Dealing with requests

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This is an experimental category of functionality, but it's one which I think is crucial for a working system. Basically, a request is just that: let's say I have a task on my to-do list. I want to ask Joe to do it for me. The wftk supports that by allowing me to create a request object which contains that active task. Joe can either accept the request (in which case the active task is reassigned to him) or decline it (in which case nothing happens to the task.) And of course I can always rescind the request.

I can also make the request of any arbitrary group of people; then the first who accepts gets the task. I can create a request which bundles together several tasks, and they'll all get reassigned. And finally, I think it'll be useful to allow arbitrary workflow stuff to happen in a request, so that if it's accepted, for instance, a new task can be created for me, to send the physical file over or something, I don't know. More usefully, if a request is accepted, I can specify an arbitrary notification or data modification based on that knowledge.

So this is all pretty vague and can obviously be implemented in an ongoing manner; for the time being I just want to get really simple requests implemented so that I can talk about task tokens, which form the groovy theoretical basis for the task view of workflow. A request is basically the ad-hoc means of transferring a task token to somebody else; it's a formalization of the notion of delegation.

(April 1, 2001)
OK, so for v1.0 I'm going to omit requests of groups, omit non-datasheet requests (i.e. index-only), but as I just did ad-hoc workflow, that'll be in there. A request consists of an alert plus what to be done upon acceptance. If a task, the task is created with wftk_task_new. If an action, the action is done with wftk_action_do. If anything else, it's created as ad-hoc workflow with wftk_process_adhoc. Note that we don't have a lot of permissions here. Eventually we're going to want to funnel all that through wftk_action_do so that we don't have a security problem.

The request can also name a particular task in the "task" attribute; upon acceptance, that task will thus be assigned to the requestee. There is no security on this at this point, which is (naturally) a bad idea in the long term, as it would be simple to steal tasks by requesting them to be assigned to you, then accepting the request. Post-v1.0.

A request will be indexed with a starting "?", and so a request naming a task starting with "?" will be construed as a sub-request; upon acceptance it will accept its parent request in the name of the requestee. So Joe has a task and sends a reassignment request to Karen, then Karen sends a subrequest to Larry. Larry accepts, so Joe's task gets assigned to Larry. Everybody gets notified that this has happened.

Finally, if the request has a "role" attribute, then it's a request to take over a particular role for the process and will result in role assignment.
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_request_new      (XML * session, XML * request) {
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * req;
   XML * requestor = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   XML * alert = NULL;
   const char * alertcontent;
   char * newalertcontent = NULL;

   if (!request) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (request, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (request, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   if (datasheet && !*xml_attrval (request, "of") && *xml_attrval (request, "of-role")) {
      xml_set (request, "of", wftk_role_user (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (request, "of-role")));

   if (!*xml_attrval (request, "of")) {
      xml_set (request, "status", "error");
      xml_set (request, "status.reason", "The requestee could not be determined.");
      return 0;

   /* Inform task indices of new request. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "reqnew", request);
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!datasheet) return 1; /* The request was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */
   req = xml_create ("request");
   if (datasheet) xml_setnum (req, "id", wftk_value_counter (session, datasheet, "idcount"));
   xml_set (req, "of", xml_attrval (request, "of"));

   if (*xml_attrval (request, "by")) {
      requestor = wftk_user_retrieve (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (request, "by"));
   } else {
      requestor = wftk_session_getuser (session);
   if (requestor) {
      xml_set (req, "by", xml_attrval (requestor, "id"));

   if (*xml_attrval (request, "label")) {
      if (!datasheet) {
         xml_set_nodup (req, "label", wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (request, "label")));
      } else {
         xml_set (req, "label", xml_attrval (request, "label"));
   } else {
      /* TODO: default label for request depends on kind of request. */
      if (requestor) {
         xml_setf (req, "label", "Request from %s", *xml_attrval (requestor, "name") ? xml_attrval (requestor, "name") : xml_attrval (requestor, "id"));
      } else {
         xml_set (req, "label", "Anonymous request");

   if (*xml_attrval (request, "task") == '?') {
      xml_set (req, "request", xml_attrval (request, "task") + 1);
   } else if (*xml_attrval (request, "task")) {
      xml_set (req, "task", xml_attrval (request, "task"));
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "role"))    xml_set (req, "role", xml_attrval (request, "role"));
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "request")) xml_set (req, "request", xml_attrval (request, "request"));

   if (*xml_attrval (req, "request")) {
      /* TODO: some of this stuff should be done before the taskindex is updated with the request, right? */
      if (xml_attrvalnum (req, "request") >= xml_attrvalnum (req, "id")) {
         xml_set (request, "status", "error");
         xml_set (request, "status.reason", "Can't issue subrequest for nonexistent request");
         return 0;

