wxPyWf: wxPython tools for the wftk

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The wxPyWf is a set of handy-dandy classes to facilitate the building of quick wxPython GUI applications using the tools in the wftk. These roughly fall into two categories: those which simply use the XMLAPI to do XML kinds of things (like menu and dialog definers), and those which use wxPython to present truly workflow-specific things (like ... don't know yet.)
# The wxPyWf is a set of classes to facilitate the building of quick wxPython GUI apps using wftk.
# More information at http://www.vivtek.com/wftk/doc/code/python
# Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Vivtek, and released under the GPL.
We import the wftk OO classes and the repmgr command-line interface, and some wxPython stuff.
import wftk
import repmgr_cli
from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.html import *

First and foremost of the wxPyWf classes is the XML-defined menu. I'm departing from the norm in my GUI design tools here, to a certain extent, in that menu events do not directly invoke a handling procedure; rather, each menu event is used to construct a command, which is then handed off to a command-line interface handler (a CLI object). This has some awfully nice consequences: we can build macros rather easily, we can log all actions taken by the user, and we can share a common CLI between GUI and server-side code.

I'm not sure whether it will make sense for dialogs to work in the same way; I rather think that a dialog will allow the construction of a repmgr list object instead. That list object may then be used to specify an action, but it may be used in some other way instead -- and of course it may have absolutely arbitrarily complex structure. The dialog generalizes rather well to the notion of a wizard, so I think this is a solid way to go.

Anyway, each class defined in this package is on its own documentation page. Follow any of the links below to learn more.
See wxPyWf: frame class
See wxPyWf: panel and dialog classes
See wxPyWf: menu class
See wxPyWf: list class
See wxPyWf: tabset class
See wxPyWf: splitter
See wxPyWf: HTML window
See wxPyWf: file drop target

Then there are some useful little extras, like easy user notification and the like, here.

See Utility functions

wxPyWf: frame class

The frame class includes very arbitrary window layouts consisting of any collection of splitters and objects of other window classes; these subclasses may be any wxPython class or a wxPyWf panel. A frame may also have a menu, of course.

There is a difference (confusing to me) between a frame and a dialog. A frame is simply a window with the titlebar at the top, perhaps a menu bar, and perhaps a status bar. The client area of the frame may then contain anything at all. A dialog, on the other hand, is expected to contain a set of controls. A panel is a non-framed window which acts as a dialog in that it is a container for controls. And a frame can contain a panel -- but the key is that it need not. It will more often subdivide its window into pieces using splitters and the like. We can think of a dialog as a special case of a frame which contains only a panel and nothing else (and the GUI also does some convenience processing for us involving results retrieval -- but as wxpywf does even more in that regard, this is nearly a moot point.)

A frame also provides the point of reference of a list of command handlers; every item defined in the frame passes command events to the frame for handling. The frame is responsible for doing the appropriate thing.

class frame(wxFrame):
   def __init__(self, parent, defn, starter, cli_list=[]):
       h = starter['h']
       if not h: h = 500  # TODO: user config -- not just in app, but in Registry
       h = int(h)
       w = starter['w']
       if not w: w = 500
       w = int(w)

       self.defn = starter
       self.repos = defn

       self._handlers = cli_list + [gui_cli(self), repmgr_cli.cli(None)]
       for cli in self._handlers: cli.set_frame(self)

       wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, self.defn['title'], size = (w, h),
       self.CreateStatusBar (1, wxST_SIZEGRIP) # Only if specified?

       self._context = wftk.xml ("")  # Private data storage for the frame.
       self.boundfields = {} # Used when setting fields in the context; if any are bound to controls, the controls will self-update accordingly.

       #EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnExit)  # Hooked if specified in XML?  TODO: figure that one out.

