wftk tutorial - 01 "Brief" introduction to the workflow toolkit

For a complete listing of all headings and subheadings in this tutorial, see the master index.

The wftk is an open-source workflow toolkit. The fact that it is a toolkit means that it attempts to be all things workflow-related to all people; it doesn't mandate a particular approach -- instead, it attempts to add some semantics to whatever it is you've already got on hand, so you can organize it on a workflow basis. A "workflow basis" means that specific tasks for human beings are built into your processes. Since human beings are notoriously slow and unpredictable when it comes to scheduling, workflow is an essentially asynchronous framework.

This section is a brief description of the terminology and functionality of the wftk. It doesn't look brief, because there's a lot of ground to cover. Each section covers a subset of the terms and functionality provided by the wftk, and links to a separate chapter of this tutorial.

The individual chapters contain separate sections devoted to each concept or functionality provided, and each of those sections is automatically generated from the POD documentation in the unit tests. So the example code in each of those sections is pretty darned close to tested, working code. At some stage I will work on better organization for POD-vs-actual code, with luck permitting me to generate both the unit test and the example code from the same source, so they'll be identical. But for now, at least putting them into the same files guarantees some semblance of similarity.

01 The repository

In the wftk, every set of processes runs in a repository, and the Workflow::wftk object itself embodies a session against that repository. Since the repository is the central object underlying the entire wftk, there is no separate chapter devoted to its documentation; instead, you will simply see example code for working with the repository throughout this tutorial.

Some background explanation is still in order, however. Each repository has a working directory (by default), where a configuration file resides. The subdirectories of that working directory may contain various scripts and modules which can extend the basic system, and other subdirectories may be used for arbitrary data storage. The main directory itself may also be used for the storage of arbitrary files.

The repository may itself be an instance of a repository type; if so, its type must be defined in another directory specified as its type definition. This is especially useful for single-process repositories (projects), where the project type can be thought of as an application.

02 Data organization and document management

The repository is first and foremost an organizational structure for data. Data comes in lists. Each list is represented by a Workflow::wftk::Data object, and the individual modules which implement that API represent any data source as a list of entries indexed by unique keys. A list is thus effectively a hash, and can in fact be tied as a hash if that's the way you like to work. Lists may be defined and named in your repository configuration file, or may be configured and created on the fly (a query against a named list, for instance, is a dynamically created query which resides in your current session).

An entry in a list, once retrieved, is a Workflow::wftk::Record. A record is also a hash, but one which may have multiple values for any given field. It may contain file attachments. It may contain references to other records or lists of records elsewhere in the repository. Actions taken against it may be logged, and it may maintain version control, depending on how its list is defined in the repository.

The DBD::wftk DBI driver allows you to use SQL against lists in the repository, and in fact you can just use DBD::wftk exclusively if that's what floats your boat, entirely ignoring all the rest of this and trusting the wftk to do the right workflow-y thing at the right time.

In addition to more prosaic values in record fields, the wftk can also attach arbitrary documents to any record, allowing document management to be implemented with whatever infrastructure you happen to have, and may store historical data about actions and events.

For more information on data manipulation, see Chapter 02: Data.

03 Actions and events

The worfklow system also uses actions (using Workflow::wftk::Action objects) within the data universe of the repository. Actions may modify objects in lists, they may add or delete objects, they may send outgoing notifications or publications, or they may do any other arbitrary thing, since they are, in fact, arbitrary. Yes, generic Perl code can be written as an event handler.

Events may occur in the repository, triggered by any number of external occurrences, such as incoming mail or Web accesses. Events may add objects or trigger actions. Lists are defined in such a way that any list action taken against them is an event, and may thus trigger an action. An event has the same internal structure as a generic object.

The distinction between actions and events is that events are more structured. An event is a structured input to the system, while an action is a more or less structured action taken by an actor. Actions are almost always triggered by events, though, so conceptually the line may be rather blurry, especially since all actions taken are logged, and the log entry is itself an event.

For more information on actions and events, see Chapter 03: Actions and events.

04 Actors: users, groups, and permissions

Actions are taken by actors, and so the wftk provides two special types of object, users and groups. They aren't that special -- the user is simply represented as a generic object in an arbitrary list, but the system expects a few fields to be defined (mostly the contact information). The group is simply a hierarchical mechanism allowing users to be group, groups to be grouped, and so on. It, too, can be stored in any list which can handle lists of values.

The repository defines some special functions to deal with the user and group lists, however: chief among those is testing whether a given username is within a given group.

One special type of action is a calculation, given a userid and an action, whether that action is permitted. The results are ``yes'', in which case the action may be taken, ``no'', in which case the action will be denied, or anything else, in which case the result is the name of a process which should be started to determine the permissibility of the action. Note that, since data updates may be packaged together as actions, this results in a handy system for collaborative data maintenance of heterogeneous data. Outstanding data modification actions are special pending actions, in that they can be used as views on repository data, allowing a virtual data sandbox to be constructed while the change is still pending.

A special type of actor is a bot, which is a "virtual user" representing automated action. This doesn't make much sense until tasks are defined in Chapter 06, though.

For more information on users, groups, and permissions, see Chapter 04: Users, groups, and permissions.

05 Processes and tasks

Two more special types of object are processes and tasks. These are the components of ad-hoc workflow, and provide some richer semantics. A process represents ``something the system is doing'', and serves as the central organizational point of workflow action in the system. All actions taken against the process are logged in its enactment. The process also has a status, which is an arbitrary (short) string. By convention, the status ``complete'' has the special meaning of deactivating the process. Remember that, due to the fact that the process is an object, it may also contain file attachments and arbitrary values and references to other data. This is essentially the entire reason for Chapter 2: we want a variety of ways of representing data so that we have a variety of ways of representing processes.

