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(March 13, 2004): Surely I'll be done with this API someday, but apparently not yet. Notification is the latest thing I realized needed to be done better in the repository manager than it was in core workflow and the prototype. Notification basically combines two things: response to events, and outgoing email or similar things. There are two "simplest notifications" one can imagine. One is simply the assertion that some event has occurred; in this case, the system should Do The Right Thing to tell interested parties that this is the case (this may depend on an object associated with the event, etc.) The other minimal case is simply the ability to, as I put it, just send a fricking email. It's a simple enough thing. It should be simple to do. But it's amazing sometimes how very non-simple these things are.

At any rate, there are a number of complicating factors between these two minimal cases. Do we log events? Do we log notifications sent? For a given user, do we send email or just make an entry to be seen when the user logs in? Do we send messages every time something happens, or just a daily digest? I think you could put an arbitrary amount of work into perfecting a really good notification facility.

30 Jan 2005: Case in point. I need to be able to detect the situation when an email address is bad or the mail bounces. To do that, I have to save at least some notifications as events, so that there will be a place to save that feedback.

The first of our two notification API functions is the named-notification model. Given a notification ID, it looks the notification up and then calls the direct version below to actually do the dirty work.
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_notify (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * key, XML * obj, const char * notification_id,
                               const char * subject, const char * recipient)
   XML * notification;

   notification = repos_get (repository, "_notifications", notification_id);
   if (notification) {
      repos_notify_direct (repository, list, key, obj, notification, subject, recipient);
      xml_free (notification);
   } else {
      repos_log (repository, 2, 2, NULL, "notification", "repos_notify: can't find named notification %s", notification_id);
Once we have our notification (or of course if we already have a notification structure, say, from the workflow we're running), then we can execute it.
WFTK_EXPORT void repos_notify_direct (XML * repository, const char * list_key, const char * key, XML * obj, XML * notification,
                               const char * subject, const char * recipient)
   char * text_view;
   char * html_view;
   XML * list = repos_defn (repository, list_key);
   XML * obj_in = obj;
   char * subject_in;
   char * from_in;
   char * recipient_in;

   if (*xml_attrval (notification, "lookup")) repos_notify (repository, list_key, key, obj, xml_attrval (notification, "lookup"), subject, recipient);

   if (!obj_in) obj_in = repos_get (repository, list_key, key);

   repos_log (repository, 6, 2, NULL, "notification", "repos_notify: notification going out (%s) (%s)", recipient, subject);

   /* 1. Get text and HTML views required by notification. */
   text_view = xmlobj_get (notification, NULL, "text");
   html_view = xmlobj_get (notification, NULL, "html");
   if (!text_view && !html_view) {
      if (xml_first (notification) && !xml_firstelem (notification)) {
         text_view = xml_stringcontent (notification);
   if (!text_view && !html_view) {
      xml_set (notification, "textmode", *xml_attrval (notification, "viewmode") ? xml_attrval (notification, "viewmode") : "notification");
      xml_set (notification, "htmlmode", *xml_attrval (notification, "viewmode") ? xml_attrval (notification, "viewmode") : "notification");
      xml_attrcat (notification, "textmode", "_text");
      xml_attrcat (notification, "textmode", "_html");
      text_view = repos_view_find (repository, list, obj_in, xml_attrval (notification, "textmode"));
      html_view = repos_view_find (repository, list, obj_in, xml_attrval (notification, "htmlmode"));

   if (!text_view && !html_view) {
      text_view = xml_strdup ("\n");

   /* Express said views. */
   if (text_view) text_view = repos_view_express (repository, list, obj_in, text_view);
   if (html_view) html_view = repos_view_express (repository, list, obj_in, html_view);

   /* Prepare extra info (subject and recipient) */
   /*repos_log (repository, 6, 2, NULL, "notification", "repos_notify: notification structure:\n%s\n", xml_string (notification));*/
   xml_set_nodup (notification, "subject", xmlobj_get (notification, NULL, "subject"));
   xml_set_nodup (notification, "to", xmlobj_get (notification, NULL, "to"));
   xml_set_nodup (notification, "from", xmlobj_get (notification, NULL, "from"));

   if (subject) subject_in = xmlobj_format (obj_in, list, subject);
   else         subject_in = xmlobj_format (obj_in, list, xml_attrval (notification, "subject"));
   if (recipient) recipient_in = xmlobj_format (obj_in, list, recipient);
   else           recipient_in = xmlobj_format (obj_in, list, xml_attrval (notification, "to"));
   from_in = xmlobj_format (obj_in, list, xml_attrval (notification, "from"));

   /* Get the appropriate adaptor and send the message. */
   /* TODO: message logging, in-repository rich messaging. */
   ad = wftk_get_adaptor (repository, NOTIFY, xml_attrval (notification, "type")); /* TODO: all that cool preference logic from wftk-bare. */
   if (ad) {
      wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "send", recipient_in, from_in, subject_in, text_view, html_view);
      if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "error")) {
         repos_log (repository, 2, 2, NULL, "notification", "repos_notify: error sending: %s", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "error"));
         xml_set (notification, "error", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "error"));
      wftk_free_adaptor (repository, ad);
   } else {
      repos_log (repository, 1, 2, NULL, "notification", "repos_notify: attempted notification with unknown adaptor");
   /* TODO: ability to send mail with attachments -- for this, need to think out attachment specification formalism. */

   /* Clean up. */
   free (text_view);
   if (html_view) free (html_view);
   free (from_in);
   free (recipient_in);
   free (subject_in);
   if (!obj) xml_free (obj_in);
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