Working with users

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The user facilities at this level are very simple: each user element in a datasheet represents one user involved with the process. I'm a tad worried that we'll run into synchronization problems with this (I update my email address, but individual processes I'm involved with don't get the message) but I figure at some point we'll include a user directory pointer in the session, which can be consulted when necessary. I don't know yet.

At any rate, the command-line utility exposes two functions: one lists users, the other lists the attributes of users or sets attributes.

users: list users in a datasheet
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk users: repository and ID of the datasheet are required.\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL(argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (!datasheet) {
   printf ("Datasheet repository %s can't find datasheet %s", argv[argp-2], argv[argp-1]);
   exit (1);

list = xml_create ("list");
wftk_user_list (session, datasheet, list);
mark = xml_firstelem (list);
while (mark) {
   printf ("%s ", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
   if (*xml_attrval (mark, "name")) {
      printf ("(%s) ", xml_attrval (mark, "name"));
   if (*xml_attrval (mark, "email")) {
      printf (": %s", xml_attrval (mark, "email"));
   printf ("\n");
   mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

user: display user or set attribute
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk user: repository and ID of the datasheet and a userid are all required.\n");
   exit (1);

datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, PERIOD_TO_NULL(argv[argp]), argv[argp+1]); argp++; argp++;
if (!datasheet) {
   printf ("Datasheet repository %s can't find datasheet %s", argv[argp-2], argv[argp-1]);
   exit (1);

mark = wftk_user_retrieve (session, datasheet, argv[argp++]);
if (argsleft < 1) {
   if (!mark) {
      printf ("User %s apparently not involved with process %s\n", argv[argp-1], argv[argp-2]);
   } else {
      printf ("%s ", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "name")) {
         printf ("(%s) ", xml_attrval (mark, "name"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "email")) {
         printf (": %s", xml_attrval (mark, "email"));
      printf ("\n");
} else {
   if (argsleft < 2) {
      printf ("wftk user: to set attribute, both attribute and value are required.\n");
   } else {
      xml_set (mark, argv[argp], argv[argp+1]);
      wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
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