action: Performing actions with possible deferment

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One of the features of wftk which I think will make it easiest to integrate it with other systems is its ability to encapsulate actions, either executing them, denying them, or deferring them with an approval process started. Besides providing an underlying permissions mechanism for things like checking in new process definitions, the action facility will be an excellent and very natural way to automate typical website actions or scripts.
if (argsleft < 1) {
   file = stdin;
} else {
   file = fopen (argv[argp], "r");
   if (!file) {
      printf ("Unable to open action definition file '%s' for reading.\n", argv[argp]);
      exit (1);

action = xml_read (file);
if (argsleft > 0) fclose (file);
if (!action) {
   printf ("Unable to read action -- was your XML valid?\n");
   exit (1);

wftk_action (session, action);
if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (action, "status"), "error")) {
   printf ("Error while attempting action.\n");
} else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (action, "status"), "ok")) {
   printf ("Action taken.\n");
} else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (action, "status"), "no")) {
   if (!*xml_attrval (action, "status.reason")) {
      printf ("Action denied.\n");
   } else {
      printf ("Action denied: %s\n", xml_attrval (action, "status.reason"));
} else {
   printf ("Action deferred pending approval.\nRepository %s\nProcess %s\n", xml_attrval (action, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (action, "process"));

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