Interpreting the results that wftk sends back

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When wftk is run to start a process or to complete a task, it returns a series of lines which encode what should happen next. Most important of these is what tasks to activate. The wftk_interpret function takes a list of lines returned from the wftk core engine, and does the task creation and notification specified.
proc wftk_interpret {db process workflow} {
   while {[llength $workflow] > 0} {
      set cmd [lindex $workflow 0]
      set workflow [lrange $workflow 1 end]

      switch [string range $cmd 0 0] {
         A {
             See Starting tasks
         L {
             See Handling notifications
         F {
             See Completing the process

Starting tasks
Task creation, at least, is relatively straightforward.
set p [split [string range $cmd 2 end] -]

set fields [list id status created]
set values [list '[lindex $p 0]' 'active' '[now]']

lappend fields process
lappend values "'$process'"

lappend fields owner
set owner [lindex $p 1]
if ![string compare $owner "!user"] {
   upvar user user
   set owner $user
lappend values '[sql_safe_string $owner]'

lappend fields description
lappend values '[sql_safe_string [join [lrange $p 2 end] -]]'

set query "insert into task ("
append query [join $fields ", "]
append query ") values ("
append query [join $values ", "]
append query ")"

ns_db dml $db $query

Handling notifications

Completing the process
set query "update process set status='complete' where id='$process'"
ns_db dml $db $query
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