Topic: wftk -- Process definition

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(2/3/00) - At this point it's possible to start specifying what a process definition should look like. We've already decided that since a process definition is a document-like, complex entity, that XML is a good representation (the alternative would have been to define a set of tables which, taken together, would define processes, but I don't see process definitions as being all that easy to orthogonalize into neat tables.)

If we look through our usage scenarios and collect all the requirements for processes into one list, we get this:

  • A task is associated with a role and is assigned to an actor when it's activated.
  • Roles are queues, and task assignment may be arbitrarily complex.
  • Tasks may be dependent on multiple preconditions (both invoice and chair must be received before we send payment.)
  • Tasks may have complex dependency relationships.
  • Iteration is necessary.
  • Partial fulfillment of tasks seems a reasonable option.
  • Data in external databases may be associated with tasks and with cases.
  • Other values (i.e. values not stored in external data sources) may also be associated with cases (the requesting employee, the item requested.)
  • Tasks may have deliverables.
  • An individual task may represent a subprocess.
  • Completion of each task in a given process may itself be a subprocess.
  • Processes exist in a system of processes. Processes must have facilities to affect one another.
  • Parameterized invocation of processes and subprocesses.
  • Notification should be specifiable either on the individual task level (as an explicit box) or in some global way across the entire process. These specifications may be mixed in a single process.
  • Some kind of message-handling system would be nice.
  • Exception handling (what to do when things go wrong) must be done, if not perfectly then at least gracefully.
  • Exception handling: a sub-subprocess, in the case of SourceXchange, can cause an exception in the main process.
I've deleted some of the requirements as being more applicable to the overall server design, but otherwise this list is pretty much pulled verbatim out of the usage scenarios. So the task before us is to create an XML DTD (a document type definition) which covers enough structure to fulfill those requirements.

It's important to consider what exactly a process is. What should the capabilities be of a workflow engine? What tools do we provide to the process designer? In my view, a workflow engine should be a system which supports the organization of asynchronous processes. This differs from "regular" programming in that the pieces of these processes are distributed, they're sometimes very slow (requiring weeks or even years to complete), they are sometimes automated but sometimes performed by regular sloppy human beings, and they can happen in parallel instead of requiring a determinate sequence. Otherwise, in my view, workflow design is just plain programming. If we leave features out of the language, we will sorely regret it later when it turns out we just can't represent a particular process in workflow, thus rendering the entire project useless. But we can't forget goal #1 -- ease of use. If we provide an entire programming language, then we require programming skill to use it, right? I think this isn't the case; the problem with (most) existing programming languages is that the initial learning curve is too steep. The tools are too hard to get started with. But remember that gradeschool kids can learn how to use Logo to program robotic turtles. Why is this? Well, the turtles are fun and they're easy to understand. Likewise, workflow automation should be fun and easy to understand; after all, we all work, we all get things done by performing tasks. Anybody can write a to-do list on an envelope and use it to manage their day, and that's where workflow programming will start.

Well, that paragraph may not have been particularly germane to process definitions, but I had to say it somewhere, and it serves as justification for some of the decisions you'll see in the following -- to paraphrase Einstein, we should make workflow as simple as possible, but no simpler. The design UI can still be extremely easy to use, and I think we can create tools which will allow the incremental elaboration of workflow designs, so that complex designs will end up being easy to create.

So what features do we need in process definitions? I've broken things down into the following subheadings:

This page as a whole is pretty monolithic. Sorry. There's a lot to say.

Process definition document and some miscellaneous stuff
The document is a file which contains XML. That's clear. But what objects are we really defining there? It seems to me that two kinds of things can be located in a document: a workflow or a subprocess. The difference between these is that a workflow is a process which can be seen separately in reporting (even if used as a subprocess elsewhere) and a subprocess is something which can be executed only as a subprocess of a named workflow and won't show up as a separate process. The difference is pretty much the same as between a program and a subroutine in BASIC, except that the ramifications really extend to how processes are represented in the active process repository.

So each document can contain zero or one workflow, and zero or more subprocesses. If no workflow is included in the document, it is considered a library. Note that since the version of a document applies to the whole document, it would be inadvisable to put more than one workflow into a single document, as we'd lose modularity, not to mention that the workflow can most conveniently be identified by its document identifier.

