Working with roles

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Roles are comparatively simple. Each named role may be assigned to a user. Then new workflow tasks for that role will automatically be assigned to the user in question. Notifications may also be addressed to particular roles, and so forth. This utility doesn't do a whole lot with this stuff, just lists and updates, basically.

roles: list roles in a datasheet
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk roles: repository and ID of the datasheet are required.\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL(argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (!datasheet) {
   printf ("Datasheet repository %s can't find datasheet %s", argv[argp-2], argv[argp-1]);
   exit (1);

list = xml_create ("list");
wftk_role_list (session, datasheet, list);
mark = xml_firstelem (list);
while (mark) {
   printf ("%s : ", xml_attrval (mark, "name"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (mark, "user")) {
      printf ("[unassigned]\n");
   } else {
      printf ("%s\n", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
   mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

role: display or assign a role
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk role: repository and ID of the datasheet are required, plus the name of a role.\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL(argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (!datasheet) {
   printf ("Datasheet repository %s can't find datasheet %s", argv[argp-2], argv[argp-1]);
   exit (1);

if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("%s : ", argv[argp]);
   if (!*wftk_role_user (session, datasheet, argv[argp])) {
      printf ("[unassigned]\n");
   } else {
      printf ("%s\n", wftk_role_user (session, datasheet, argv[argp]));
} else {
   wftk_role_assign (session, datasheet, argv[argp], argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
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