumption is made that the user wants to modify his or her own information (i.e. $userid gets set to $user).
See Checking authuser
set permlevel [ns_set get $userrow permlevel]

set fields [list]
set userid [ns_set get $form user]
if {$userid == ""} { set userid $user }
if {$permlevel < 3 && [string compare $userid $user]} {
   set tags(title) "Insufficient privilege"
   set tags(body)" Sorry, you don't have sufficient privilege to modify this user record."
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn message.html]

set tags(userid) $userid
if ![string compare $userid ""] {
   return [ns_returnredirect $conn user?action=list]

foreach field {password name email permlevel website} {
   set value [ns_set get $form $field]
   if {$value == ""} { continue }
   if {$field != "permlevel"} {
      lappend fields "$field='[sql_safe_string $value]'"
   } else {
      if {$permlevel < 3} { continue } 
      lappend fields "$field=$value"

if {[llength $fields] > 0} {
   set query "update users set "
   append query [join $fields ", "]
   append query " where userid='[sql_safe_string $userid]'"
   ns_db dml $db $query
   if [string compare $userid $user] {
      return [ns_returnredirect $conn user?action=list]
   } else {
      return [ns_returnredirect $conn user?action=modify]

set row [ns_db select $db "select * from users where userid='[sql_safe_string $userid]'"]
if {[ns_db getrow $db $row]} {
   foreach field {password name email userid permlevel website} {
      set tags($field) [ns_set get $row $field]
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn user_mod.html]
set tags(title) "Unknown user $userid"
todomgr_pageout $conn user_list.html

Deleting users
Finally, deletion completes the four basic table operations. Deletion is interesting in that it can take multiple users at once. After deletion we pop right back to the list.

What action=delete gets in its form is simply a list of "delete" keywords with values equal to the various users to be deleted. We can iterate over an ns_set in order to get all the like-named controls.
See Checking authuser
if {[ns_set get $userrow permlevel] < 3} {
   set tags(title) "Insufficient privileges"
   set tags(body) "Your permission level is lower than 3; a level of 3 is required to delete users.  Sorry."
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn message.html]

set size [ns_set size $form]
set deletes [list]
for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {
   if {[string tolower [ns_set key $form $i]] == "delete"} {
      lappend deletes "'[sql_safe_string [ns_set value $form $i]]'"
Now we have the list of users to be deleted. If any were actually listed, let's do it.
if {[llength $deletes] > 0} {
   set query "delete from users where userid="
   append query [join $deletes " or userid="]
   ns_db dml $db $query
And now back to the list.
return [ns_returnredirect $conn user?action=list]

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