LIST functionality: Dealing with SQL

This is the first common-code addition to the adaptor functionality of the wftk. Since SQL is pretty much standard (you'd think that since the 'S' stands for "Standard" it'd be completely standard, but that's life) it's pretty easy to write some common code to generate SQL from objects to do our usual tasks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xmlapi.h"
#include "xmlobj.h"
#include "../wftk.h"
#include "../wftk_internals.h"
A useful little helper function:
void sql_escaped_append (XML * s, const char * q, const char * v)
   char * mark;
   if (!v) return;
   while (mark = strchr (v, '\'')) {
      xml_attrncat (s, q, v, mark - v);
      xml_attrcat (s, q, "\\'");
      v = mark + 1;
   xml_attrcat (s, q, v);
The four main tasks are, of course, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Generating SQL from our objects is actually more complicated than you'd think, because we have a whole lot of default semantics to take into consideration. But this is code which has been with us a long time -- it started out in the ODBC taskindex adaptors, got modified to handle MySQL and Oracle, moved into the list adaptors with MySQL, and then had another pass through Oracle. So it's getting pretty general by now, and handles a lot of sophisticated stuff. Which is good.

But enough chit-chat. Here's the code.
void wftk_sql_build_select (XML * list, char * key, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force)
   XML * field;
   XML * query = xml_create ("q");
   char * value;

   /* Make sure table is set in list definition. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "table")) xml_set (list, "table", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* Build the where clause for the query. */
   /* TODO: this is incredibly naive and needs to know a lot more about the new where specs. */
   /* TODO: See whether Oracle minds quotes around numeric constants, as MySQL doesn't. */
   /* TODO: Make sure we look at type in the first place, oy. */
   xml_set (query, "where", xml_attrval (list, "where"));
   field = xml_firstelem (list);
   while (field) {
      if (xml_is (field, "field")) {
         if (force) { (*force) (field); }
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "special"), "constant")) {
            value = xml_stringcontenthtml (field);
            if (*xml_attrval (query, "where")) { xml_attrcat (query, "where", " and "); }
            xml_attrcat (query, "where", xml_attrval (field, "alias"));
            xml_attrcat (query, "where", "='");
            sql_escaped_append (query, "where", value);
            xml_attrcat (query, "where", "'");
            free ((void *) value);
      field = xml_nextelem (field);

   if (key) {
      if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) {
         field = xml_search (list, "field", NULL, NULL);
         xml_set (list, "key", xml_attrval (field, "id"));
      if (*xml_attrval (query, "where")) { xml_attrcat (query, "where", " and "); }
      xml_attrcat (query, "where", xml_attrval (list, "key")); /* TODO: map key */
      xml_attrcat (query, "where", "='");
      sql_escaped_append (query, "where", key);
      xml_attrcat (query, "where", "'");

   /* Build the query itself. */
   /* TODO: note that our order builder is also way too damned naive. */
   xml_setf (list, "_select", "select * from %s", xml_attrval (list, "table"));
   if (*xml_attrval (query, "where")) {
      xml_attrcat (list, "_select", " where ");
      xml_attrcat (list, "_select", xml_attrval (query, "where"));
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "order")) {
      xml_attrcat (list, "_select", " order by ");
      xml_attrcat (list, "_select", xml_attrval (list, "order"));

   xml_free (query);

XML * wftk_sql_build_insert (XML * list, XML * object, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force) 
   XML * query = xml_create ("q");
   XML * mark;
   XML * field;
   XML * rest_xml = NULL;
   char * value;
   int keygen = 0;
   char timebuf[20];
   struct tm * timeptr;
   time_t julian;

   /* Make sure table is set in list definition. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "table")) xml_set (list, "table", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   xml_set (query, "fields", "");
   xml_set (query, "values", "");

   keygen = 0;

   /* Get the time. */
   time (&julian);
   timeptr = localtime (&julian);
   sprintf (timebuf, "'%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d'",
                      timeptr->tm_year + 1900, timeptr->tm_mon + 1, timeptr->tm_mday,
                      timeptr->tm_hour, timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec);

   for (mark = xml_firstelem (list); mark; mark = xml_nextelem (mark)) { /* First scan to see whether there's a rest_xml field. */
      if (xml_is (mark, "field") && force) { (*force) (mark); }
      if (xml_is (mark, "field") && !strcmp ("rest_xml", xml_attrval (mark, "special"))) {
         rest_xml = xml_copy (object);
         xml_set (rest_xml, "storage", xml_attrval (mark, "storage"));
         xml_set (rest_xml, "field",   xml_attrval (mark, "alias"));