       # Define the frame by defining its children.
       for ch in self.defn.elements():
          win = define(ch, self, self)

       # Set up a file drop target, if specified.
       if starter['onfiledrop']: self.SetDropTarget(filedroptarget(starter['onfiledrop'], self, self))

       # Attach and activate the menu, if specified.
       menu_id = self.defn['menu']
       if menu_id != "":
          menu_defn = defn.search('menubar', 'id', self.defn['menu'])
          if menu_defn == None:
             notify_user ("Undefined menu bar '%s' referenced in %s '%s'.  Menu will not be shown." \
                          % (self.defn['menu'], 'definition item', self.defn['id']), frame=self)
             self.menu = menu (menu_defn, self, self._context, self)

       # Call the "initialize" command; this will typically be implemented in the application's main CLI and do ... whatever.
       self.do(self._context, "initialize")

       # After initialization, show the frame if silent running hasn't been specified.  (Note that the initialization command is
       # perfectly capable of setting the silent running flag.  How cool is that?)
       if defn['silent'] != 'yes': self.Show(true)

   def getboundfield (self, field): return self.boundfields[field]
   def setvalue (self, field, value):
         self.boundfields[field].setvalue(field, value)
         self._context[field] = value
   def __setitem__ (self, field, value):
         self.boundfields[field].setvalue(field, value)
         self._context[field] = value
   def __getitem__ (self, field): return self._context['field']
To handle command events by passing them to the CLI handlers in sequence, the frame defines a 'do' method (which makes it a command line handler itself, actually):
   def do (self, context, cmd):
      for h in self._handlers:
         rslt = h.do(self._context, cmd)
         if rslt: break

wxPyWf: panel and dialog classes

A panel (or dialog) defines a set of input widgets and can be written to (an XMLOBJ is given to specify the values of all the fields) or read from (an XMLOBJ is extracted from the current values of the fields.) It may also have arbitrary sets of buttons; each button has a command against a CLI list, and the parameter set to that command is the XMLOBJ value of the panel/dialog. If there's no explicit panel definition, the class will make up a default; if given a list defn structure, the default is more likely to be a good one.

The panel writes its fields to a record XML passed in (if not specified, it uses the frame's content member); changes are made to most controls when the selection changes; text fields might end up being updated only when a button is clicked, or something.

Layout is either explicit, with positions for each widget on the panel (TODO: implement), or by means of boxes. If using boxes, the boxes and the widgets are defined at the same level, and each widget then specifies the box it belongs to. The same goes for groups. Everything in the panel, that is, is defined at the same element level, as a direct child of the panel definition element.

class panel(wxPanel):
   def __init__ (self, defn, frame, parent, rec=None):
      if rec == None: rec = frame._context
      self.defn = defn
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.rec = rec

      self.boundfields = {}

      wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)

      self.dialog = false

   def setup (self, bindtoframe=true):
      # Define the layout boxes
      self.boxes = {}
      self.topbox = None
      for ch in self.defn.elements():
         if ch.is_a('box'):
            dir = wxHORIZONTAL
            if first_char_of(ch['dir']) == 'v': dir = wxVERTICAL
            self.boxes[ch['id']] = wxBoxSizer(dir)
            if not ch['box']: self.topbox = self.boxes[ch['id']]

