Topic: wftk -- Server design overview

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In working through the various usage scenarios I came up with a list of overall design goals, and what I consider a pretty solid server design. Here are the overall goals I see for this project:
  • Ease of use
    As Anthony says, "It has to be easy enough for even a vice-president to use." This not only applies to the actual running of processes, but it must be simple for an untrained person to design a workflow process. This is our paramount goal: we need a system which can be used by the small organization with no specialized technical staff. Getting processes designed can't wait for an IT staff to get around to it; it should be as easy to learn as a word processor. (After all, twenty years ago the formatting of a document was also something usually left to experts. Now my five-year-old does it for fun.)
  • Ease of deployment
    To be easy to use, the system must also be easy to install. At least for selected system configurations, installation should be as simple as a typical Windows program: put in the disk, answer some questions, and start using the system. I consider this part of the ease-of-use criterion, but it bears explicit statement. Specifically, ease of deployment and support means that the code must be extremely stable. I should be able to install it once and let it run for a year or two and never need to worry about it. This can be attained by keeping the code small, simple, and modular. I think. Ask me again this time next year.
  • Adaptability to local software environment
    By this I mean that if the local environment already contains a database system, the workflow toolkit should be able to take advantage of the existing database. This would be achieved by means of adapters, modules written for the specific system in question which present a unified API to the workflow engine. I'd like to see adapters in use for the following components, at least: the database system, the Web server, the document management facility (both the repository for process definitions and for deliverable storage, which may well be separate repositories), directory services for users and groups, and messaging services. Some similar approach may be useful for interpreting process definitions created by other systems.
  • Ability to handle and document ad-hoc workflow
    This is sort of an ideal goal, as ad-hoc workflow is in large part a research topic still. But I think that our advantage of starting fresh in 2000 will allow us to address some of the weaknesses of existing technology. Ad-hoc workflow, instead of focussing on the control of business processes, simply tries to document actual business actions. Since each business action taken outside the planned workflow weakens the workflow system, I'd like to incorporate an ad-hoc action tracking capability into the system.
  • Adherence to the few emerging standards of the industry
    The workflow industry is kinda sorta trying to standardize. They're not getting very far at it, but there are some standards which are actually emerging, chiefly those of the WfMC (the Workflow Management Consortium, a group of workflow vendors and corporate users). The WfMC has defined five interfaces to a workflow engine: the process definition interface, the interface to the database, the interface to the user and to invoked applications, and an interface to allow communication between workflow engines, allowing a single process to be distributed across platforms Ideally the wftk would be able to work with all these interfaces. (A reader suggested the SWAP group as another standards body, but everybody I've talked to says SWAP is dead. Their ideas were pulled into the WfMC interfaces to a certain extent.)
  • Scalability
    (Thanks to Thomas Fricke for bringing this up as a design goal.) Multiple workflow engines should be able to work cooperatively to distribute load over multiple machines. It might also be a good idea to allow distribution of each individual repository component over multiple machines, but I'm less clear on how that would be implemented.

System overview
So here's my picture of the system at the moment. Explanations for each piece follow.

Let's talk about these pieces, starting with the manager in the lower left-hand corner and going up and around and down to the user in the lower right-hand corner. If a heading has an asterisk next to it, that means that I plan to make that part an adapter (so that it is effectively plug-compatible.) Once you've scanned this list, if you haven't already, go read the usage scenarios, because they highlight how the various components actually get the job done.

First, you can tell this one's a manager because of the tie. See how the user looks happier without a tie? It's the same face, though. I think my point is made. The manager is a manager and not a "workflow analyst" because of our design goal number 1, remember? The system is supposed to be easy to use. So the idea is that anybody can design workflows.

Process definition client UI *
In the framework of the present project, we have to develop a simple Web-based client for simple workflow process definitions. This doesn't mean that any number of clients and other tools might not be used to create and manipulate process definitions -- they will be. For instance, a graphical tool would be extremely handy.

The screens proposed in the original RFP are pretty straightforward for this.

  • Create a process or process group
  • Modify a process
For more detail at the moment you can read the RFP; I see no reason to repeat it here when I'm going to be doing a mockup and screen prints soon anyway. At that point, I'll add a link to that documentation.

Process definition repository *
All process definitions, regardless of which UI is used to create them, are stored in the process definition repository. Part of the initial project will include the development of a very simple repository based on the local file system, but I want to leave the door open for adapters written to other document management and/or version control systems. The key characteristic of this repository is that it preserves all versions of a process definition. This has a simple reason; if a process is already active, and somebody comes along and changes it, what should the engine do? I think the engine should use the original version for all processes already under way, and use the new version for newly intiated processes. In the case where a new definition is created and an already active process must proceed with the new version, there's no good way for a computer to figure out how to switch, so all changes will end up being human interventions anyway.

I can imagine a set of rules that a designer could specify as to how active processes should switch midstream, but that's definitely out of the scope of the present project.

Note that the engine also has an arrow pointing back to the repository. I envision ad-hoc process documentation and exception handling as being the creation of alternate versions of a process. So in the event that a process doesn't actually follow its original definition, the engine should ideally update a special version of the definition back in the repository.

