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(January 26, 2003): Although most workflow interaction will actually be at the list access and state-change level, there are a couple of entry points to the API for attaching workflow and tasks to objects, and getting lists of active tasks. It's rather important to note here that each of these API calls has two forms: one is a repmgr-based list-and-key addressing scheme to be used from the command line and in most other repmgr-based systems. The other takes an object already retrieved, and manipulates it directly. This, at least in theory, gives us the ability to run the system in a manner largely independent of a standalone repository, as long as we have specified a taskindex which talks to a database directly, and then we also talk to that database directly when operating workflow.

Expect this to get explicit exposure in the Python wrapper, as I have an actual interested party wanting to use the system in this way as a kind of Zope integration lite. (Full Zope integration, of course, will be quite ramified.)

First, let's examine how we attach workflow to an object. This is called by the object manipulation functions (repos_add, repos_mod, repos_del) when an "on action=" is encountered when doing something to an object.
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_workflow_start (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * key, XML * wf_defn, const char * wf_id)
   XML * obj = repos_get (repository, list, key);

   if (obj) {
      repos_workflow_start_direct (repository, obj, wf_defn, wf_id);
      repos_mod (repository, list, obj, key);
   xml_free (obj);
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_workflow_start_direct (XML * repository, XML * obj, XML * wf_defn, const char * wf_id)
   XML * adhoc;

   xml_setf (obj, "repository", "list:%s", xml_attrval (obj, "list")); /* tell wftk_process_save what to do */

   /* If wf_defn is supplied, we start ad-hoc workflow. */
   if (wf_defn) {
      adhoc = xml_create ("sequence"); /* TODO: support parallel as well?  workflow-type=, maybe */
      xml_copyinto (adhoc, wf_defn);
      wftk_process_adhoc (repository, obj, adhoc);
      xml_free (adhoc);

   /* If wf_id is supplied, we start a procdef from the default pdrep. */
   if (wf_id && *wf_id) {
      wftk_process_start (repository, obj, NULL, wf_id);
Task addition is analogous. October 15, 2003... Appears I didn't actually implement this, which is irritating. As I need it.
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_task_add (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * key, XML * task_defn)
   XML * obj = repos_get (repository, list, key);

   if (obj) {
      repos_task_add_direct (repository, obj, task_defn);
      repos_mod (repository, list, obj, key);
   xml_free (obj);
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_task_add_direct (XML * repository, XML * obj, XML * task_defn)

October 15, 2003: Implementing this at last so that I can expose it via the Python SOAP adaptor. This whole thing is getting kinda complicated.... Anyway, the implementation of this isn't complicated at all, as we simply call wftk_task_list to do it for us, with all its kooky logic.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_tasks (XML * repository, XML * tasklist, const char * list, const char * key, const char * user)
   XML * obj = repos_get (repository, list, key);
   XML * ret;

   if (obj) {
      ret = repos_tasks_direct (repository, tasklist, obj, user);
      xml_free (obj);
      return (ret);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_tasks_direct (XML * repository, XML * tasklist, XML * obj, const char * user)
   if (!tasklist) tasklist = xml_create ("list");
   if (user) xml_set   (tasklist, "userid", user);
   else      xml_unset (tasklist, "userid");

   wftk_task_list (repository, tasklist, obj);
   return (tasklist);
October 15, 2003: Actually, it turns out we'll also need repos_task_get, which retrieves a task given its parent object and its local id. This initially will only cover indexed tasks (i.e. no potential ones or such) because it's just going to front for the taskindex after building the appropriate key.
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_task_get (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * key, const char * local_key)
   char * list_id;
   char * task_key;
   XML * task;

   list_id = strdup (list);
   xmlobj_fixkey (list_id);
   task_key = xml_string_format ("%s~%s~%s", list_id, key, local_key);

   repos_log (repository, 5, 2, NULL, "repmgr", "repos_task_get: getting task %s", task_key);
   task = repos_get (repository, "_tasks", task_key);

   free (task_key);
   free (list_id);

   return (task);
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_task_get_direct (XML * repository, XML * obj, const char * local_key)
   return (repos_task_get (repository, xml_attrval (obj, "list"), xml_attrval (obj, "key"), local_key)); /* TODO: look for potentials n stuff. */
17 Nov 2004: a recurring pattern: starting workflow for a particular action.
WFTK_EXPORT int repos_workflow_action_taken (XML * repository, XML * list, XML * object, const char * action)
   int workflow_started = 0;
   XML * mark;

   /* Workflow specs may be multiple, and may be in either the object or the list definition.  Let's look at the object first, then the list. */
   mark = xml_search (object, "on", "action", action);
   while (mark) {
      workflow_started = 1;
      repos_workflow_start_direct (repository, object, *xml_attrval (mark, "procdef") ? NULL : mark, xml_attrval (mark, "procdef"));
      mark = xml_search_next (object, mark, "on", "action", action);

   /* Now the list. */
   if (!strcmp (action, "add")) {
      if (*xml_attrval (list, "workflow")) { /* Special abbreviation for convenience. */
         workflow_started = 1;
         repos_workflow_start_direct (repository, object, NULL, xml_attrval (list, "workflow"));
   mark = xml_search (list, "on", "action", action); /* TODO: shouldn't this be restricted to top level? */
   while (mark) {
      workflow_started = 1;
      repos_workflow_start_direct (repository, object, *xml_attrval (mark, "procdef") ? NULL : mark, xml_attrval (mark, "procdef"));
      mark = xml_search_next (list, mark, "on", "action", action);

   return workflow_started;
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