      # Define the controls on the panel
      self.controls = {}
      for ch in self.defn.elements():
         if ch.is_a('radio-group'):
            id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            (labels, values) = self.ScanControlValues (ch, 'radio')
            control = wxRadioBox(self, id, ch['label'], majorDimension=1, choices = labels)
            if not self.dialog: EVT_RADIOBOX(self, id, self.OnControlChange)
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, values)
            if not self.dialog: self.rec[ch['field']] = values[control.GetSelection()]
            if bindtoframe: self.frame.boundfields[ch['field']] = self
            self.boundfields[ch['field']] = ch['ctl-id']
         elif ch.is_a('listbox'):
            id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            (labels, values) = self.ScanControlValues (ch, 'value')
            control = wxListBox(self, id, choices = labels)
            if not self.dialog: EVT_LISTBOX(self, id, self.OnControlChange)
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, values)
            if not self.dialog:self.rec[ch['field']] = values[control.GetSelection()]
            if bindtoframe: self.frame.boundfields[ch['field']] = self
            self.boundfields[ch['field']] = ch['ctl-id']
         elif ch.is_a('button'):
            id = -1
            if self.dialog:
               if ch['value'] == 'ok':
                  id = wxID_OK
               elif ch['value'] == 'cancel':
                  id = wxID_CANCEL
            if id == -1: id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            control = wxButton (self, id, ch['label'])
            if ch['cmd']: EVT_BUTTON(self, id, self.OnControlChange)
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, ch['cmd'])
         elif ch.is_a('static'):
            id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            if ch['format'] == 'yes':
               control = wxStaticText (self, -1, self.rec.format(ch.stringcontenthtml()))
               control = wxStaticText (self, -1, ch.stringcontenthtml())
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, None)
         elif ch.is_a('text'):
            id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            style = 0
            if ch['multiline'] == 'yes': style = style + wxTE_MULTILINE
            if ch['password']  == 'yes': style = style + wxTE_PASSWORD
            if ch['readonly']  == 'yes': style = style + wxTE_READONLY
            if ch['format'] == 'yes':
               control = wxTextCtrl (self, id, value = self.rec.format(ch.stringcontenthtml()), style=style)
               control = wxTextCtrl (self, id, value = ch.stringcontenthtml(), style=style)
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, None)
            if ch['field']:
               if self.rec[ch['field']] == None: self.rec[ch['field']] = ''
               if bindtoframe: self.frame.boundfields[ch['field']] = self
               self.boundfields[ch['field']] = ch['ctl-id']
         elif ch.is_a('checkbox'):
            id = wxNewId()
            ch['ctl-id'] = id
            if ch['format'] == 'yes':
               control = wxCheckBox (self, id, self.rec.format(ch['label']))
               control = wxCheckBox (self, id, ch['label'])
            EVT_CHECKBOX (self, id, self.OnControlChange)
            on = ch['on']
            if not on: on = '1'
            off = ch['off']
            if not off: off = '0'
            self.controls[ch['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, [off, on])
            if ch['field']:
               if self.rec[ch['field']] == None: self.rec[ch['field']] = ''
               control.SetValue(self.rec[ch['field']] == on)
               if bindtoframe: self.frame.boundfields[ch['field']] = self
               self.boundfields[ch['field']] = ch['ctl-id']

      # Lay out the controls
      for ch in self.defn.elements():
         if ch.is_a('box'):
            if ch['box']: self.boxes[ch['box']].Add(self.boxes[ch['id']], option=0)
            if ch['box']: self.boxes[ch['box']].Add(self.controls[ch['ctl-id']][0], option=0)

      if self.topbox:
         if self.dialog: self.topbox.Fit(self)

   def new_listbox_values(self, field, new_values, labels=None):
      defn = self.defn.search('listbox', 'field', field)
      if not defn: raise KeyError, "no listbox %s defined" % field
      (control, ch, values) = self.controls[defn['ctl-id']]
      if labels:
         labels = [labels[v] for v in new_values]
         labels = new_values
      control.InsertItems(labels, 0)
      control.SetDimensions(-1, -1, -1, -1, sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH)
      self.controls[defn['ctl-id']] = (control, ch, new_values)

   def ScanControlValues(self, defn, child):
      labels = []
      values = []
      count = 0
      for r in defn.elements():
         if r.is_a(child):
            v = r['value']
            if not v: v = count
            values = values + [v]
            l = r['label']
            if not l: l = r['value']
            labels = labels + [l]
            count = count + 1

      return (labels, values)

   def OnControlChange(self, event):
      type = event.GetEventType()
      id = `event.GetId()`
      (control, ch, values) = self.controls[id]
         self.rec[ch['field']] = values[control.GetSelection()]
      elif type == wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED:
         self.frame.do(self.frame._context, values)
      elif type == wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED:
         self.rec[ch['field']] = values[int(control.GetValue())]

   def setvalue(self, field, value):
         (control, ch, values) = self.controls[self.boundfields[field]]
         self.rec[field] = value

      if ch.is_a('radio-group') or ch.is_a('listbox'):
            index = values.index(value)
         self.rec[field] = value
      elif ch.is_a('text'):
         self.rec[field] = value
      elif ch.is_a('checkbox'):
         control.SetValue(value == values[0])
         self.rec[field] = value

   def writerec(self):
      for field in self.boundfields.keys():
         (control, ch, values) = self.controls[self.boundfields[field]]
         if ch.is_a('radio-group') or ch.is_a('listbox'):
            self.rec[field] = values[control.GetSelection()]
         elif ch.is_a('text'):
            self.rec[field] = control.GetValue()
         elif ch.is_a('checkbox'):
            self.rec[field] = values[control.GetValue()]

