Working with requests

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request: Show a request
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk request: dsrep, process ID, and request ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("request");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);
wftk_request_retrieve (session, task);

if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (task, "status"), "none")) {
   printf ("No request found.\n");
} else {
   printf ("Request '%s'\n", *xml_attrval (task, "label") ? xml_attrval (task, "label") : xml_attrval (task, "id"));
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "request")) {
      printf ("Subrequest for reassignment of request %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "request"));
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "role")) {
      printf ("Request for assignment of role %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "role"));
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "task")) {
      printf ("Request for reassignment of task %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "task"));
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "by")) {
      printf ("Requested by: %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "by"));
   } else {
      printf ("Anonymous request\n");
   if (*xml_attrval (task, "of")) printf ("Requestee: %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "of"));

requests: List requests
This request list is simply a list of requests active in a process. The list is obtained from the datasheet directly.
if (argsleft < 2) {
   printf ("wftk requests: dsrep and process ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

list = xml_create ("list");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (list, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (list, "process", argv[argp++]);
wftk_request_list (session, list);
mark = xml_firstelem (list);
if (!mark) {
   printf ("No requests found.\n");
} else {
   while (mark) {
      printf ("%s: %s", xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (mark, "label"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "of")) printf (" (%s)", xml_attrval (mark, "of"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "request")) {
         printf (" - reassignment of request %s", xml_attrval (mark, "request"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "role")) {
         printf (" - assignment of role %s", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
      if (*xml_attrval (mark, "task")) {
         printf (" - reassignment of task %s", xml_attrval (mark, "task"));
      printf ("\n");
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

accept: Accept a request
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep, process ID, and request ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("request");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);

if (wftk_request_accept (session, task)) {
   printf ("Accepted.\n");
} else {
   printf ("Not accepted. %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "status.reason"));

decline: Decline a request
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep, process ID, and request ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("request");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);

if (wftk_request_decline (session, task)) {
   printf ("Accepted.\n");
} else {
   printf ("Not accepted.\n");

ask: Make a request
if (argsleft < 4) {
   printf ("wftk ask: dsrep, process ID, user ID of requestee, and requested object required (use . for default repository)\n");
   printf ("          For request object, use ?xx for request, xx or !xx for task assignment, for request file,\n");
   printf ("          or - for request on stdin.\n");
   printf ("          Add another optional argument to set a custom label (notification subject) for request.\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("request");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "of", argv[argp++]);
chmark = argv[argp++];
if (argsleft > 0) xml_set (task, "label", argv[argp++]);

if (*chmark == '?') {
   xml_set (task, "request", chmark + 1);
} else if (*chmark == '@' || *chmark == '-') {
   if (*chmark == '@') {
      file = fopen (chmark + 1, "r");
      if (!file) {
         printf ("Unable to open request file %s.\n", chmark + 1);
         xml_free (task);
         exit (1);
   } else {
      file = stdin;
   mark = xml_read (file);
   if (file != stdin) fclose (file);
   if (!mark) {
      printf ("Bad XML in request.\n");
      xml_free (task);
      exit (1);

   xml_copyinto (task, mark);
   xml_free (mark);
} else {
   xml_set (task, "task", chmark);

if (wftk_request_new (session, task)) {
   printf ("Request made.\n");
} else {
   printf ("No request made. %s\n", xml_attrval (task, "status.reason"));

forget: Rescind a request
if (argsleft < 3) {
   printf ("wftk task: dsrep, process ID and request ID required (use . for default repository)\n");
   exit (1);

task = xml_create ("request");
if (strcmp (argv[argp++], ".")) xml_set (task, "dsrep", argv[argp-1]);
xml_set (task, "process", argv[argp++]);
xml_set (task, "id", argv[argp++]);

if (wftk_request_rescind (session, task)) {
   printf ("Request rescinded.\n");
} else {
   printf ("No request rescinded.\n");
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2000, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license.