Global variables (state)

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/* The parsing context: */
FRAME stack = {

/* Settings */
int emit_content = 1;
int emit_matching_tag = 1;
int emit_tags = 1;
int emit_comments = 0;
int emit_pis = 0;
int emit_locator = 0;

char * infile = NULL;
char * insertwhere = NULL;
char * setattr = NULL;
char * setvalue = NULL;

FRAME * top = &stack;

int finished; /* We can set this if we know we're done with the snip. */
int emit_level = -1; /* Set this to the level when our location first matches the locator. */

int done;

Reading the command line
int init(int argc, char * argv[]) {
   int i;
   char * mark;

   for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
      if (*argv[i] == '-') {
         mark = argv[i];
         while (*mark++) {
           switch (*mark) {
              case 'c': emit_comments = 1; break;
              case 'o': emit_tags = 0; break;
              case 'e': emit_content = 0; break;
#ifndef XMLSET
              case 'm': emit_matching_tag = 0; break;
              case 'p': emit_pis = 1; break;
              case 'l': emit_locator = 1; break;
      else if (!insertwhere) { insertwhere = argv[i]; }
      else if (!stack.locator) { stack.locator = argv[i]; }
#ifdef XMLSET
      else if (!setattr) { setattr = argv[i]; }
      else if (!setvalue) { setvalue = argv[i]; }
      else if (!infile) { infile = argv[i]; }
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