Dealing with tasks

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So we know how we work with processes; the much more interesting question is how we work with individual tasks. A great deal of what I want to do with tasks is still not implemented, but at least it's getting obvious where the implementation should go, and that's some progress.

As explained on the previous page, processes are basically things which are in the system's "awareness". Tasks are the actions which people (or programs) have to take as a result of that awareness. The wftk also supports ad-hoc tasks, which are simply entries in a person's to-do list. These may or may not be associated with processes. In addition, ad-hoc tasks may be grouped into ad-hoc processes, which are weak versions of regular workflow processes.

When an ad-hoc task completes, its status is updated to complete. Period. When a workflow task completes, though, that's when things get interesting. At that point, the workflow procdef interpreter is invoked in order to do whatever comes next. This is typically the scheduling of new tasks, but may also be automatic notification, manipulation of data values, the invocation of scripts or programs, or whatever else is specified. That old workflow magic.

But wait, there's more. Besides normal or explicit tasks, there are also what I call potential tasks. A potential task hasn't actually been assigned or even activated, but could be chosen by someone. Potential tasks have visibility criteria, so that a potential task will appear, for instance, only when the process is in a particular state.
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_task_subproc   (void * session, XML * task, XML * subproc_datasheet) {};
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_task_attach    (void * session, XML * task, XML * datasheet) {};
The most basic thing to do with tasks is to retrieve one. To retrieve a task, the calling function must build a dummy task object, then call wftk_task_retrieve on it. The library then checks either the named datasheet or the named task index, and fills in the task object with various details, which include the data objects which the task either displays or requires. This task object may then be used to generate something to be presented to a user.

This function also includes a few shortcuts. For instance, if the "task object" is really a datasheet, then the currently afforded potential task will be returned, if any. This is effectively a shortcut for creating a task object which refers to the datasheet.

Note that the datasheet may not even contain the data items required for the task yet, if the requirements are determined by the procdef.

WFTK_EXPORT XML * wftk_task_retrieve (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * procdef = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   XML * data;
   const char *task_id;

   if (!task) return task;
   if (xml_is (task, "datasheet")) {
      datasheet = task;
      task = xml_create ("task");
      xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
      xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
   } else {
      if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
         datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
         xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
         xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));

   if (!datasheet) {
      /* TODO: retrieval of non-datasheet tasks. (Needs doing in the ODBC adaptor, too.) */
      /* ad = wftk_get_adaptor (session, TASKINDEX, NULL);
      mark = wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "get", task);*/
      return 0;

   procdef = _procdef_load (session, datasheet);

   task_id = xml_attrval (task, "id");
   if (*task_id && *task_id != '!') { /* Explicit task, either ad-hoc or workflow. */
      /* Let's look for an ad-hoc task with this ID. */
      mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", task_id);
      if (mark) {
         xml_set_nodup (task, "label", wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "label")));
         xml_set (task, "status", "active");
         xml_set (task, "role", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
         xml_set (task, "user", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
         xml_set_nodup (task, "loc", xml_getlocbuf (mark));
         mark = xml_firstelem (mark);  /* Copy data references over and that whole nine yards. */
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "data")) {
               data = xml_create ("data");
               xml_set (data, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_set (data, "type", xml_attrval (mark, "type"));
               xml_set (data, "value", wftk_value_get (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (data, "id")));
               xml_set (data, "mode", *xml_attrval (data, "value")? "edit" : "input");
               xml_append (task, data);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
         if (!session) {
            if (procdef) xml_free (procdef);
            xml_free (datasheet);
         return (task); /* TODO: proper cleanup. */

      /* Not found?  Then on to the workflow status, and retrieve active tasks from the procdef. */
      mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".state.queue.item[%s]", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      if (mark) {
         xml_set (task, "role", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
         xml_set (task, "user", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "where"), "datasheet")) {
            mark = xml_loc (datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "loc"));
         } else {
            mark = xml_loc (procdef, xml_attrval (mark, "loc"));
      if (mark) {  /* Mark is now the task definition, whether in procdef or ad-hoc in datasheet. */
         xml_set_nodup (task, "label", wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "label")));
         xml_set (task, "status", "active");
         if (!*xml_attrval (task, "user")) { /* Get role/user from procdef if the datasheet ain't talkin. */
            xml_set (task, "role", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
         if (!*xml_attrval (task, "user")) {
            xml_set (task, "user", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
         xml_set_nodup (task, "loc", xml_getlocbuf (mark));
         mark = xml_firstelem (mark);  /* Copy data references over and that whole nine yards. */
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "data")) {
               data = xml_create ("data");
               xml_set (data, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_set (data, "type", xml_attrval (mark, "type"));
               xml_set (data, "value", wftk_value_get (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (data, "id")));
               xml_set (data, "mode", *xml_attrval (data, "value")? "edit" : "input");
               xml_append (task, data);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
         if (!session) {
            if (procdef) xml_free (procdef);
            xml_free (datasheet);
         return (task); /* TODO: proper cleanup. */

