wftk: Document Management Background

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What is document management?

A document management system stores large pieces of unstructured data, usually containing text.

Document management is another of those areas where people pay a lot of money for fairly obvious solutions to fairly obvious problems. A document management system (or EDMS, Electronic Document Management System) is essentially a database in which some records are, or contain, or index, large files. These large files are things like CAD drawings, Word documents, or other, well, documents. Very often they're scanned images of paper documents. Each document has a unique key and is thus easy to retrieve given the key.

Besides the documents themselves, an EDMS usually stores data about those documents, which is the chief reason for using a document management system instead of just tossing everything into a shared directory. The additional data is often called metadata, because it is data about the data (the first data being the documents.) This sounds really nice and it is in fact a fairly useful distinction at times.

In addition to simple storage and retrieval of documents, there are two features commonly seen in document management systems: version control, which allows the composition history of a document to be captured and tracked and allows the recovery of historical versions of the document; and indexing, which uses various tools to compile information about the location of keywords and phrases within documents to allow searches to be performed on their contents.

A less usual but extremely powerful feature of some document management systems is the notion of constructing documents from defined parts. This is usually called something like structured documents and can range from the automatic insertion of version numbers, owner userid, or change dates into the text of documents, right up to the ability to build a document using any arbitrary combination of structured and unstructured data (such as reports from database tables, defined pieces of text, dictionary lookups, or whatever else may be necessary -- naturally, the sky is the limit with this if you're willing and able to do lots of analysis and coding.)

wftk repository manager

The wftk repository manager is a free, flexible, extendable document- and content-management toolkit.

The wftk's repository manager, or "repmgr" (yes, I've already been told I'm less than poetic when naming my software, but I still do things my way) is a comprehensive framework for the organization of data. One of its more refined features is the ability to attach documents to the objects it stores, and this document-attachment feature makes it a good basic document management system. A given list may store documents either as a versioned repository or a non-versioned repository, as required by the application. And a given object may have standard attachments, or may contain any arbitrary number or type of attachments. Field-level version management (meaning, in this case, version management for the attached documents) is included in the basic repository manager. And indexing tools can easily be integrated into the framework; I'm looking at an open-source indexer at the moment in the hopes of integrating it into the standard package.

Setting up a document management repository thus consists of (1) defining your lists of documents (each list may have different standard data associated with it, but any data can be associated with any list if necessary), (2) choosing the interface environments you need to fulfill your requirements, such as a regular desktop client, a Web client, or what have you, and (3) choosing the data storage systems you want to utilize to store and index your documents. Note that given the technology-agnostic nature of all the wftk software, you can always change your mind about basic infrastructure choices if your needs (or your understanding of them) changes -- migration from one database to another, for instance, or switching Web servers or from a primarily Web usage scheme to a primarily desktop-oriented usage scheme is nearly transparent. You can even use a desktop environment in conjunction with a Web presentation, and change strategies as necessary.

Where the repository manager can truly shine, however, is in its ability to capture the dataflow of document creation. The repmgr started out as a tool to manage database and websites, and also to manage the creation and maintenance of data-based sites, whereby the pages were built from current database contents. Thus there is a lot of machinery available to construct text from diverse sources. So the repository manager can be persuaded to do structure document processing. It's not trivial yet, but it's getting easier with every system I build.

Where to go from here

At this point, if you're a programmer, you probably want to read the documentation accompanying the repository manager, except for one little problem: there isn't much of it. Instead, you should think about reading the code presentation and the comments strewn there, and study the implementation of the command-line interface of the repository manager. At some point in the relatively near future, I really want to put together some example systems, but I'm still mired in some rather important basic functionality that I'd like to see working before building demo systems. Bear with me in the meantime.

If you're not a programmer, and you're seriously considering putting together any system based on open-source software, I heartily recommend that you find a programmer. I'm usually available, by the way. Drop me a note at and I can help you get off the ground.

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