Dialogs are basically fancy panels (the wxDialog class inherits from wxPanel) and so our wxpywf dialog class inherits from both the wxDialog and panel classes. There's also a call_dialog function to allow simple calling of a dialog in a single function.
class dialog(wxDialog, panel):
   def __init__(self, defn, frame, parent, rec=None, title=None, bindtoframe=None):
      if rec == None:
         rec = frame._context
         if bindtoframe == None: bindtoframe = true
         if bindtoframe == None: bindtoframe = false
      self.defn = defn
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.rec = rec

      self.boundfields = {}

      if title == None: title=defn['title']

      wxDialog.__init__ (self, parent, -1, title=title)

      self.dialog = true
      self.Layout()   # Thanks to http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/wxPython-users/630396

def call_dialog (defn, frame, parent, rec=None, title=None):
   if title == None: title=defn['title']

   dlg = dialog(defn, frame, parent, rec, title)

   ctl = dlg.ShowModal()
   retval = ''
   if ctl != wxID_CANCEL:
      (control, ch, values) = dlg.controls[`ctl`]
      retval = ch['value']

   return retval

wxPyWf: tabset class
A tabset, or notebook, has a line of tabs along one edge to select between different windows sharing the same part of screen real estate. The tabset class doesn't have a lot of special code; the customization lies in interpretation of the definition.
def first_char_of (str):
      return str[0]
   return ''

class tabset(wxNotebook):
   def __init__ (self, defn, frame, parent):
      self.defn = defn
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.id = wxNewId()
      defn['id'] = self.id
      s = 0
      if first_char_of(defn['edge']) == 'l': s = wxNB_LEFT
      if first_char_of(defn['edge']) == 'r': s = wxNB_RIGHT
      if first_char_of(defn['edge']) == 'b': s = wxNB_BOTTOM

      wxNotebook.__init__(self, parent, self.id, style=s)
      for ch in self.defn.elements():
         if ch.is_a('tab'):
            win = define(ch.elements()[0], frame, self)
            if win:
               self.AddPage (win, ch['label'])

      if self.defn['field']:
         self.frame.boundfields[self.defn['field']] = self
         EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(parent, self.id, self.OnPageChanged)

   def OnPageChanged(self, event):
      sel = self.GetSelection()
      self.frame._context[self.defn['field']] = self.GetPageText(sel)

   def setvalue(self, field, value):
      for i in range(self.GetPageCount()):
         if value == self.GetPageText(i):
            self.frame._context[field] = value

wxPyWf: HTML window
The wxHTML window is a pretty simple HTML viewer, not really a particuarly good browser. However, its ability to display formatted text and to intercept links makes it pretty useful. By default, HTML and mailto links call out to the OS to invoke the appropriate handler. I suppose that should be overridden in some way.
class html_window(wxHtmlWindow):
   def __init__ (self, defn, frame, parent):
      self.defn = defn
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.id = wxNewId()
      defn['id'] = self.id
      wxHtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, self.id)

      # Write XHTML content into HTML window as initial value
      self.SetPage (self.defn.stringcontenthtml())

      if defn['field']: self.frame.boundfields[defn['field']] = self

   def setvalue(self, field, value): self.SetPage (value)

   def OnLinkClicked(self, linkinfo):
      where = string.lower(linkinfo.GetHref())
      if where[0:5] == 'http:': os.startfile(where)
      if where[0:7] == 'mailto:': os.startfile(where)
      if where[0:4] == 'cmd:':
         self.frame.do (self.frame._context, where[4:])

wxPyWf: splitter
There are multiple wx solutions to splitting an area into multiple areas; the splitter window is convenient and easy to understand in the XML structure, so it's a good candidate. But you could also build a panel with box sizers and put stuff onto the panel -- the advantage to the splitter is that it gives you a sash you can pull back and forth.
class splitter(wxSplitterWindow):
   def __init__ (self, defn, frame, parent):
      self.defn = defn
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.id = wxNewId()
      defn['id'] = self.id
      wxSplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, self.id)

      p1 = None
      p2 = None

      for ch in self.defn.elements():
         win = define(ch, frame, self)
         if win:
            if p1:
               p2 = win
               p1 = win
         if p2: break