   for (mark = xml_firstelem (list); mark; mark = xml_nextelem (mark)) { /* Second scan to build actual query. */
      if (xml_is (mark, "field")) {
         if (!keygen && !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key")) {
            keygen = 1;
            xml_set (query, "keygen", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
            field = xml_search (object, "field", "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
            if (!field) {
               field = xml_create ("field");
               xml_set (field, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               if (*xml_attrval (mark, "type")) xml_set (field, "type", xml_attrval (mark, "type"));
               xml_prepend_pretty (object, field);
            xml_set_nodup (query, "keygeninit", xmlobj_get (object, list, xml_attrval (mark, "id")));  /* TODO: LIST_localdir should do this, too. */
            if (!*xml_attrval (mark, "keygen")) xml_set (mark, "keygen", xml_attrval (list, "_keygen"));
            if (*xml_attrval (mark, "keygen")) {
               xml_unset (query, "keygen");
               xml_attrcat (query, "fields", ", ");
               xml_attrcat (query, "fields", xml_attrval (mark, "alias"));
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", ", ");
               xml_setf (query, "_keygen", xml_attrval (mark, "keygen"), xml_attrval (list, "table"), xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", xml_attrval (query, "_keygen"));
               xml_set (list, "_keycol", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));

            xmlobj_unset (rest_xml, NULL, xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
         } else {
            if (rest_xml) {
               if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "constant") ||
                   !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key") ||
                   !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "rest_xml") ||
                   !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (list, "keycol")) ||
                   (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "storage"), "record") ||
                    !strncmp (xml_attrval (mark, "storage"), "record:", 7))) {
                  xmlobj_unset (rest_xml, NULL, xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               } else {
                  continue;  /* If not stored in record, skip this field. */

            /* Handle field. */
            xml_attrcat (query, "fields", ", ");
            xml_attrcat (query, "fields", *xml_attrval (mark, "alias") ? xml_attrval (mark, "alias") : xml_attrval (mark, "id"));

            xml_attrcat (query, "values", ", ");
            if (strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "constant")) {
               value = xmlobj_get (object, list, xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               if (!value) value = strdup ("");
            } else {
               value = xml_stringcontenthtml (mark);
               field = xml_search (object, "field", "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               if (!field) {
                  field = xml_create ("field");
                  xml_set (field, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
                  if (*xml_attrval (mark, "type")) xml_set (field, "type", xml_attrval (mark, "type"));
                  xml_append_pretty (object, field);
               xml_replacecontent (field, xml_createtext (value));

            if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "now") || !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "add")) {
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", *xml_attrval (list, "_now") ? xml_attrval (list, "_now") : timebuf);
            } else if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (mark, "type"), "numeric", 7)) {
               if (!value) {
                  xml_attrcat (query, "values", "0");
               } else if (!*value) {
                  xml_attrcat (query, "values", "0");
               } else {
                  xml_attrcat (query, "values", value);
            } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "rest_xml")) {
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", *xml_attrval (list, "_blob") ? xml_attrval (list, "_blob") : "''");
            } else {
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", "'");
               sql_escaped_append (query, "values", value);
               xml_attrcat (query, "values", "'");
            if (value) free ((void *)value);

   if (keygen && *xml_attrval (query, "keygen")) {
      sprintf (timebuf + 16, "_%d", rand() * 100 / RAND_MAX);
      xml_setf (list, "_keyval", "%s%s", xml_attrval (query, "keygeninit"), timebuf + 1);
      xml_set (list, "_retry", "yes");
      xml_setf (list, "_insert", "insert into %s (%s%s) values ('%s'%s)",
                                  xml_attrval (list, "table"),
                                  xml_attrval (query, "keygen"),
                                  xml_attrval (query, "fields"),
                                  xml_attrval (list, "_keyval"),
                                  xml_attrval (query, "values"));
   } else {
      xml_unset (list, "_retry");
      xml_unset (list, "_keyval");
      xml_setf (list, "_insert", "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)",
                                  xml_attrval (list, "table"),
                                  xml_attrval (query, "fields") + 2,
                                  xml_attrval (query, "values") + 2);
   xml_free (query);

   return (rest_xml);
Building an update query is similar to insertion -- except that (1) we don't have to worry about the key field, (2) we only look at fields which are actually in the object (allowing a short query for diffs), (3) we do have to watch out for attempts to change constant fields, and (4) we have to tack on special fields marked as "now" or "mod" so that timestamps are honored.
XML * wftk_sql_build_update (XML * list, XML * object, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force) 
   XML * query = xml_create ("q");
   XML * mark;
   XML * field;
   XML * rest_xml = NULL;
   char * value;
   int table_fields = 0;
   int keygen = 0;
   char timebuf[20];
   struct tm * timeptr;
   time_t julian;

