xml_charcodings: dealing with UTF-8 and systems that don't quite get it

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(October 14, 2001): Like clockwork, I have discovered a hole in the API! Expat (and thus the XMLAPI) represents things internally in UTF-8, which is fine if your app does, too. But if you have binary data which doesn't conform to UTF-8 (i.e. has bytes larger than 127 in it) you need to use the following functions to ensure that the data in your values is UTF-8 compliant, so that when XMLAPI goes to write things to strings or files, it can escape them properly. Otherwise things will get very confused with no particular warning.

(April 12, 2002): I wish I had remembered this. Now I can very definitely say that things will indeed get very confused, and with no particular warning. However, on the bright side (I suppose) the functionality I neglected to invoke was buggy anyway. So now I'm fixing it for the first time. My reference for UTF-8 is here and appears to be quite complete. I've found it very handy.

After setting a value with data that may have non-UTF-8 binary characters in it, call xml_toutf8_attr. If you've created a text element, use xml_toutf8_text. I'm assuming that when you name your attributes you will already be using UTF-8 names; if this is not a safe assumption, use a scratch string and convert before using your data.

Once you're getting data out of XML structures and you need it in non-UTF-8 raw form, use xml_toraw_str to copy it, fixed, into a buffer. Note that you will lose data if the character is over 256 in value. But if this is the case, you shouldn't be using raw data anyway, obviously.
XMLAPI int xml_toutf8_attr (XML * xml, const char * attrname)
   ATTR * attr;
   char * buffer = (char *) MALLOC (256);
   int cursize = 256;
   int curptr = 0;
   char * mark;
   char * mark2;
   char valbuf[3] = "\0\0";
   int count = 0;

   if (!xml) return (0);
   attr = xml->attrs;
   while (attr) {
      if (!strcmp (attr->name, attrname)) break;
      attr = attr->next;
   if (!attr) return (0);
   if (!attr->value) return (0);
   if (!strlen (attr->value)) return (0);

   cursize = attr->valsize;
   curptr = 0;
   buffer = (char *) MALLOC (cursize);
   *buffer = '\0';

   mark = attr->value;
   do {
      mark2 = mark; while (*mark2 && (unsigned int) *mark2 < 128) mark2++;
      if (*mark2) {
         buffer = _xml_string_tackonn (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, mark, mark2 - mark);
         valbuf[0] = 0xC0 + (*(unsigned char *) mark2) / 64;
         valbuf[1] = 0x80 + (unsigned int) (*mark2 & 0x3F);
         buffer = _xml_string_tackonn (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, valbuf, 2);
         mark = mark2 + 1;
      } else {
         buffer = _xml_string_tackon (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, mark, 0);
   } while (*mark2);

   FREE (attr->value);
   attr->value = buffer;
   attr->valsize = cursize;

   return (count);
XMLAPI int xml_toutf8_text (XML * xml)
   ATTR * attr;
   char * buffer = (char *) MALLOC (256);
   int cursize = 256;
   int curptr = 0;
   char * mark;
   char * mark2;
   char valbuf[3] = "\0\0";
   int count = 0;

   if (!xml) return (0);
   attr = xml->attrs;
   if (!attr) return (0);
   if (!attr->value) return (0);
   if (!strlen (attr->value)) return (0);

   cursize = attr->valsize;
   curptr = 0;
   buffer = (char *) MALLOC (cursize);
   *buffer = '\0';

   mark = attr->value;
   do {
      mark2 = mark; while (*mark2 && (*mark2 & 0x007F == *mark2)) mark2++;
      if (*mark2) {
         buffer = _xml_string_tackonn (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, mark, mark2 - mark);
         valbuf[0] = 0xC0 + (*(unsigned char *) mark2) / 64;
         valbuf[1] = 0x80 + (unsigned int) (*mark2 & 0x3F);
         buffer = _xml_string_tackonn (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, valbuf, 2);
         mark = mark2 + 1;
      } else {
         buffer = _xml_string_tackon (buffer, &cursize, &curptr, mark, 0);
   } while (*mark2);

   FREE (attr->value);
   attr->value = buffer;
   attr->valsize = cursize;

   return (count);
The conversion back to raw is a little nicer because it can proceed in place, essentially. Not that we're doing that, of course. But we could. If we wanted to.
XMLAPI int xml_toraw_str (char * buffer, const char * utf8)
   int count = 0;
   if (!buffer) return 0;
   if (!utf8) { *buffer = '\0'; return 0; }

   while (*utf8) {
      *buffer = *utf8;

      if ((unsigned int) *buffer > 128) {
         *buffer = (*(unsigned char *)buffer & 0x1F) * 64 + (*(unsigned char *)utf8 & 0x3F) * 64;
         if (*utf8) utf8++;
      } else utf8++; /* Don't want to double-increment past the end of the string if the encoding's screwed up! */
   *buffer = '\0';
   return (count);
At some point, a Unicode converter might make sense. Or something. Later.
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