list: Displaying the procdef directory

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The list is the first one I'm implementing. It simply takes a URL format and builds a set of <li> lines, one for each procdef in the directory. Note that at this moment there's no mechanism for folders, or viewing permissions, or really anything sophisticated at all.
sprintf (sbuf, "%s%s", PROCESS_DEFINITION_REPOSITORY, "index.xml");
file = fopen (sbuf, "r");
if (!file) {
   printf ("Unable to open directory file %s\n", sbuf);
   return (1);

directory = xml_read (file);
fclose (file);
if (!directory) {
   printf ("Corrupt directory file.\n");
   return (1);

if (argc > 2) {
   format = argv[2];
} else {
   format = "edit?item=%s";

item = xml_firstelem (directory);
while (item) {
   if (!strcmp (item->name, "item")) {
      mark = (char *) xml_attrval (item, "title");
      if (!*mark) mark = (char *) xml_attrval (item, "id");
      printf ("<li><strong><a href=\"");
      printf (format, xml_attrval (item, "id"));
      printf ("\">%s</a></strong><br>\n", mark);
      xml_writecontent (stdout, item);
      printf ("<br>\n");
   item = xml_nextelem (item);
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