Siblings: xml_next and xml_prev

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For next and previous, we have to find the current element in its parent's children list, and then we're good to go. Each function comes in two flavors: one sees plain text and the other (e.g. xml_nextelem) doesn't.
XMLAPI XML * xml_next(XML * xml)
   if (xml == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return (NULL);
   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (list->next == NULL) return (NULL);
   return (list->next->element);
XMLAPI XML * xml_nextelem(XML * xml)
   if (xml == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return (NULL);
   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return (NULL);
   while (list->next != NULL) {
      if (list->next->element->name != NULL) break;
      list = list->next;
   if (list->next == NULL) return (NULL);
   return (list->next->element);
XMLAPI XML * xml_prev(XML * xml)
   if (xml == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return (NULL);
   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (list->prev == NULL) return (NULL);
   return (list->prev->element);
XMLAPI XML * xml_prevelem(XML * xml)
   if (xml == NULL) return (NULL);
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return (NULL);
   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return (NULL);
   while (list->prev != NULL) {
      if (list->prev->element->name != NULL) break;
      list = list->prev;
   if (list->prev == NULL) return (NULL);
   return (list->prev->element);
Previous: Children: xml_first and xml_last ] [ Top: index ] [ Next: inserting things: xml_insertbefore and xml_insertafter ]

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was created using LPML.