   /* Transfer the content of the request, interpreting any alert found. */
   mark = xml_firstelem (request);
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "alert") && !alert) {
         alert = xml_create ("alert");
         alertcontent = xml_stringcontent (mark);
         wftk_value_interpret (session, datasheet, alertcontent, newalertcontent, strlen (alertcontent) + 1024);
         xml_append_pretty (alert, xml_createtext_nodup (wftk_value_interpreta (session, datasheet, alertcontent)));
         free (alertcontent);
         xml_append_pretty (req, alert);
      } else {
         xml_append_pretty (req, xml_copy (mark));
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   /* If there was no custom alert, build a logical one. */
   if (!alert) {
      alert = xml_create ("alert");
      xml_append_pretty (alert, xml_createtext ("A request has been made for your action.\nPlease visit the workflow app to accept or decline.\n"));
      /* TODO: Boy, that is a useless alert.  Write a better one. */
      xml_prepend (req, alert);

   xml_set (alert, "to", xml_attrval (req, "of"));
   xml_set (alert, "from", xml_attrval (req, "by"));
   xml_set (alert, "subject", xml_attrval (req, "label"));

   /* Do the alert -- use custom content if found above, otherwise do something logical. */
   wftk_notify (session, datasheet, alert);

   xml_append_pretty (datasheet, req);
   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, request, "action", "place");
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   return 1;
Retrieval of requests is much simpler than tasks if it's a datasheet-based request. If it's not a datasheet request, we'll have to ask the task index. And that's not actually implemented yet, so I'm pretty much skipping it for v1.0.
WFTK_EXPORT XML  * wftk_request_retrieve (XML * session, XML * request) {
   XML * datasheet;
   XML * mark;

   if (!request) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (request, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (request, "process"));

   if (!datasheet) {
      /*ad = wftk_get_adaptor (session, TASKINDEX, NULL);
      wftk_call_adaptor (adlist, "reqget", xml_attrval (request, "id"));
      wftk_free_adaptor (session, adlist);
      */ /* TODO: the right thing. */
      return 0;

   mark = xml_firstelem (datasheet);
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "request") && !strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "id"), xml_attrval (request, "id"))) {
         xml_copyinto (request, mark);
         return (request);
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   return NULL;
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_request_update   (XML * session, XML * request) { return 0; } /* TODO: figure out if this even makes sense. */
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_request_rescind  (XML * session, XML * request) {
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * mark;

   if (!request) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (request, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (request, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   /* Inform task indices of rescinded request. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "reqdel", xml_attrval (request, "process"), xml_attrval (request, "id"));
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!datasheet) return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".request[%s]", xml_attrval (request, "id"));
   if (mark) {
      xml_delete (mark);
   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, request, "action", "rescind");
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   return 1;
OK. Now the tricky part. Acceptance of a request causes things to happen, so we have to get it right. Declining a request causes basically nothing to happen except a notification of the requestor that the request was declined.
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_request_accept   (XML * session, XML * request) {
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * req;
   XML * mark;
   XML * task;
   int first = 1;

   if (!request) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (request, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (request, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   if (datasheet) {
      req = xml_locf (datasheet, ".request[%s]", xml_attrval (request, "id"));
      if (!req) {
         xml_set (request, "status", "error");
         xml_set (request, "status.reason", "No such request");
         return 0;
      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (req, "status"), "accepted")) {
         xml_set (request, "status", "error");
         xml_set (request, "status.reason", "Request has already been accepted.");
         return 0;

