datasheet: Generating a blank datasheet

Previous: starter: Displaying a process start form ] [ Top: The procdef manager ] [ Next: editor: Displaying an edit form ]

This is basically a straight variation on the starter command.
if (argc < 5) {
   printf ("Missing arguments in datasheet command.\n");
   return (1);

sprintf (sbuf, "%s%s_%s.xml", PROCESS_DEFINITION_REPOSITORY, argv[2], argv[3]);
file = fopen (sbuf, "r");
if (!file) {
   printf ("Unable to open procdef version file %s.\n", sbuf);
   return (1);

version = xml_read (file);
fclose (file);

if (!version) {
   printf ("Corrupt version file %s.\n", sbuf);
   return (1);

datasheet = xml_create( "datasheet");
sprintf (sbuf, "%s_%s.xml", argv[2], argv[3]);
xml_set (datasheet, "procdef", sbuf);
xml_set (datasheet, "process", argv[4]);

xml = xml_firstelem (version);
while (xml) {
   if (!strcmp (xml->name, "data")) {
      holder = xml_create ("data");
      xml_set (holder, "id", xml_attrval (xml, "name"));
      xml_set (holder, "type", xml_attrval (xml, "type"));
      xml_append (datasheet, holder);
   } else if (!strcmp (xml->name, "sequence")) {
   } else if (!strcmp (xml->name, "parallel")) {
   } else if (!strcmp (xml->name, "task")) {

   xml = xml_nextelem (xml);

xml_write (stdout, datasheet);
Previous: starter: Displaying a process start form ] [ Top: lpml alpha ] [ Next: editor: Displaying an edit form ]

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