   /* Make sure table is set in list definition. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "table")) xml_set (list, "table", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* Get the time. */
   time (&julian);
   timeptr = localtime (&julian);
   sprintf (timebuf, "'%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d'",
                      timeptr->tm_year + 1900, timeptr->tm_mon + 1, timeptr->tm_mday,
                      timeptr->tm_hour, timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec);

   xml_set (query, "key", xml_attrval (object, "id"));  /* TODO: why is this here? */
   if (!*xml_attrval (query, "key")) xml_set (query, "key", xml_attrval (object, "key"));

   if (!*xml_attrval (query, "key")) {
      xml_set_nodup (query, "key", xmlobj_getkey (object, list));
   if (!*xml_attrval (query, "key")) {
      xml_free (query);
      xml_set (list, "_error", "Unable to determine key for update.");
      return NULL;
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (list);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "field") && !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key")) {
            xml_set (list, "key", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) {
      xml_free (query);
      xml_set (list, "_error", "Unable to determine key field in list definition.");
      return NULL;
   xml_unset (list, "_error");

   xml_set (query, "sets", "");

   for (field = xml_firstelem (list); field; field = xml_nextelem (field)) { /* First scan to see whether there's a rest_xml field. */
      if (xml_is (field, "field") && force) { (*force) (field); }

      if (xml_is (field, "field") && !strcmp ("rest_xml", xml_attrval (field, "special"))) {
         rest_xml = xml_copy (object);
         xml_set (rest_xml, "storage", xml_attrval (field, "storage"));
         xml_set (rest_xml, "field",   xml_attrval (field, "alias"));

   for (field = xml_firstelem (object); field; field = xml_nextelem (field)) { /* Second scan to build SQL. */
      if (xml_is (field, "field")) {
         mark = xml_search (list, "field", "id", xml_attrval (field, "id"));
         if (mark && strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "constant") 
                  && strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "now")
                  && strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "mod")
                  && strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "rest_xml")) {
            if (rest_xml) {
               if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key") ||
                   !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (list, "keycol")) ||
                   (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "storage"), "record") ||
                    !strncmp (xml_attrval (mark, "storage"), "record:", 7))) {
                  xmlobj_unset (rest_xml, NULL, xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               } else {
                  continue;  /* If not stored in record, skip this field. */


            xml_attrcat (query, "sets", ", ");
            xml_attrcat (query, "sets", xml_attrval (mark, "alias"));
            xml_attrcat (query, "sets", "=");

            value = xmlobj_get (object, list, xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
            if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (mark, "type"), "numeric", 7)) {
               if (!*value) {
                  xml_attrcat (query, "sets", "0");
               } else {
                  xml_attrcat (query, "sets", value);
            } else {
               xml_attrcat (query, "sets", "'");
               sql_escaped_append (query, "sets", value);
               xml_attrcat (query, "sets", "'");
            free ((void *)value);

   /* Now scan for now and mod fields. */
   mark = xml_firstelem (list);
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "field") && (!strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "special"), "now")  || !strcmp (xml_attrval (field, "special"), "mod"))) {
         xml_attrcat (query, "sets", ", ");
         xml_attrcat (query, "sets", xml_attrval (mark, "alias"));
         xml_attrcat (query, "sets", "=");
         xml_attrcat (query, "sets", *xml_attrval (list, "_now") ? xml_attrval (list, "_now") : timebuf);
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   if (table_fields) {
      xml_setf (list, "_update", "update %s set %s where %s='%s'",
                                  xml_attrval (list, "table"),
                                  xml_attrval (query, "sets") + 2,
                                  xml_attrval (list, "key"), /* TODO: map key */
                                  xml_attrval (query, "key"));
   } else {
      xml_set (list, "_update", "");
   xml_free (query);

   return (rest_xml);

void wftk_sql_build_delete (XML * list, char * key, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force)
   XML * mark;
   XML * key_field;
   const char * key_name;

   /* Make sure table is set in list definition. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "table")) xml_set (list, "table", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (list);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "field") && !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key")) {
            xml_set (list, "key", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "key")) {
      xml_set (list, "_error", "Unable to determine key field in list definition.");
   xml_unset (list, "_error");

   key_name = xml_attrval (list, "key");
   key_field = xml_search (list, "field", "id", key_name);
   if (key_field) {
      if (force) { (*force) (key_field); }
      if (*xml_attrval (key_field, "alias")) {
         key_name = xml_attrval (key_field, "alias");  /* TODO: (2004-03-01) this doesn't seem to make much sense. */

   xml_setf (list, "_delete", "delete from %s where %s='%s'",
                               xml_attrval (list, "table"),

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2001-2004, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.