Main program

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This is so straightforward I hardly even feel the need to document it.
#include "user.h"
#include "xmlcgi.h"

XML * current_user;
XML * user = NULL;
XML * edited;
XML * cgi;
XML * environment;
XML * query;


int main (int argc, char * argv[])
   ATTR * attr;
   char * field;

   cgi = cgi_init ();
   environment = xml_loc (cgi, "cgicall.environment");
   query = xml_loc (cgi, "cgicall.query");

   current_user = user_authenticate (environment, "wftk workflow");
   edited = current_user;
   if (!current_user) {
      printf ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
      printf ("<html><head><title>User authentication required</title></head>\n");
      printf ("<body><h2>User authentication required </h2><hr>\n");
      printf ("A valid user authentication response is required to access this area.\n");
      printf ("</body></html>\n");
      xml_free (cgi);

   if (strcmp ("", xml_attrval (query, "user"))) {
      user = user_get (xml_attrval (query, "user"));
      if (!user) {
         printf ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
         printf ("<html><head><title>Unknown user '%s'</title></head>\n", xml_attrval (query, "user"));
         printf ("<body><h2>Unknown user '%s'</h2><hr>\n", xml_attrval (query, "user"));
         printf ("The system was unable to locate the username you entered.\n</body></html>\n");
         xml_free (cgi);
         xml_free (current_user);
      edited = user;
      if (!user_perm (current_user, "user", xml_attrval (query, "user"), "edit")) {
         printf ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
         printf ("<html><head><title>Insufficient privilege</title></head>\n");
         printf ("<body><h2>Insufficient privilege</h2><hr>\n");
         printf ("You don't have permission to edit the personal information for user '%s'.\n", xml_attrval (query, "user"));
         printf ("</body></html>\n");
         xml_free (cgi);
         xml_free (current_user);

   attr = query->attrs;
   while (attr) {
      if (strcmp (attr->name, "user") && strcmp (attr->name, "name")) {
         xml_set (edited, attr->name, attr->value);
      attr = attr->next;

   user_save (edited);

   printf ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
   printf ("<html><head><title>Edit user information for '%s'</title></head>\n", xml_attrval (edited, "name"));
   printf ("<body><h2>User information for '%s'</h2><hr>\n", xml_attrval (edited, "name"));
   printf ("<form action=\"%s\" method=post>\n", xml_attrval (environment, "SCRIPT_NAME"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (query, "user"), "")) {
      printf ("<input type=hidden name=user value=\"%s\">\n", xml_attrval (query, "user"));
   printf ("<table>\n");
   attr = edited->attrs;
   while (attr) {
      if (!strcmp (attr->name, "user") || !strcmp (attr->name, "name")) {
      } else if (!strcmp (attr->name, "password")) {
         /*printf ("<tr><td>Password</td><td><input name=password></td></tr>\n");*/
      } else if (!strcmp (attr->name, "fullname")) {
         printf ("<tr><td>Full name</td><td><input name=fullname value=\"%s\"></td></tr>\n", attr->value);
      } else if (!strcmp (attr->name, "email")) {
         printf ("<tr><td>Email address</td><td><input name=email value=\"%s\"></td></tr>\n", attr->value);
      } else {
         printf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td><input name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"></td></tr>\n", attr->name, attr->name, attr->value);
      attr = attr->next;
   printf ("<tr><td colspan=2><center><input type=submit value=\"Update user info\"></center></td></tr>\n");
   printf ("</table>\n");
   printf ("</form></body></html>\n");

   xml_free (cgi);
   if (user) xml_free (user);
   xml_free (current_user);
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license.