      /* Still nothing.  No task. */
      xml_set (task, "status", "none");
   } else if (procdef) { /* Potential task. */
      /* If only one potential task exists, then we can return its data requirements.  Otherwise?  TODO: figure that out. */

      /* Special case: if status="start" then we return top-level data from the procdef, unless that's overridden. */
      if (!strcmp ("start", wftk_status_get (session, datasheet))) {
         xml_set (task, "status", "potential");
         xml_set (task, "label", "Start process");
         mark = xml_firstelem (procdef);
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "data")) {
               data = xml_create ("data");
               xml_set (data, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_set (data, "type", xml_attrval (mark, "type"));
               xml_set (data, "value", wftk_value_get (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (data, "id")));
               xml_set (data, "mode", *xml_attrval (data, "value")? "edit" : "input");
               xml_append (task, data);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
         return (task); /* TODO: proper cleanup. */
      /* TODO: Find other potential tasks, if any, and return the first which presents itself. */

      /* No potential tasks available. */
      xml_set (task, "status", "none");
   } else { /* No procdef, no potential tasks. */
      xml_set (task, "status", "none");

   /* TODO: if status="none" then check the enactment history for the named task.  It might be complete already. */

   return (task);
Task completion is probably the most complicated task function. It'll be worse once we bring the task index into play, but it's already bad enough with explicit versus potential tasks. Note: a task retrieval is assumed to have been done before calling this function, as required data will be expected to be set in the task object itself. As updating the task is part of the completion, I'm defining them together. Hmm. Well, wftk_task_update is also called when assigning a user. So it's taking on a little more form.
WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_task_update (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   const char * task_id;
   int   datachange = 0;
   int   taskchange = 0;

   if (!task) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
   if (datasheet && xml_loc (task, "")) {
      mark = xml_firstelem (task);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "data")) {
            wftk_value_set (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (mark, "value"));
            datachange = 1;
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   task_id = xml_attrval (task, "id");
   if (*task_id && *task_id != '!') { /* Explicit task, either ad-hoc or workflow. */
      /* Let's look for an ad-hoc task with this ID. */
      mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", task_id);
      if (mark) {
         if (strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "role"), xml_attrval (task, "role"))) {
            xml_set (mark, "role", xml_attrval (task, "role"));
            taskchange = 1;
         if (strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "user"), xml_attrval (task, "user"))) {
            xml_set (mark, "user", xml_attrval (task, "user"));
            wftk_user_retrieve (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (task, "user"));
            taskchange = 1;
      } else {
         mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".state.queue.item[%s]", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
         if (mark) {
            if (strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "role"), xml_attrval (task, "role"))) {
               xml_set (mark, "role", xml_attrval (task, "role"));
               taskchange = 1;
            if (strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "user"), xml_attrval (task, "user"))) {
               xml_set (mark, "user", xml_attrval (task, "user"));
               taskchange = 1;

   if (taskchange) { /* Update the task indices. */
      adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskput", task);
      wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (datachange || taskchange) wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
   return 1;

WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_task_complete (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * procdef = NULL;
   XML * state;
   XML * queue;
   XML * mark;
   const char * task_id;
   int adhoc = 0;
   int complete = 1;
   WFTK_ADAPTORLIST * adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);

   if (!task) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
      procdef = _procdef_load (session, datasheet);

   if (!datasheet) {
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskcomplete", "", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);
      return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   wftk_task_update (session, task);