(1/27/00) As Thomas Fricke has noted, the goal of scalability would be well served by allowing multiple repositories to cooperate in the system. I think the best way to implement this is to allow initiation of processes to specify the location of the process (that is, to specify the repository in which the process is located.) Then the active process would reference that repository+definition+version. In fact, since the process definitions are XML, it would be most reasonable to allow retrieval over the Internet via HTTP request. In this case, it would be best to cache the version retrieved in a local process definition repository, so that sudden unavailability of the remote repository wouldn't cause the process to come to a screeching halt. And then ad-hoc changes to the active process would be noted in the local repository as well. Updates and feedback could be done via an HTTP POST -- to that end, a process definition should include a URL embedded within it which should be used for automated feedback.

Note that this potentially allows the free distribution of useful workflow patterns over the Internet... That could be, well, darned interesting!

Process definition
The process definition will be an XML document. The DTD will be published soon. I can't think of anything else to say under this point until I can link to the DTD itself and its explanatory documentation.

Workflow engine
This is the part of the system which manages active tasks, decides what tasks will be activated next, manages role queues, and so forth. The current state of each process is maintained in the database, so the workflow engine really consists of a program which (1) takes an action, (2) retrieves and parses the process definition, (3) changes the state of the process in whatever way is necessary, and (4) notifies people of things if necessary. It also starts applications if they're part of the process.

(1/27/00) Note that consonant with the goal of scalability, this component should actually be considered an arbitrary group of individual workflow engines. This isn't too hard to imagine: each time a task is registered as completed (or rejected, or whatever), then instead of a single machine having to handle that update, one of a number of engines is selected based on whatever queueing criteria is deemed necessary (probably load balancing or performance monitoring criteria). The engine selected then retrieves the process definition and performs the necessary updates.

One danger I see in this is that two engines could conceivably be updating a process at the same time. This isn't a problem as long as neither needs to do exception handling (thereby modifying the process definition, remember?) However, in the case that the process definition is to be modified, there will have to be some sort of coordination between the engines.

Directory *
The directory is the place where information about users and groups is stored. Again, this may be some files in the local file system, or it may be a real live directory (such as defined by the LDAP standard.) Most organizations already have some sort of directory set up, if only an Exchange directory. The ability to use this directly from the workflow engine cuts down on overall maintenance. (On the other hand, I've read that many existing directories aren't organized very well from the standpoint of installation of a workflow system, so some means of augmenting such a directory might also be beneficial.)

Deliverable repository *
The deliverable repository is where documents and other files or objects are stored which are associated with or produced by a workflow task. Again, this may simply be a local filesystem or it may be a document management system, or actually there's no reason it couldn't be a combination of the two. The user interacts with this system using whatever tools are required; so, for instance, if the organization is using FileNet Panagon, the Panagon desktop or custom applications could be used to store documents. Or some web pages could be constructed which would allow document-management functionality to be integrated simply with the process use UI below.

Active process repository *
The active process repository is a relational database system. Well, technically since it's an adapter-based component I can imagine being able to write an active process repository module which would not be based on an RDBMS but on something else, like ISAM or gdbm or something. For the extremely small installation that would be a good idea.

At any rate, the active process repository retains information about active processes. I was going to draw a schema but once I started it I realized that it reduced to two boxes, so I just wrote more detailed information about the database structure; click here to see it. If the values for a process are stored as an XML document, those could either be stored in a BLOB in the RDBMS, or as a standalone document in the deliverable repository. Either solution would work out fine.

Note there's a grey dotted arrow from the active process repository to the deliverable repository. This represents the link between completed tasks and the deliverables which the user has associated with them.

Process use client UI *
These are the pages used to actually do and record work. They include such things as the current task list for a given user, screens to mark completion of a task, and so forth. These interact chiefly with the active process database, but when a task is completed, the workflow engine itself is invoked.

Again, no surprises on the screens requested here:

  • View active processes (those I started or those I manage), view completed processes.
  • View active tasks (those assigned to me: for my subordinates I'd consider that a monitoring function.)
  • Initiate a process.
Again, there is no reason to assume that various UIs couldn't be written again this same workflow engine. This UI is going to be pretty simple. Many (OK, most) workflow systems will actually integrate with the desktop so that specific applications are invoked when working on a task. At the very least, you can imagine a Java applet being downloaded when a task is active, and that applet being used to complete some sort of activity, the results of which would then be stored as a deliverable or a value.

Reports and monitors *
To complete the picture, we have reports and monitors. That's really a sort of redundant phrase, except that "monitors" sound so much more dynamic and up-to-the-minute. In reality, of course, these will be a further set of web pages reflecting the database content of the active process repository.

A couple have already been proposed, but of course reporting is one thing we'll learn about as we get into prototyping:

  • View calendar (maybe something with projected dates)
  • I'd like Gannt and PERT views of given projects as well -- then we can move in on Micro$oft Office's territory. But certainly various ways of looking at a currently active process will be in order.
  • View active tasks for groups of people. (Say, my department.)
  • Ad-hoc queries, maybe. This will depend somewhat on implementation. We'll see.
There are naturally a whole boatload of published techniques for analysis of workflow efficiency, etc., and I'll have to wade through a lot of literature to make it make sense, but those will be a few to get us started. Due to the open-source nature of the project, of course, it will be quite easy to produce custom reports and monitoring features.

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