The XML definition of a workflow entity looks like this:
   <workflow name="Chair purchase" author="Michael" original_date="2000/01/31" last_modified="2000/02/01">
I'll surely realize more attributes later, but those seem to be a good list. Anyway, the definition of the workflow is included inside this tag and its end:
One entity which I might as well toss in right now is a description of the workflow. This could be considered general HTML and it would look like this:
   <note type="description"> (arbitrary HTML here) </note>
The description is not just a comment, it's the text used to describe the workflow in lists, etc. To facilitate annotation and comments, the designer may either use XML comments (which won't be accessible to tools) or another keyword on note. I see notes as being attachable to any other entity in a document, and by use of keywords they could be used to build various tool helpers, automated documentation systems, whatever. Only the keyword "description" has meaning for the engine.

Finally, how do we specify a subprocess? This seems to work for me:
   <subprocess name="something">
Processes and subprocesses are parameterized, but I see parameters as being variables which are set when activated, and so I'll cover those later.

So great, we can define a workflow that doesn't do anything. The next item we need to be able to represent is the task. In normal workflow parlance, a task is an actively doable thing, as opposed to an action, which is the specification of an actual concrete task. I personally think that this distinction is jargon: it's not particularly supported by normal English usage of the two words, and it makes workflow harder to understand without adding any real value. So I talk about "tasks" in this whole project as being things to do, whether they're ready to do right now, or not. If I really need to make a distinction, I talk about "active tasks". This seems sufficiently descriptive.

All that was by way of apology for calling the basic unit of work a "task." And the XML entity is, well, "task":
   <task label="taskname" role="rolename"> ... </task>
A description tag can be added to the task, and of course arbitrary notes can be added as well. A task is something to do, a unit of work. As such, a task could be performed by a human being or by a program. While active, the task maintains a record in the active process repository, and its completion can be signalled by various mechanisms. In the spirit of adaptibility, the mechanisms should be completely interchangeable, but two that we'll surely want are HTTP POST and email. We may think of others later.

We also know that a task may set variable values, it may make other data changes, and it may create or modify a deliverable. It may create a new subprocess or even a new process (which would run independently of the current process). So all in all the specification of a task will probably turn out to be the most complex aspect of process definition. I think rather than clutter up this page, I'm going to create a subpage which will describe task definition, and I'm going to go on.

Control structures
So how are tasks strung together? There are four control structures that we'll need to combine tasks into a workflow:

So let's design some tags. Sequence and parallel are easy:
   <sequence> (some tasks) </sequence>
   <parallel> (some tasks) </parallel>

Iteration is complicated enough that I've given it its own page, but it's based on a nice construct I found years ago in Knuth and always wanted to build into a language. There is no need for a separate loop tag, as it occurred to me that looping can easily be noted by a repeat parameter on the sequence and parallel tags. The conditional <if> is based on the LISP conditional cond and likewise has its own page.

Any of these constructs has the effect of grouping other blocks together, so ultimately we have four entities that stand for "things to do": task, sequence, parallel, and if. There will be a couple of others, such as situation and alert, but those will be dealt with below.

Data sources and variables
The next step up in complexity is letting data be attached to a process. I see three general ways this makes sense:

  • Values internal to the process
    Process values, or variables, would be stored in an XML value sheet associated with the process, and stored as a document in the deliverable repository.
  • Files/documents
    Files or documents which are relatively independent of the process would be stored directly in the deliverable repository. So really the deliverable repository needn't be restricted to things we really want to call deliverables of a process; it's just a place to store associated documents and files.
  • Relational data
    This is still open, as far as I'm concerned, because I'll have to implement a prototype before I can really understand what will make sense. But it seems to me that I'd like to be able to associate two things with a process: first, an entire table in a relational database, and second, an individual record. The entire table may well be a temporary table, for instance, which has been created specifically for the process.
All these (and probably more) will be available with the tag <data>:
   <data name="myvalue" type="type"> (type-specific specification) </data>
The types available will be at least variable, query, table, record, document, and file. Note that this is yet another area where the adapter concept will save us from having to make too many decisions. The <data> tag is covered on its own page.

