xml_replace and xml_replacecontent: Replacing an element with another.

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This is pretty straightforward; the linked list of the parent is traversed until the current XML is found, and it's swapped in. The parent pointer of the new child is modified, and the old child is deleted.
XMLAPI void xml_replace (XML * xml, XML * newxml)
   ELEMENTLIST * list;

   if (xml == NULL) return;
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return;
   if (newxml == NULL) xml_delete (xml);

   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return;

   newxml->parent = xml->parent;
   list->element = newxml;

   xml_free (xml);
To replace all contents, we just delete all the contents, then append the new piece.
XMLAPI void xml_replacecontent (XML * parent, XML * child)
   XML * first;

   if (parent == NULL) return;
   while (first = xml_first (parent)) {
      xml_delete (first);
   if (child != NULL) xml_prepend (parent, child);
(September 24, 2001): And now it turns out I really want to replace one element with all the contents of another. Hence yet another replace function. The replacewithcontent has no effect on the source.
XMLAPI void xml_replacewithcontent (XML * xml, XML * source)
   ELEMENTLIST * list;
   XML * src;
   XML * target;

   if (xml == NULL) return;
   if (xml->parent == NULL) return;
   if (source == NULL) xml_delete (xml);

   list = xml->parent->children;
   while (list != NULL && list->element != xml) list = list->next;
   if (list == NULL) return;

   src = xml_first (source);
   if (!src) {
      xml_delete (xml);
   target = xml_copy (src);

   target->parent = xml->parent;
   list->element = target;

   src = xml_next (src);
   while (src) {
      target = xml_insertafter (target, xml_copy (src));
      src = xml_next (src);
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