A special case of the process, briefly mentioned earlier, is the project, where the repository is itself the single and sole process in the system defined (unless its tasks are themselves processes, and thus subprojects). In this case, the project/repository is a directory, the contents of which are automatically considered file attachments.

In contrast to the process, which represents the duties of the system as a whole, the task represents ``something an actor needs to do,'' where an actor may be a program or a human. Ad-hoc tasks may be created in a process at any time. If there are no workflows active in a process (thus implying the automatic addition of tasks later), the completion of the last task in a process also completes the process. Thus an ad-hoc set of tasks represents a checklist, itself already a very useful workflow construct and the most basic of workflow configurations.

A task may itself be a process. Storage for this structure may be arranged in different ways, but conceptually they all boil down to this: the task list is effectively hierarchical.

All actions taken against processes -- particularly task completion, but not just that -- are logged in the process. In workflow parlance, the action log for a process is its enactment. The formalization and generalization of the enactments for a group of processes may be stored as a procedure.

For more information on processes and tasks, see Chapter 05: Processes and tasks.

06 Standardization: procedure definitions and roles

Structure may be imposed on a process by assigning it one (or more) procedure definitions or procdefs. Procdefs are stored in a procdef list; generally, of course, you'll only want to have one procedure per process, but you're not restricted to it, especially given that exceptions can trigger additional procedures against a process to resolve various problems not covered by the default or standard procedure.

Since a repository may have a repository type, procdefs can be retrieved either from a list defined in the current repository, or from a list defined in the repository type. This comes in handy for system-wide definition of procedures.

The procdef may define roles. Roles have no independent existence in the system; instead, a role is always defined in terms of the procdef in which it appears. A role may be filled by any specific user, group, or list of users and/or groups. (You can think of it as a local variable of type "user/group".) The procdef may specify actions which can be taken to effect state transitions, and those actions can be restricted to the specified users and/or groups. Once assigned to a user in a given process, a role is normally held by that user going forward. Roles can be delegated or specifically assigned to groups, and assignments can be revoked. A role can also be specified as floating, so that the assignment doesn't take place.

For more information on procedures and roles, see Chapter 06: Procedures and roles.

07 State-based workflow (state machines)

Recall that the process has a status. The first level of true workflow is the state machine. In a state machine, we define a list of status values, and describe the actions which can be taken in the process to move its status from one to the next. The outgoing state transitions are thus now a set of ``afforded actions'' which can be presented in a user interface -- but remember that we don't have to have such a visible user interface in order to talk about workflow; the events which trigger state transitions can just as well be any other event defined, such as incoming email or what have you.

To define a state machine, we have to activate a simple workflow against the process. The workflow procedure definition (procdef) may either simply be given explicitly in XML form, or it may be retrieved from a given list. If retrieved from a list, the list should be version-controlled, because the procdef will be repeated retrieved from it; if the definition changes in the meantime, results will be undefined. (A process upgrade definition would definitely be a Nice Feature at some later date.)

For more information on state machines and state-based workflow, see Chapter 07: State-based workflow.

08 Task-based workflow (procedural workflow)

Remember tasks? A task is not an action; the completion of a task, however, is. A task is a specific assignment of a user or role to complete an action at some later date. So far, the only mechanism presented for the introduction of tasks into a process has been simply to add one as an ad-hoc task. The next level of complexity of workflow is to extend our state transitions to include arbitrary action structures. The constructs used to do this are best described elsewhere, but they can effectively include any processing at all, and that processing can involve the creation of tasks.

When used this way, the state transition, once initiated by means of an event, proceeds until a task is created which the system can't handle synchronously. The process blocks on that task, and there it will wait until some other session completes the task, at which point it will proceed where it left off. This is procedural workflow, and there are a number of formalisms for expressing the procedures in question.

For more information on procedural workflow, see Chapter 08: Procedural workflow.

09 Task management

A task can be an entire working environment. When working on a task, a user could be presented with a running application, for instance, and be asked to perform specific editing tasks, then check the task off when done -- weeks or months later. In such a long-running task, it is very useful to be able to work with subtasks, invoke workflow; in short, to handle the entire task as the project it is. The idea of a workflow toolkit is to make that easy to do, relatively simple to audit and trace, and possible to duplicate. If a specific set of actions are used to complete a task, for instance, that list can be saved as a procdef -- even just as a checklist -- to complete that task the next time.

Tasks, as they are created, are indexed by the repository into a task list. Since different kinds of tasks may be stored in different places, the actual task list is a virtual structure, but let's imagine that it is set up to be indexed into a single place (which is usually how it's done anyway). All the active tasks in a repository, over all the processes, are thus available in that list (let's just assume it's a MySQL table). Some of the tasks are assigned to specific users, some are just available to roles (users or groups) for self-assignment, but they're all there. That task list in the repository is an overall to-do list which is itself a useful organizational tool. So the repository also provides scheduling tools for working with it.

For more information on task management, see Chapter 09: Task management.

Conclusion: that wasn't so hard, was it now?

And that, my friends, is an open-source workflow toolkit, my personal white whale. It's taken me nine years and counting to figure this out. Entire economies rise and fall while I'm working on it; I've transitioned my entire livelihood to a new industry once. I'm not done yet, but I'm getting there. Moving to Perl is probably the smartest thing I've done yet. This stuff takes forever to do in C (meaning it never gets done).

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