User functionality

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The user functionality consists of two things: the most important is of course the code to be executed before each function in order to cause the login box to pop up. This uses ns_conn authuser to see if a login has already been supplied; if not, a 401 return is used to pop the box up.

The other portion is of course a couple of screens for maintenance of the user table: a list, a user-update function, a user-add function, user delete, and a screen to be used to request a user ID. (The request is anonymous and creates an inactive user record. The record must then be activated by an administrator. This would be a great place to use a workflow.)

Checking authuser
Checking for the authuser is pretty straightforward. This code is executed at the beginning of each screen. It assumes a DB pool handle in $db. If the authuser is already set, then we check it against the database; otherwise we set the WWW-Authenticate header to provide the details of our authentication request, and return a 401 status to invoke the login dialog.

The userid ends up in $user and $userrow is an ns_set which contains the row from the users table corresponding to that userid. (Thus including name and contact information.)
set user [string tolower [ns_conn authuser $conn]]
if [string compare $user ""] {
   if [catch {set userrow [ns_db select $db "select * from users where userid='[sql_safe_string $user]'"]} result] {
      set tags(title) "Problem validating user"
      set tags(body) "The database returned an error while attempting to perform signon."
      append tags(body) "<br>The error returned was: <code>$result</code>"
      return [todomgr_pageout $conn message.html 500]
   if {![ns_db getrow $db $userrow] || \
        [string compare [string tolower [ns_conn authpassword $conn]] \
                        [string tolower [ns_set get $userrow password]]]} {
      ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders $conn WWW-Authenticate "BASIC realm=\"task list manager\""
      return [todomgr_pageout $conn auth.html 401]
} else {
   ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders $conn] WWW-Authenticate "BASIC realm=\"task list manager\""
   return [todomgr_pageout $conn auth.html 401]

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