CGI interface based on XMLAPI

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This is a little extension to the XMLAPI library that I use for working with XML in C. It uses the XML element data structure as a handy little hash-table-like thing (yeah, OK, I know it's not really a hash table yet.)

It returns an XML structure like this:
   <environment SERVER_TYPE="..." .../>
   <query this="that" .../>

Why, the whole thing almost makes me feel as though I'm writing Perl!

The cgi_init_env_vars is a list of strings to check in the environment. I'd much rather store the environment whole cloth, but I can't find a way to do that in C (I suppose I could go read the Perl code for how the %ENV hash is generated, but I fear it would be non-portable.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "xmlapi.h"
#include "xmlobj.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <fcntl.h>

void xml_urldecode (XML * element, char *string);
char * cgi_init_env_vars[] = {
XML * xmlcgi_init () {
   XML * ret;
   XML * env;
   XML * query;
   char ** var;
   char * val;

   val = getenv ("SERVER_NAME");
   if (!val) return (NULL); /* This seems like a sufficient test... */

   ret = xml_create ("cgicall");
   env = xml_create ("environment");
   query = xml_create ("query");
   xml_append (ret, env);
   xml_append (ret, query);

   var = cgi_init_env_vars;
   while (var && *var && **var) {
      val = getenv (*var);
      if (val) xml_set (env, *var, val);
      var ++;

   val = (char *) malloc (strlen (xml_attrval (env, "QUERY_STRING")) + 1);
   strcpy (val, xml_attrval (env, "QUERY_STRING"));
   xml_urldecode (query, val);
   free (val);

   return (ret);
The URL decoding and dequoting functions are a couple of useful helpers.
void xml_urldequote (char * str);
void xml_urldecode (XML * xml, char * q)
   char * and;
   char * equals;
   and = strchr (q, '&');
   equals = strchr (q, '=');
   while (equals) {
      if (and) *and = '\0';
      *equals = '\0';
      xml_urldequote (q);
      xml_urldequote (equals + 1);
      xml_set (xml, q, equals + 1);
      if (!and) break;
      q = and + 1;
      and = strchr (q, '&');
      equals = strchr (q, '=');

#define HEXDIGITVAL(x) ((x>='0'&&x<='9')?(x-'0'):((x>='a'&&x<='f')?(x-'a'+10):((x>='A'&&x<='F')?(x-'A'+10):0)))
void xml_urldequote (char * str)
   while (*str) {
      if (str[0] == '+') str[0] = ' ';
      if (str[0] == '%') {
         if (str[1] && str[2]) {
            str[0] = 16 * HEXDIGITVAL (str[1]) + HEXDIGITVAL (str[2]);
            strcpy (str + 1, str + 3);
(1 August 2002): now that I'm working with this library again in the context of the repmgr CGI interface, I've realized that the other main point of interest in dealing with a CGI environment is reading input information off stdin. The format of this information depends on whether uploaded files are included per RFC 1867; the XMLCGI will shortly know how to deal with those, but in the meantime I'm going to ignore it and just read regular URL-encoded field information into an xmlobj-formatted object. And since we're talking about an xmlobj object, xmlcgi_readstdin also takes a pointer to a list definition.

Since the headers contain information about the encoding of the data on stdin, I'm requiring that in the function in order to leave the door open for file upload, because file upload is going to be extremely important indeed for most sensible uses of a repository manager. TODO: RFC 1867 file upload.
XML * xmlcgi_readstdin (XML * cgi, XML * list) {
   XML * env = xml_loc (cgi, ".environment");
   XML * obj = xml_create ("record");
   XML * scr = xml_create ("s");
   char buf[1024];
   int  bytes;
   char * val;
   char * and;
   char * equals;

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (env, "CONTENT_TYPE"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
      xml_set (scr, "s", "");
#ifdef WIN32
      _setmode (_fileno (stdin), _O_BINARY);
      while ((bytes = fread (buf, 1, 1024, stdin)) > 0) {
         xml_attrncat (scr, "s", buf, bytes);
      val = (char *) xml_attrval (scr, "s");
      equals = strchr (val, '=');
      while (equals) {
         and = strchr (val, '&');
         if (and) *and = '\0';
         *equals = '\0';
         xml_urldequote (val);
         xml_urldequote (equals + 1);
         xmlobj_set (obj, list, val, equals + 1);
         if (!and) break;
         val = and + 1;
         equals = strchr (val, '=');
   } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (env, "CONTENT_TYPE"), "multipart/form-data")) {
      /* TODO: handle RFC1867-formatted input. */

   xml_free (scr);
   return obj;

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared using LPML.