Handling elements: startElement

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OK, now we get down to the heavy hitting. The startElement function is long and complicated, and it's the first of the three handlers implemented so far (there will be more later.)
void startElement(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts)
   FRAME * newframe;
   TAG   * scan;
   const char  *mark;
   int   matchoffset;
   int   att;
   const char  **attptr;
   int   on;
   int   c;
   int   didit;

   newframe = (FRAME *) malloc (sizeof (FRAME));
   newframe->next = NULL;
   newframe->back = top;
   newframe->level = newframe->back->level + 1;
   newframe->name = name;
   newframe->subitems = NULL;
   newframe->offset_in_parent = 0;
   newframe->locator = NULL;
   newframe->empty = 1;

   if (stack.next == NULL) {
      stack.next = newframe;
      newframe->back = &stack;
   } else {
      top->next = newframe;
   top = newframe;

   /* If parent is still empty, close its tag. */
#ifdef XMLSNIP
   if (!finished && emit_level > -1 && top->back->level - 1 + emit_matching_tag >= emit_level && top->back->empty == 1) {
   if ((emit_level < 0 || top->back->level + emit_matching_tag <= emit_level) && top->back->empty == 1) {
   if (top->back->empty == 1) {
      if (emit_tags) top->back->empty = 0;
      if (emit_tags) printf (">");

   /* Scan parent's subitems to ascertain our own offset in that list. */
   if (top->back) {
      scan = top->back->subitems;
      while (scan) {
         if (!strcmp (scan->name, name)) break;
         scan = scan->next;
      if (scan) {
      } else {
         scan = (TAG *) malloc (sizeof (TAG));
         scan->name = name;
         scan->next = top->back->subitems;
         scan->count = 0;
         top->back->subitems = scan;
      top->offset_in_parent = scan->count;

   /* Now check parent's locator to see whether we match the next bit.
      (A null locator means the parent isn't in the match path.) */
   if (top->back->locator != NULL) {
      if (!strncmp (name, top->back->locator, strlen(name))) {
         mark = (char *) top->back->locator + strlen(name);
         matchoffset = 0;
         if (*mark == '(') {
            matchoffset = atoi(mark);
            while (*mark && *mark != ')') mark++;
            if (*mark) mark++;
         } else if (*mark == '[') {
            for (attptr = atts; *attptr && strcmp (*attptr, "id"); attptr += 2);
            if (!*attptr) for (attptr = atts; *attptr && strcmp (*attptr, "name"); attptr += 2);
            if (!strncmp (*attptr, mark, strlen(*attptr))) {
               mark += strlen(*attptr);
               if (*mark == ']') {
                  matchoffset = top->offset_in_parent;
         if ((*mark == '\0' || *mark == ' ') && top->offset_in_parent == matchoffset) {
            /* Ding, ding! */
            emit_level = top->level;
            if (emit_locator) print_stack();
            emit_level = top->level;
         } else if (*mark == '.' && top->offset_in_parent == matchoffset) {
            top->locator = mark+1;

   if (top->level == emit_level && !strcmp (insertwhere, "before")) {
      while (!feof(stdin)) { c = getchar(); if (!feof(stdin)) putchar(c); }
      emit_level = -1;

   /* Emit tag. */
#ifdef XMLSNIP
   if (!finished && emit_level > -1 && top->level - 1 + emit_matching_tag >= emit_level) {
   if (emit_level < 0 || top->level + emit_matching_tag <= emit_level) {
   if (1) {
      if (emit_tags) {
         printf ("<%s", name);
         #ifdef XMLSET
         mark = NULL; finished = 0;
         for (att=0, on=1; atts[att]; att++) {
            if (on) printf (" %s", atts[att]);
            #ifdef XMLSET
            if (on && !strcmp (atts[att], setattr) && top->level == emit_level) {
               mark = atts[att];
            if (!on && mark != NULL && top->level == emit_level) {
               printf ("=\"%s\"", setvalue);
               mark = NULL;
               finished = 1;
            } else
            if (!on) printf ("=\"%s\"", atts[att]);
            on = !on;
         #ifdef XMLSET
         if (!finished && top->level == emit_level)
            printf (" %s=\"%s\"", setattr, setvalue);

#ifdef XMLSET
   emit_level = -1;
   finished = 0;

   if (emit_level == top->level) {
      top->empty = 0;
      if (emit_tags && !emit_matching_tag) printf (">");
      while (!feof(stdin)) { c = getchar(); if (!feof(stdin)) putchar(c); }

   if (top->level == emit_level && !strcmp (insertwhere, "beforecontent")) {
      top->empty = 0;
      if (emit_tags && emit_matching_tag) printf (">");
      while (!feof(stdin)) { c = getchar(); if (!feof(stdin)) putchar(c); }
      emit_level = -1;
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