xml_createtext: a shortcut for plain text

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I represent character data (plain old text) as an element with no name. The first (nameless) attribute contains the text. Instead of using xml_create to do this, then using xml_set to set the attribute, I'm defining a special create function for plain text chunks.

And for easy compatibility with expat, there's a version which takes a pointer and length instead of assuming null termination.

To make things really convenient, I've included (May 27, 2001) a new function to format values: xml_createtextf. Pretty soon this library is going to be really, really convenient!

July 18, 2001: More and more convenient. I figured this would be another good place to support concatenation, even though wftk_value_interpret doesn't really use it. Although I suppose it could. Also, it turned out that I should have included xml_createtext_nodup back in May after all -- I need it today anyway (that's the way API design always is. If you leave something out, you'll be back.) The _nodup variant, like xml_set_nodup, does exactly the same as its nondecorated cousin, except it pulls in the value and makes it its own (this avoids making the caller free up a value that was created just for calling us anyway.)
XMLAPI XML * xml_createtext (const char * value)
   XML * ret;

   ret = (XML *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->parent = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = strdup (value);
   ret->attrs->valsize = strlen (value) + 1;

   return (ret);
XMLAPI XML * xml_createtext_nodup (char * value)
   XML * ret;

   ret = (XML *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->parent = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = value;
   ret->attrs->valsize = strlen (value) + 1;

   return (ret);
XMLAPI XML * xml_createtextlen (const char * value, int len)
   XML * ret;

   ret = (XML *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = (char *) MALLOC (len + 1);
   ret->attrs->valsize = len + 1;
   strncpy (ret->attrs->value, value, len);
   ret->attrs->value[len] = '\0';

   return (ret);
XMLAPI XML * xml_createtextf (const char * format, ...)
   XML * ret;
   char * value;
   va_list args;

   va_start (args, format);
   value = _xml_string_format (format, args);
   va_end (args);

   ret = (XML *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _element));
   ret->name = NULL;
   ret->children = NULL;
   ret->parent = NULL;
   ret->attrs = (ATTR *) MALLOC (sizeof (struct _attr));
   ret->attrs->name = NULL;
   ret->attrs->next = NULL;
   ret->attrs->value = value;
   ret->attrs->valsize = strlen (value) + 1;

   return (ret);
XMLAPI void xml_textcat (XML * xml, const char * value)
   ATTR * attr;
   int len;

   if (xml_is_element (xml)) return; /* We refuse to work with non-elements. */

   attr = xml->attrs;
   if (!attr) return; /* This shouldn't happen, but... */

   len = strlen (attr->value) + strlen (value) + 1;
   if (len > attr->valsize) {
      while (attr->valsize < len) attr->valsize += 256;
      attr->value = (char *) REALLOC (attr->value, attr->valsize);
   strcat (attr->value, value);
XMLAPI void xml_textncat (XML * xml, const char * value, int length)
   ATTR * attr;
   int len;

   if (xml_is_element (xml)) return; /* We refuse to work with non-elements. */

   attr = xml->attrs;
   if (!attr) return; /* This shouldn't happen, but... */

   len = strlen (attr->value) + length + 1;
   if (len > attr->valsize) {
      while (attr->valsize < len) attr->valsize += 256;
      attr->value = (char *) REALLOC (attr->value, attr->valsize);
   strncat (attr->value, value, length);
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was created using LPML.