   /* Log enactment of task. */

   /* If task is ad-hoc, it needs to be deleted. */
   task_id = xml_attrval (task, "id");
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "id")) {
      mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      if (mark) {
         xml_delete (mark);
         adhoc = 1;
         wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskcomplete", xml_attrval (task, "process"), xml_attrval (task, "id"));

   if (adhoc) {  /* If the task is ad-hoc, we aren't going to do the queue thing below. */
      /* Check for completion: no active ad-hoc tasks, nothing left on the queue. */
      mark = xml_loc (datasheet, ".task");
      if (mark) complete = 0;
      if (complete) {
         mark = xml_loc (datasheet, ".state.queue.item");
         if (mark) complete = 0;
      if (complete) wftk_status_set (session, datasheet, "complete");

      /* Now save everything and clean up. */
      wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, task, "action", "complete");
      wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
      if (!session) {
         if (procdef) xml_free (procdef);
      if (datasheet) xml_free (procdef);
      wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);
      return 1;

   /* The process is a regular workflow process, with procdef.  Let's find (or create) the state queue. */
   state = xml_loc (datasheet, ".state");
   if (!state) {
      state = xml_create ("state");
      xml_append (datasheet, state);
   queue = xml_loc (datasheet, ".state.queue");
   if (!queue) {
      queue = xml_create ("queue");
      xml_append (state, queue);

   if (*task_id && *task_id != '!') { /* Explicit task, either ad-hoc or workflow. */
      mark = xml_locf (queue, "queue.item[%s]", task_id);
      if (mark) { /* Workflow task. */
         xml_set (mark, "block", "resume");
         wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskcomplete", xml_attrval (task, "process"), xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      } else {
         /* Ad-hoc task.  What has to happen?  TODO: Answer this question, then do it. */
   } else {
      if (!strcmp ("start", wftk_status_get (session, datasheet))) {
         /* Special case: start state starts process. */
         queue_procdef (session, datasheet, state, queue, procdef, "procdef");
         wftk_status_set (session, datasheet, "active");
      } else {
         /* TODO: Find potential task based on state, and complete that. */

   process_procdef (session, datasheet, state, queue, procdef);

   /* Check for completion: no active ad-hoc tasks, nothing left on the queue. */
   mark = xml_loc (datasheet, ".task");
   if (mark) complete = 0;
   if (complete) {
      mark = xml_loc (datasheet, ".state.queue.item");
      if (mark) complete = 0;
   if (complete) wftk_status_set (session, datasheet, "complete");

   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, task, "action", "complete");
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   return 1;
Showing lists of tasks (like lists of data) is an ... OK, it's maybe the most important part of a working workflow user interface. Note that due to our dichotomy of storage, we have two types of datasource to ask for lists of tasks: the individual datasheet, and the task index (i.e. database). Which source is used to list tasks depends on the initial setup of the list request; if a datasheet is known, then we use the datasheet and ignore the task index. If no datasheet is given, then we just format a query to the database and return whatever it gives us.

Like task retrieval, list retrieval is a kind of fill-out process. The caller creates a list object using the XMLAPI, then passes it in. The library fills it out by adding task elements. The function returns the number of tasks which match the criteria.

The criteria which seem useful would be:
WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_task_list (void * session, XML * list)
   int count = 0;
   const char * state;
   const char * status;
   const char * userid;
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * procdef = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark2;
   XML * hit;

   if (!list) return 0;

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "process")) {
      /* This is a process list. */
      state = xml_attrval (list, "state");
      if (!*state) state = "a";
      userid = xml_attrval (list, "user");

      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (list, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (list, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) { return 0; }

      if (strchr (state, 'a')) { /* Active tasks are included. */
         procdef = _procdef_load (session, datasheet);

         /* Find ad-hoc tasks. */
         mark = xml_firstelem (datasheet);
         while (mark) {
            if (xml_is (mark, "task") && (!*userid || !strcmp (userid, xml_attrval (mark, "user")))) {
               hit = xml_create ("task");
               xml_set (hit, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_set_nodup (hit, "label", wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "label")));
               xml_set (hit, "role", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
               xml_set (hit, "user", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
               xml_append (list, hit);
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

         /* Find active workflow tasks. */
         mark = xml_loc (datasheet, ".state.queue");
         if (mark) {
            mark = xml_firstelem (mark);
            while (mark) {
               if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "type"), "task")) {
                  hit = xml_create ("task");
                  xml_set (hit, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
                  xml_set (hit, "user", xml_attrval (mark, "user"));
                  if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "where"), "datasheet")) {
                     mark2 = xml_loc (datasheet, xml_attrval (mark, "loc"));
                  } else {
                     mark2 = xml_loc (procdef, xml_attrval (mark, "loc"));
                  if (mark2) {
                     xml_set_nodup (hit, "label", wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (mark2, "label")));
                     xml_set (hit, "role", xml_attrval (mark2, "role"));
                  xml_append (list, hit);
               mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