      min = defn['minpanesize']
      if min: self.SetMinimumPaneSize(int(min))
      if first_char_of(defn['split']) == 'v':
         self.SplitVertically(p1, p2)
         self.SplitHorizontally(p1, p2)
      pos = defn['sashpos']
      if pos or pos == 0: self.SetSashPosition(int(pos))

wxPyWf: file drop target
Supporting the dropping of files onto a window is a little difficult; it's not simply a nice, easy message or event handler, but rather requires the creation of a file drop object. In wxPyWf, though, file drop targets are defined as commands in the "onfiledrop" attribute on various widgets. The framework takes care of all the rigamarole, and the application simply has to do the right thing when the command in question is invoked. The command is assumed to contain a "%s" which will be replaced with the list of files.
class filedroptarget(wxFileDropTarget):
    def __init__(self, cmd, parent, frame):
        self.parent = parent
        self.frame = frame
        self.cmd = cmd

    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        cmd = self.cmd % ' '.join(map((lambda x: '"%s"' % x), filenames))
        self.frame.do (self.frame._context, cmd)
Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Well, except for the lamda form there in the command builder. I'm pretty sure this was the first time outside Kent Dybvig's Scheme compiler class that I have ever been remotely motivated to use a lambda form. But yeah, it felt good, I admit it.

wxPyWf: menu class
A menu has a definition (which is an XML document), a command-line handler for its events (or a list thereof), and of course the window its menu is attached to. At some point we'll want to work out the difference between fixed and popup menus (the popup menu has a context object, so that'll need some kind of tracking.)

Upon creation of the object, we already create and display our menubar and menu items.

Different parts of the menu may talk to different CLI objects.
class menu(wftk.xml):
Upon initialization, we immediately create a menubar and build the menu specified by the XML we're given.

The _iterparent attribute is used for the iteration functions below.
   def __init__ (self, defn, window, context, handler):
      self._window = window
      self._context = context
      if handler==None:
         self._handlers = []
      elif type(handler) == type([]):
         self._handlers = handler
         self._handlers = [handler]
      self.defn = defn.new_copy()


      self._window.SetMenuBar (self._menubar)

When a menu event occurs, menu_handler is invoked. This takes the menu ID of the event, and searches the menu definition for that ID to retrieve the command associated with the menu entry. Then it tries each handler in its list of handlers until one of them accepts the command. If none accepts the command (returns something other than None) then it just does nothing.
   def menu_handler (self, event):
      d = self.defn.search(None, "id", `event.GetId()`)
      cmd = d['cmd']
      self.do(self._context, cmd)

   def do(self, context, cmd):
      for h in self._handlers:
         rslt = h.do(self._context, cmd)
         if rslt: break
After each action which affects the structure of the XML, the menu structure must be refreshed to mirror changes back out to the UI. I had thought of hooking all the XML functions to make sure that happened automatically, but I don't know whether it's possible to do so (I think it probably isn't.) Even if I override all the change functions, the location and iteration functions still return 'xml' objects, not 'menu' objects -- so if I change pieces of XML, I wouldn't invoke my specialized versions anyway.

To cut corners, this initial "refresh" doesn't actually refresh -- it just creates a new menu. Technically, this will work, as the old menu should be garbage collected, but it seems rather expensive to me. Probably I'll regret this.

The initial (Oct. 24, 2002) implementation is pretty thin. Really I should be building wxMenuItem objects so that the XML can specify fonts and other attributes of fancy menus. But this will be relatively easy to pick up later. (TODO: pick this up later.)
   def refresh (self):
      self._menubar = wxMenuBar()
      for e in self.defn.elements():
         self.init_menu (self._menubar, e)

   def init_menu (self, parent, d):
      if d.is_a('menu'):
        if not d['id']: d['id'] = wxNewId()
        if d.parent().is_a ('menubar'):
           parent.Append (d.menu, d['label'])
           parent.AppendMenu (int(d['id']), d['label'], d.menu, d['help'])
        for e in d.elements():
           self.init_menu (d.menu, e)
      if d.is_a('item'):
        if not d['id']: d['id'] = wxNewId()
        parent.Append (int(d['id']), d['label'], d['help'])
        EVT_MENU(self._window, int(d['id']), self.menu_handler)
      if d.is_a('separator'):
      if d.is_a('break'):