(2/23/00> After some feedback from Thomas Fricke, and some thought on the matter, I think I'm a little closer to understanding where we need to go with data. Since data is pretty crucial to processes, getting data handling write is crucial to this project. So read about the <data> tag to find out what I have in mind.

I'm still not quite sure of the best way to specify roles, but I'm getting closer. It seems to me that first of all, the name of a role is very process-specific, especially in the case of a remotely-obtained process definition. So the process definition should declare its roles at the front, and the engine should maintain a set of role queues, and then somehow process roles need to get matched up with role queues... The logical way for that to happen is a set of rules. An administrative process, actually.

Whenever a role is defined in a local process, then the designer should be able to pre-pick a local role queue to match up with it. But whenever a remote process definition is obtained, then an administrator needs to make a decision: this "secretary" role in this process matches up with our "SecPool" queue. From that point on, new invocations of that process will use the SecPool queue.

So the logical tag definition for a role would be:
   <role name="myrole"> <note type="description"> (general description HTML) </note> </role>
I think this will be enough detail, but the proof will be in the pudding. The description will be necessary in order for the local admin to make a decision. (Or actually, perhaps the person invoking the process should make this sort of decision. Any opinions?)

Alerts and notifications
I toyed with the idea of considering notifications part of the normal process, but actually I don't think they should be. First, a notification is not the same as a task -- it isn't something which hangs on the database until it's complete. Instead, it executes conceptually instantaneously, sending a message at a particular point in time.

In general, then, I'd like to see two kinds of alert: one would simply be embedded somewhere (anywhere) and would send a message whenever the control flow hit that point. The other kind would be analogous to a trigger, and would send a message whenever a particular situation obtained. (Naturally, this would require a table of conditions to be maintained by the engine, which would be scanned each time anything happened during the process. This needn't be considered horribly expensive, as workflow processes are presumed to be very long in duration anyway.)

Logically it would be reasonable, given the presence of this condition-scanning table, to allow the administrator or manager to attach an alert to any process or class of processes. In fact, it makes sense to allow that functionality to anybody who can see a process. Thus if I'm following a process, I can simply tell the system, "Tell me when this step completes" and this will create an alert for this particular process. If two alerts fire at the same time and should go to the same person with the same method, then they are combined into a single message.

Which brings up the question as to how the alerts are actually done. Email is, of course, the obvious choice, but it may also make sense to provide other mechanisms: perhaps a POST to a particular URL (convenient for alerting other systems), or simply an entry in a task list local to the system. Another I've seen is the use of pagers, which would be supportable using a POST to a URL but would be convenient to label as "page me". And another which makes sense to me is simply to write some HTML to a file, to provide a status page. And finally, if we allow an alert to create a process or ad-hoc task, then this alert mechanism is an excellent way to specify exception handling.

Anyway, an alert consists of fields, which are values or text. It also specifies its type (which allows the system to find out how to perform the notification) and possibly a condition. If no condition is specified, then the alert fires immediately; otherwise, it waits for its condition to become true (or it waits until the block it occurred in goes out of scope; so for instance, a watch can be placed on a particular sequence and it will disappear if its condition doesn't occur before the sequence ends.)

So the specification for the <alert> tag is complicated enough that I'm giving it its own page, too.

At various points, then, we've run into things that evaluate variables. For instance, a conditional construct has to test the value of a variable. Whenever this is the case, we have to evaluate an expression. So how should expressions be encoded? Well, the short answer at this point is, I don't know. It's not part of the XML specification, fortunately, because XML doesn't support expression syntax well (there's no room for more than one complex parameter, for instance.)

Currently I'm thinking about Tcl. This is partly because I know it, partly because I'm intending to write the engine in C, and partly because Tcl is easy to embed. However, embedding a full-scale scripting language in the engine means some serious thought has to go into how it would interface and what it could do. So that might be overly ambitious. But the fact remains that some way of expressing calculations like "a > 4 or b < 2" has to be included in a reasonable implementation of a conditional. And if the conditional needs it then it might as well be available to everybody else.

This may have to wait until wftk 2.0, for all I know. If I come up with a good plan, you'll be the first to know -- and if you come up with a good plan, I'd like to hear it.

The logical examples will be, of course, renderings of our
usage scenarios. Those are as follows:

(2/24/00) The DTD can be found
here. I haven't tested it yet.

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