xml_createtext: a shortcut for plain text

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I represent character data (plain old text) as an element with no name. The first (nameless) attribute contains the text. Instead of using xml_create to do this, then using xml_set to set the attribute, I'm defining a special create function for plain text chunks.

And for easy compatibility with expat, there's a version which takes a pointer and length instead of assuming null termination.
XML * xml_createtext (const char * value)
   XML * ret;

   ret = (XML *) malloc (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->parent = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) malloc (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (value) + 1);
   strcpy (ret->attrs->value, value);

   return (ret);
XML * xml_createtextlen (const char * value, int len)
   XML * ret;

   ret = (XML *) malloc (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) malloc (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = (char *) malloc (len + 1);
   strncpy (ret->attrs->value, value, len);
   ret->attrs->value[len] = '\0';

   return (ret);
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was created using LPML.