   /* Inform task indices of accepted request. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "reqaccept", xml_attrval (request, "process"), xml_attrval (request, "id"));

   if (!datasheet) {
      wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);
      return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   /* TODO: some of this stuff should happen before the taskindex is written. */
   if (!*xml_attrval (request, "accepting")) xml_set (request, "accepting", xml_attrval (req, "of"));
   xml_set (req, "accepting", xml_attrval (request, "accepting"));
   xml_set (req, "status", "accepted");
   if (*xml_attrval (req, "request")) {
      task = xml_locf (datasheet, ".request[%s]", xml_attrval (req, "request"));
      if (task) {
         xml_set (task, "accepting", xml_attrval (req, "accepting")); /* Not "of", because then you couldn't send subsubreqs. */
         xml_set (task, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
         xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
         wftk_request_accept (session, task);
   if (*xml_attrval (req, "role")) {
      wftk_role_assign (session, datasheet, xml_attrval (req, "role"), xml_attrval (req, "accepting"));
   if (*xml_attrval (req, "task")) {
      task = xml_locf (datasheet, ".task[%s]", xml_attrval (req, "task"));
      if (!task) {
         task = xml_locf (datasheet, ".state.queue.item[%s]", xml_attrval (req, "task"));
      if (task) {
         xml_set (task, "user", xml_attrval (req, "accepting"));
         xml_set (task, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
         wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "taskput", task);

   /* Now we handle the contents, if any.  The first alert is the one which went to the requestee at the outset, so we skip it. */
   mark = xml_firstelem (req);
   while (mark) {
      if (xml_is (mark, "alert")) {
         if (first) {
            first = 0;
         } else {
            wftk_notify (session, datasheet, mark);
      } else if (xml_is (mark, "task")) {
         xml_set (mark, "user", xml_attrval (req, "accepting"));
         xml_set (mark, "dsrep", xml_attrval (datasheet, "repository"));
         xml_set (mark, "process", xml_attrval (datasheet, "id"));
         wftk_task_new (session, xml_copy (mark));
      } else {
         wftk_process_adhoc (session, datasheet, xml_copy (mark));
      mark = xml_nextelem (mark);

   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, request, "action", "accepted"); /* Also saves datasheet. */
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   return 1;
WFTK_EXPORT int    wftk_request_decline  (XML * session, XML * request) {
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * mark;

   if (!request) return 0;
   if (*xml_attrval (request, "process")) {
      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (request, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (request, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) return 0;

   /* Inform task indices of declined request. */
   adlist = wftk_get_adaptorlist (session, TASKINDEX);
   wftk_call_adaptorlist (adlist, "reqdecline", xml_attrval (request, "process"), xml_attrval (request, "id"));
   wftk_free_adaptorlist (session, adlist);

   if (!datasheet) return 1; /* The task was ad-hoc with no process, so there's nothing left to do. */

   mark = xml_locf (datasheet, ".request[%s]", xml_attrval (request, "id"));
   if (mark) {
      xml_set (mark, "status", "declined");
   wftk_enactment_write (session, datasheet, request, "action", "declined"); /* Also saves datasheet. */
   wftk_process_save (session, datasheet);

   /* TODO: notify the requestor that something's amiss. */

   return 1;
Listing requests is a whole lot like listing tasks.
WFTK_EXPORT int wftk_request_list (XML * session, XML * list) {
   int count = 0;
   const char * userid;
   XML * datasheet = NULL;
   XML * procdef = NULL;
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark2;
   XML * hit;

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "process")) {
      /* This is a process list. */
      userid = xml_attrval (list, "user");

      datasheet = wftk_process_load (session, xml_attrval (list, "dsrep"), xml_attrval (list, "process"));
      if (!datasheet) { return 0; }

      mark = xml_firstelem (datasheet);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "request") 
             && strcmp ("declined", xml_attrval (mark, "status"))
             && strcmp ("accepted", xml_attrval (mark, "status"))
             && (!*userid || !strcmp (userid, xml_attrval (mark, "of")))) {
            hit = xml_create ("request");
            xml_set (hit, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
            xml_set (hit, "label", xml_attrval (mark, "label"));
            xml_set (hit, "of", xml_attrval (mark, "of"));
            xml_set (hit, "by", xml_attrval (mark, "by"));
            xml_set (hit, "request", xml_attrval (mark, "request"));
            xml_set (hit, "role", xml_attrval (mark, "role"));
            xml_set (hit, "task", xml_attrval (mark, "task"));
            xml_append (list, hit);
         mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
      xml_setnum (list, "count", count);

      /* TODO: sort the list. */
   } else {
      /* No process means we have to ask a task index.  Fortunately this is *very easy*. */
      ad = wftk_get_adaptor (session, TASKINDEX, NULL);
      count = 0;
      if (ad) {
         wftk_call_adaptor (ad, "reqlist", list);
         wftk_free_adaptor (session, ad);
         count = xml_attrvalnum (list, "count");

   return count;
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