         /* Find potential tasks.  No procdef means (per defn) no potential tasks. */
         if (procdef) {
            status = wftk_status_get (session, datasheet);
            if (!strcmp (status, "start")) {
               /* Special case: start state. */
               hit = xml_create ("task");
               xml_set (hit, "id", "!active");
               xml_set (hit, "label", "Start process");
               xml_append (list, hit);

      if (strchr (state, 'c')) { /* Closed tasks are included. */
         /* TODO: Find enactment history matches. */

      /* TODO: Sort the list. */
   } else {
      /* No process means we have to ask a task index.  Fortunately this is *very easy*. */
      ad = wftk_get_adaptor (session, TASKINDEX, NULL);
      count = 0;
      if (ad) {
         wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "tasklist", list);
         wftk_free_adaptor (session, ad);
         count = xml_attrvalnum (list, "count");

   return count;
Dealing with ad-hoc tasks involves us in two new functions, wftk_task_new to create them, and wftk_task_rescind to delete them. They each use the same setup that task retrieval does (so that a retrieved task can be reused in this way.)
WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_task_new (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * newtask;
   XML * data;
   XML * newdata;

   if (!task) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   if (datasheet && !*xml_attrval (task, "user") && *xml_attrval (task, "role")) {
      xml_set (task, "user", wftk_role_user (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (task, "role")));

   /* Inform task indices of new ad-hoc task. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "tasknew", task);
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!datasheet) return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   newtask = xml_create ("task");
   xml_set (newtask, "id", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
   xml_set (newtask, "label", xml_attrval (task, "label"));
   xml_set (newtask, "role", xml_attrval (task, "role"));
   xml_set (newtask, "user", xml_attrval (task, "user"));
   data = xml_firstelem (task);
   while (data) {
      if (xml_is (data, "data")) {
         newdata = xml_create ("data");
         xml_set (newdata, "id", xml_attrval (data, "id"));
         xml_set (newdata, "mode", xml_attrval (data, "mode"));
         xml_append (newtask, newdata);
      data = xml_nextelem (data);
   xml_append (datasheet, newtask);
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   return 1;

WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_task_rescind (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * mark;

   if (!task) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   /* Inform task indices of rescinded ad-hoc task. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskdel", xml_attrval (task, "process"), xml_attrval (task, "id"));
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!datasheet) return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
   if (mark) {
      xml_delete (mark);
   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, task, "action", "rescind");
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   return 1;
Task rejection is something I've been glossing over from the prototype on. Now that I can offer ad-hoc workflow as a way for an administrator to get things back on track, I feel a little better about just tossing the process into an error state upon task rejection. For things to work out really well, though, there needs to be a "task rejection process" which is invoked when a task is rejected. Actually, task rejection should be a full-fledged action.

For v1.0, though, I'm going simpler than that. I'm just writing a rejection to the enactment and setting the status of the process to "error". And fairly quickly post-v1.0 I need to do things better. This will involve situation handlers (still unimplemented, you'll note) -- with the understanding that a system-wide situation handler can be installed....
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_task_reject    (void * session, XML * task)
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * procdef = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   const char * task_id;
   int adhoc = 0;
   int complete = 1;
   WFTK_ADAPTORLIST * adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);

   if (!task) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (task, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (task, "process"));
      procdef = _procdef_load (session, datasheet);

   if (!datasheet) {
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskreject", "", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);
      return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   wftk_task_update (session, task);

   /* If task is ad-hoc, it needs to be marked as rejected (I'm not really comfortable with this.) TODO: think. */
   task_id = xml_attrval (task, "id");
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "id")) {
      mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", xml_attrval (task, "id"));
      if (mark) {
         xml_set (mark, "status", "rejected");
         adhoc = 1;
         wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskreject", xml_attrval (task, "process"), xml_attrval (task, "id"));

   wftk_status_set (session, datasheet, "error");

   /* Now save everything and clean up. */
   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, task, "action", "reject");
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
   if (!session) {
      if (procdef) xml_free (procdef);
      xml_free (datasheet);
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);
   return 1;
Boy, that just doesn't seem quite right. Tell me your ideas.
Previous: Dealing with processes ] [ Top:  ] [ Next: Dealing with requests ]

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