view: Viewing information and version history of a procdef

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The view command serves as a jumping-off point for working with a procdef. It displays the various versions defined over the history of the procdef, and allows you to check the procdef out (creating a new version.) I guess it's logical that you should also be able to check versions in from this screen, but we'll see if that makes sense.
See Loading an item file

printf ("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
printf ("<html><head><title>Procdef %s</title></head>\n", xml_attrval (item, "title"));
printf ("<body bgcolor=ffffff>\n");
printf ("<h2>Procdef -- '%s'</h2>Current version: %s<br>Original author: %s<hr>",
        xml_attrval (item, "title"),
        *(xml_attrval (item, "ver")) ? xml_attrval (item, "ver") : "<b>none</b>",
        xml_attrval (item, "owner"));

holder = xml_loc (item, "item.description");
if (holder) {
   xml_writecontent (stdout, holder);
   printf ("<p>\n");

printf ("<ul>\n");
xml = xml_loc (item, "item.versions");
if (xml) {
   holder = xml_firstelem (xml);
   while (holder) {
      if (!strcmp (holder->name, "version")) {
         printf ("<li> <a href=%s?command=edit&item=%s&ver=%s>Version %s</a>\n",
                 xml_attrval (environment, "SCRIPT_NAME"), xml_attrval (query, "item"),
                 xml_attrval (holder, "id"), xml_attrval (holder, "id"));
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (holder, "id"), xml_attrval (item, "ver"))) {
            printf (" (current)\n");
      holder = xml_nextelem (holder);
printf ("</ul>\n");

if (user_perm (current_user, "workflow", xml_attrval (query, "item"), "checkout")) {
   printf ("<form action=\"%s\" method=GET>\n", xml_attrval (environment, "SCRIPT_NAME"));
   printf ("<input type=hidden name=command value=checkout>\n");
   printf ("<input type=hidden name=item value=%s>\n", xml_attrval (query, "item"));
   printf ("<input type=submit value=\"Check out a new version\">\n");
   printf ("</form>\n");

printf ("</body></html>\n");
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