wftk tutorial - 04 Actors: users, groups, and permissions

If we look at the elements of a workflow system in terms of a sentence, then so far we've looked at the direct object of an action (the data) and we've looked at the verb (the action taken) -- the obvious omission is the subject: who performed the action? Actors are the subject of this chapter.

An actor is always a user. The wftk can handle a variety of different levels of formality of the basic user concept, from simply accepting any string as a temporary user name for a given action, to maintaining a special list in the repository which identifies users. (And that list, of course, can be stored anywhere, so you could simply use a table of users in MySQL, or use DBI::CSV to access the Unix /etc/passwd file, or use an LDAP directory to keep your user information.)

An actor is generally human, but the wftk explicitly provides some support for bots, which are automated actors. Even a bot requires a user record, though.

Actors can be grouped into groups. Again, a group can be as simple as a list of attributes claimed by a user or as complex as an LDAP lookup. The key is that we can always ask the repository whether a given user is a member of a given group. In some systems we can also get a list of members of a given group, but that's just a bonus; it's not really required.

The final concept in this chapter is the notion of permission, sometimes also called "privileges" or "rights". A permission determines, for a given actor and a proposed action to be taken, whether that action will be permitted, not permitted, or permitted subject to approval. Note that the idea of "permitted subject to approval" is the first place where workflow functionality starts to differ from other systems in any significant way. In the standard permission system (file access privileges, or GRANT/REVOKE rights in SQL), we can only decide for a given user whether that user is trusted with all actions of a certain category, or not trusted at all. In a workflow system, we have a third option: we can trust a user to propose an action, yet not trust the user to propose it correctly. The decision whether to take an action is then the responsibility of others, and that decision process is amenable to management as a workflow process, because the wftk is, in fact, first and foremost a workflow system even if it has taken three previous chapters to get to the point where that can start to be clear.

An example of such a level of trust might be the submission of patches to a software product. We can easily see that there are some people we don't trust to check things into CVS. Just as obviously, every project has an owner who has our implicit trust. But if we could invoke workflow for groups of patches, then we could do two things: first, we could use CVS update as our standard bug patch submission channel, and everyone would have update permission -- because no commit would have any effect on the actual code repository until it had been approved. But the second benefit is that everyone can be subject to that same process of approval, even the owner. Why? Well, consider that the approval process might include a run of automated testing. Even if I own the project, if my patch breaks tests, I would prefer that it not be applied until I can address it -- or if I'm really in a hurry for an emergency change, I can override the procedure and force approval. Either way, I have a record of what I've done in the process enactment, so I can't forget it later. This is what workflow can give you even in small -- even one-person -- project groups. It formalizes and manages some aspects of the decision-making process.

Another obvious application is collaborative data management. I might have a class of users empowered to propose changes, and another class of users empowered to approve them -- and that facility could easily be integrated with any database search tool.

The approval process can incorporate (i.e. formalize) escalation (this is something we'll revisit later). For instance, consider submissions to a forum. We can easily imagine an approval process which automatically approves many submissions, uses automated spam tools to reject others, and escalates to a human moderator in cases of doubt. The human moderator can in turn escalate to a technical support person in cases where there's even more doubt. And that escalation could itself be handled as a separate case, passed from person to person, and the wftk would always be able to keep track of its entire history in detail, even though at that level there are few formal procedures.

This chapter isn't going to examine any complex workflow yet. Here, we're just going to look at the permission facility itself -- how it makes the decision to allow/deny/submit for approval any proposed action. As with all things wftk, it uses a modular interface to call a set of rules, and there is a default decision engine you can use or override at your leisure.

Here is an index to the information in this chapter:

(unresolved tag 04-index)

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