wxPyWf: list class
The list is a slightly embryonic idea, although I've actually used it in a project.
class list(wxListCtrl):
   def __init__ (self, defn, frame, parent):
      self.defn = defn
      self.id = wxNewId()
      self.defn['id'] = self.id
      self.frame = frame
      self.parent = parent
      self.list = defn['list']

      wxListCtrl.__init__(self, self.parent, self.id, style=wxLC_REPORT|wxSUNKEN_BORDER)

      self.field = self.defn['field']
      if self.field: self.frame.boundfields[self.defn['field']] = self

      count = 0
      self.cols = []
      for col in self.defn.elements():
         if col.is_a('col'):
            self.InsertColumn(count, col['label'])
            self.cols = self.cols + [col['field']]
            count = count + 1

      EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(frame, self.id, self.select)
      EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(frame, self.id, self.select)
      #EVT_LIST_DELETE_ITEM(frame, self.id, self.delete)
      #EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK(frame, self.id, self.select)

   def select(self, event):
      self.cur_item = event.m_itemIndex
      if self.field: self.frame._context[self.field] = self.keys[self.GetItemData(self.cur_item)]
      #cmd = "view %s %s" % (self.list, self.keys[self.cur_item])
      #for h in self.frame._handlers:
      #   rslt = h.do(self._context, cmd)
      #   if rslt: break

   def activate(self, event):

   def delete(self, event):
      delitem = event.m_itemIndex
      # send command?  what?  TODO: need an ondelete="" command, I suppose.  Then a way to determine which index is which record.

   def setvalue (self, field, value):

   def clear (self):
      self.numitem = 0
      self.keys = []
      if self.field: self.frame._context[self.field] = ''

   def autosize (self):
      for count in range(len(self.cols)):
         self.SetColumnWidth(count, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE)

   def add_line(self, rec, key):
      field = 0
      for f in self.cols:
         if field == 0:
            self.InsertStringItem (self.numitem, rec[f])
            self.SetStringItem (self.numitem, field, rec[f])
         field = field + 1
      self.SetItemData (self.numitem, len(self.keys))
      self.keys.append (key)
      self.numitem = self.numitem + 1
      return (self.numitem - 1)

   def reload (self, rec_list):
      for (rec, key) in rec_list: self.add_line (rec, key)

Utility functions
The notify_user function is the most notable here. TODO: add logging to this; right now it just pops up a message box.
def notify_user (line, frame=None, title="Notification"):
    # TODO: if the frame is a wftk frame, the definition and its application title can be used to override the title.
    dlg = wxMessageDialog(frame, line,
                          title, wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)
                          #wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxCANCEL | wxICON_INFORMATION)
def ask_user (line, frame=None, title="Yes or no?"):
    # TODO: if the frame is a wftk frame, the definition and its application title can be used to override the title.
    dlg = wxMessageDialog(frame, line,
                          title, wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION)
    ret = dlg.ShowModal()
    return ret
We also need a simple command-line interface handler for some basic GUI commands (such as "exit"). The most interesting command here (so far) is the "set" command, which not only sets fields in the context, but also updates bound controls accordingly.
class gui_cli(wftk.cli):
   def __init__ (self, parent):
      self.mode = 0
      self.commands['exit']  = ['exit', self.exit,  0, 0, '']
      self.commands['set']   = ['set',  self.set,   2, 2, '[field] [value]']

   def exit(self, context, action, obj):

   def set(self, context, action, obj):
      field = action['parm(0)']
      value = action['parm(1)']
         self.parent[field] = value
         context[field] = value
And then there is the switch allowing the association of XML element names in a frame definition with classes in this module (or, I suppose, non-wrapped classes in some way (TODO: see if that makes sense)).
def define(defn, frame, parent):
   if (defn.is_a ('tabset') or defn.is_a ('notebook')):
      return tabset(defn, frame, parent)

   if (defn.is_a ('html')):
      return html_window(defn, frame, parent)

   if (defn.is_a ('splitter')):
      return splitter (defn, frame, parent)

   if (defn.is_a ('panel')):
      return panel (defn, frame, parent)

   if (defn.is_a ('list')):
      return list (defn, frame, parent)

   if (defn.is_a ('text')):
      return text (defn, frame, parent)

   return None # If we don't define it, we ignore it.

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2003-2007, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.