Toonbots archive - episode published 20010709

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The metacartoonist, not content with mere violation of the fourth wall, sets out to find more walls to break. He thus modestly refers to himself as the inventor of fifth-wall humor. If you don't know what's going on, you need to visit the forum.

Recommended reading: Tirdun's Co mmunist Saga, a 20-episode fan story line which Lenin remembers as a dream sequence. Lord Emsworth, of course, is a member of the People's Armed Front for Toonbots Worshipper's Jihad (th e PAFTWJ), and is the Keeper of the Wolverines, except when they stay for an overnighter at Napoleon's place.

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon height="800" width="700" rowformat="1-1-2-2-2">
<character name="mao"/>
<caption location="top middle" size="14" fgcolor="red">Yeah, me and Fidel go way back.  Heck, I think
we first met at the big World Communism Convention in Philly in 1973.  We had both signed up
for the banquet and opening ceremonies....</caption>
<character name="mao" action="leaves"/>
<caption location="middle" size="20" fgcolor="blue">MAO REMINISCES</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" size="8" fgcolor="orange">Disclaimer: actual occurrence
of World Communism Convention in Philadelphia or any other venue in any timeframe not
guaranteed.  Local or state law may apply.  Batteries not included.</caption>
<character name="mao"/>
<character name="fidel"/>
<caption location="top left" size="14" fgcolor="red">Hey, Fred!</caption>
<caption location="top right" size="14" fgcolor="blue">Je m'appel Fidel.<br/>Qui est-il, ce "Fred"?</caption></panel>
<caption location="top left" size="14" fgcolor="red">So how you like the Con so far?<br/>The CommieCon is always fun.</caption>
<caption location="top right" size="14" fgcolor="blue">Je ne<br/>comprend pas.</caption>
<caption location="bottom left" size="9" fgcolor="red">And for God's sake, why are you speaking poorly spelled French?    </caption>
<character name="emsworth"/>
<caption location="top right" size="12" fgcolor="blue">Alaric!  I say, Alaric!<br/>
... Wherever could the dear<br/>boy have gotten to?</caption>
<character name="fidel" aspect="face right"/>
<caption location="top right" size="18" fgcolor="blue">Gadzooks!</caption>
<caption location="top right" size="14" fgcolor="blue">Carry on, then, old chaps!</caption>
<caption location="bottom right" size="10" fgcolor="blue">Must have missed that left turn   <br/>to the forum, in Albuquerque.</caption>
<character name="emsworth" action="leaves"/>
<caption location="top left" size="14" fgcolor="red">Who the heck was that?</caption>
<caption location="top right" size="14" fgcolor="blue">Ich weiss nicht,<br/>mein Freund.</caption>

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