Miscellaneous utility functions

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These are some functions I end up using a lot for AOLserver/Tcl applications. The now function is pretty obvious, and the sql_safe_string function simply doubles single quotes in order to make strings safe to insert into SQL queries.
proc now {{what all}} {
   set time [ns_localtime]
   switch $what {
    all {return [format "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" [expr [lindex $time 5] + 1900] [expr [lindex $time 4] + 1] [lindex $time 3] [lindex $time 2] [lindex $time 1] [lindex $time 0]]}
    date {return [format "%04d-%02d-%02d" [expr [lindex $time 5] + 1900] [expr [lindex $time 4] + 1] [lindex $time 3]]}
    time {return [format "%02d:%02d:%02d" [lindex $time 2] [lindex $time 1] [lindex $time 0]]}
    tag {return [format "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" [expr [lindex $time 5] + 1900] [expr [lindex $time 4] + 1] [lindex $time 3] [lindex $time 2] [lindex $time 1] [lindex $time 0]]}

proc sql_safe_string {s} {
   set out ""
   while {[string first "'" $s] > -1} {
      set f [string first "'" $s]
      append out [string range $s 0 $f]
      append out "'"
      set s [string range $s [expr $f + 1] end]
   append out $s

   return $out
I suppose I could use regsub to implement sql_safe_string but this works and I trust it. (I wrote it very early on in my Tcl days. Ah, gotta love those code fossils.)
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