Presenting a directory view in HTML

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This part might end up being a more general mechanism, given time. Yes, before I get several emails telling me that this problem has already been solved by XSL, I realize that XSL probably already does everything I need. Eventually I will redress that, but for now I need a solution quickly. Now, on the other hand, if you want to do something that uses XSL to do something that's compatible with what I'm doing here, then I want to hear from you.
void dirview_show (FILE * out, XML * dv)
   XML * elem;
   const char * link;

   elem = xml_firstelem (dv);
   if (!elem) return;

   fprintf (out, "<ul>\n");
   while (elem) {
      if (!strcmp (elem->name, "folder")) {
         fprintf (out, "<li> %s\n", xml_attrval (elem, "label"));
         dirview_show (out, elem);
      } else {
         link = xml_attrval (elem, "link");
         if (*link) {
            fprintf (out, "<li> <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", link, xml_attrval (elem, "label"));
         } else {
            fprintf (out, "<li> %s\n", xml_attrval (elem, "label"));
      elem = xml_nextelem (elem);
   fprintf (out, "</ul>\n");
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