Working with tasks

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task: Show a task, including data requirements
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep and process ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL (argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (datasheet) {
   if (argsleft < 1) {
      task = wftk_task_retrieve (session, datasheet);
   } else {
      task = xml_create ("task");
      xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
      xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
      xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
      wftk_task_retrieve (session, task);

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (task, "status"), "none")) {
      printf ("No task found.\n");
   } else {
      printf ("Task '%s'\n", *xml_attrval (task, "label") ? xml_attrval (task, "label") : xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      if (*xml_attrval (task, "role")) printf ("Role: %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "role"));
      if (*xml_attrval (task, "user")) printf ("Assigned to %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "user"));
      mark = xml_firstelem (task);
      while (mark) {
         if (!strcmp (mark->name, "data")) {
            printf (" %c %s: %s\n", strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "mode"), "input") ? ' ' : '*',
                                    xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (mark, "value"));
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

tasks: List tasks
This task list is simply a list of tasks active in a given process. The list is obtained from the datasheet directly.
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep and process ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

list = xml_create ("list");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (list, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (list, "process", argv[argp++]);
wftk_task_list (session, list);
mark = xml_firstelem (list);
if (!mark) {
   printf ("No tasks found.\n");
} else {
   while (mark) {
      printf ("%s: %s", xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (mark, "label"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "role")) printf (" [%s]", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "user")) printf (" (%s)", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
      printf ("\n");
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

todo: List indexed tasks
This list of tasks is obtained from the task index (the active task database). At some point it'll screen for specific users or roles; for the time being it will demonstrate working with task list returns (which are done in exactly the same way as above, of course.)
list = xml_create ("list");
if (argsleft > 0) xml_set (list, "user", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (list, "status", "active");
wftk_task_list (session, list);
mark = xml_firstelem (list);
if (!mark) {
   printf ("No tasks found.\n");
} else {
   while (mark) {
      printf ("%s > %s: %s", xml_attrval (mark, "process"), xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (mark, "label"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "role")) printf (" [%s]", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
      if (argc == 2 && *xml_attrval (mark, "user")) printf (" (%s)", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
      printf ("\n");
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

complete: Complete a task (or start the process)
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep and process ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL (argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (datasheet) {
   if (argsleft < 1) {
      task = wftk_task_retrieve (session, datasheet);
   } else {
      task = xml_create ("task");
      xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
      xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
      xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
      wftk_task_retrieve (session, task);

   if (wftk_task_complete (session, task)) {
      printf ("Completed.\n");
   } else {
      printf ("Not completed.\n");

reject: Reject a task
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk reject: dsrep, process ID, and task ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL (argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (!datasheet) {
   printf ("Datasheet repository %s can't find datasheet %s", argv[argp-2], argv[argp-1]);
} else {
   task = xml_create ("task");
   xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
   xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
   xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
   wftk_task_retrieve (session, task);

   if (wftk_task_reject (session, task)) {
      printf ("Rejected.\n");
   } else {
      printf ("No action taken.\n");

newtask: Create an ad-hoc task
This interface to wftk_task_new is somewhat weak, as it doesn't allow the user to specify data requirements for an ad-hoc task. The library itself has no such limitation.
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep, process ID and task ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("task");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
if (argsleft > 0) xml_set (task, "label", argv[argp++]);

if (wftk_task_new (session, task)) {
   printf ("Task added.\n");
} else {
   printf ("No task added.\n");
Now that's easy.

rescind: Delete an ad-hoc task
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep, process ID and task ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("task");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);

if (wftk_task_rescind (session, task)) {
   printf ("Task rescinded.\n");
} else {
   printf ("No task rescinded.\n");
Now that's even easier.

assign: Attach a user to a task
If the user is omitted from this command, it has the effect of de-assigning the task.
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk assign: dsrep, process ID and task ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create("task");
xml_set (task, "dsrep", PERIOD_TO_NULL (argv[argp]) ? argv[argp] : ""); argp++;
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
if (!wftk_task_retrieve (session, task)) {
   printf ("Task %s is not active", argv[argp-1]);
} else {
   if (argsleft > 0) {
      xml_set (task, "user", argv[argp++]);
   } else {
      xml_set (task, "user", "");
   wftk_task_update (session, task);
Note that this function can't assign a task to a role, or assign a role to a user. These will come later.
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