Getting and setting process status

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Getting process status is simple; setting it may involve activation of potential task branches. I'm still not sure about this.
WFTK_EXPORT const char * wftk_status_get (XML * session, XML * datasheet) {
   const char * status;
   if (!datasheet) return "none";
   status = xml_attrval (datasheet, "status");
   if (*status) return status;
   return "start";
22 June 2002: Sure enough, my intuition was correct (or so it seems at the moment) -- when I set the status, that is equivalent to describing a state transition. So when I do this, I need to check all state-related workflows attached to the process and see what transitions are available from the new state. If any such transitions are found, and if they specify the explicit creation of tasks, then we queue those tasks.

There is, however, an additional can of worms associated with state transitions: that is simply the fact that if there are explicit transitions already created for the state we're leaving, then those tasks must be rescinded. So far, so good. But then there's more. Among the specifications for a state transition is the notion that a procdef can be required for approval before the transition takes effect. If such a workflow is already underway when another request for a state transition comes in, what should happen? It seems obvious to me that the active workflow should be deactivated. Unfortunately we have no particular mechanism for the deactivation of a workflow. So for now, the simple way out is just not to deactivate this active workflow. TODO: revisit this sometime next year or something.

Upon activation, though, there is also an "after" procdef allowed. This can be seen as a notification process to tell people that this transition has fired. Note that there may also be an "on" procdef attached to the ending state. This, however, can note only that a particular state was reached, and has no information about which specific transition occurred (i.e. from which state we have transitioned.)

The complete specification of a state transition is as follows:
<state id="state1">
  <to id="state2" mode="potential|auto|task" role="..." user="..." label="..." before="..." after="..."/>
  <on procdef="..."/>
The default mode is "potential". Mode "task" means that an explicit (ad-hoc) task is created and indexed to represent the transition; in this case, the role, user, and label attributes are used to specify that task. Mode "auto" causes the transition to be made immediately upon entry to the state. The "before" and "after" attributes are used to specify procdefs in a procdef repository to be activated against the process; the "before" procdef will serve as an approval process for the transition, while the "after" will be activated when the transition actually is made. As mentioned above, the "on" procdef is activated whenever the state is entered.
WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_status_set (XML * session, XML * datasheet, const char * status) {
   _status_set (session, datasheet, status, 1);
static int _status_set (XML * session, XML * datasheet, const char * status, int invoke_before) {
   const char * cur_status;
   XML * workflow;
   XML * procdef;
   XML * state;
   XML * task;
   XML * oldstate = NULL;
   XML * newstate = NULL;
   XML * transition = NULL;

   if (!datasheet) return 0;

   cur_status = wftk_status_get (session, datasheet);
   if (!strcmp (cur_status, status)) return 1;

   /* Find any known state descriptions for the current status and the new status. */
   workflow = xml_firstelem (datasheet);
   while (workflow) {
      if (*xml_attrval (workflow, "state")) {
         procdef = _procdef_load (session, workflow);
         state = xml_firstelem (procdef);
         while (state) {
            if (xml_is (state, "state")) {
               if (!oldstate && !strcmp (xml_attrval (state, "id"), cur_status)) {
                  oldstate = state;
                  xml_set (oldstate, "workflow-id", xml_attrval (workflow, "id"));
               if (!newstate && !strcmp (xml_attrval (state, "id"), status)) {
                  newstate = state;
                  xml_set (newstate, "workflow-id", xml_attrval (workflow, "id"));
               if (oldstate && newstate) break;
            state = xml_nextelem (state);
      if (oldstate && newstate) break;
      workflow = xml_nextelem (workflow);

   /* If an oldstate was found, look for a transition which describes our current one. */
   transition = xml_locf (oldstate, ".to[%s]", status);
   if (transition) xml_set (transition, "workflow-id", xml_attrval (oldstate, "workflow-id"));

   /* If we have a "before" procdef, and if there is no item marked as being the , 
      activate the "before" procdef and suspend. */
   if (invoke_before && transition && *xml_attrval (transition, "before")) {
      wftk_process_start (session, datasheet, NULL, xml_attrval (transition, "before"));
      return 1;

   /* Get a list of taskindex adaptors for notification, because we'll be doing lots of task/process stuff now. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);

   /* We're not suspended; thus we're actually changing the state. */
   /* Search for all active transition tasks and rescind them.  Transition tasks start with '!'. */
   while (task = xml_firstelem (datasheet)) {
      while (task) {
         if (xml_is (task, "task")) {
            if (*xml_attrval (task, "id") == '!') {
               wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskdel", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"), xml_attrval (task, "id"));
               xml_delete (task);
         task = xml_nextelem (task);
      if (!task) break;

   /* Now, change the state. */
   xml_set (datasheet, "status", status);
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   /* Notify task indices. */
   if (!strcmp (status, "complete")) {
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "proccomplete", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
   } else if (!strcmp (status, "error")) {
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "procerror", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
   } else {
      wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "procput", datasheet);

   /* If the new state has any "on" elements, we start all named procdefs. */
   /* If the new state has any "to" elements with mode="task" then we start all such tasks. */
   transition = xml_firstelem (newstate);
   while (transition) {
      if (xml_is (transition, "on")) {
         /* TODO: implement this, both for linked procdefs and for queueing explicit workflow in the "on" tag. */
         if (*xml_attrval (transition, "procdef")) {
            wftk_process_start (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (transition, "pdrep"), xml_attrval (transition, "procdef"));
         } else {
            queue_procdef (session, datasheet, transition, ".workflow[%d]", xml_attrvalnum (newstate, "workflow-id"));
            process_procdef (session, datasheet, xml_loc (datasheet, ".state"), xml_loc (datasheet, ".state.queue"));
      } else if (xml_is (transition, "to")) {
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (transition, "mode"), "task")) {
            task = xml_create ("task");
            xml_copyinto (task, transition); /* Grab any data, user, role, label, etc. */
            xml_setf (task, "id", "!%s", xml_attrval (transition, "id"));
            xml_append_pretty (datasheet, task);
            wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "tasknew", task);
      transition = xml_nextelem (transition);

   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!strcmp (status, "complete")) {
      /* TODO: If the process is attached as a subproc of another task, retrieve that task and complete it. */

   return 1;
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