Internal definitions

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Here are a few things that the library functions will use (and adaptor code as well) but that don't really need to be exposed to the cold, hard world. First are the IDs for the types of adaptor. This will almost certainly end up being a partial list.

(Sep 15, 2001): For the popup UI framework I came up with a few new adaptors (numbers 11 through 15 there). These will be of use for non-UI installations as well, particularly once I sit down to write the server daemon framework (and I've already got a paying customer lined up for that one!)
And the other is the definition of the WFTK_ADAPTOR structure used to pass APIs back and forth. Sort of a poor man's ActiveX, I guess. See the adaptor handling code for a little more detail, but the upshot is that the interface to an adaptor is a kind of explicit vtable, and calls to adaptors all work through a single function.

For the case where we want a list of all the configured adaptors in a given class (like debug adaptors or task index adaptors, both of which are notification-like affairs where everybody involved wants to get notified) we have an adaptor list structure which can hold several adaptors.

Then we have the interface to the config module. Lest this be missed (somehow), each installation of the wftk has a single config module, which is static-linked in. There will be variants, however, at least between Windows and Unix, as Unix tends to favor precompiled directory locations, while Windows favors the Registry, because most users don't have a working compiler.

There are two functions of interest; config_get_value gets a named value, and config_debug_message passes a message to any installed debugging adaptors.
To make debugging simpler, and to make it go away when not in use so as to save space, we'll define a couple of debugging macros to wrap around config_debug_message:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DBG(x,y) config_debug_message (x, y);
#define DBG1(x,y,z) config_debug_message (x, y, z);
#define DBG2(x,y,z,now) config_debug_message (x, y, z, now);
#define DBG(x,y) ;
#define DBG1(x,y,z) ;
#define DBG2(x,y,z,now) ;
Prototypes for the adaptor functions, which are defined here. The single-bore adaptor calls may return XML values; the shotgun approach ones (list calls) are used for outgoing simultaneous notification to multiple adaptors of a single class, so they don't return any value. The integer is there ... I'm not sure why it's there, but someday I might, in a fit of guilt, decide that an error return would be a good idea.

(July 22, 2001) The DSREP_database adaptor, which I'm compiling into a DLL, needs to load the database adaptor specified -- so it needs the adaptor functions to be exported.
We've got a couple of prototypes for functions that are supposed to be called only internally.
XML * _procdef_load (XML * session, XML * datasheet);
char * _wftk_value_special (XML * session, XML * datasheet, const char * name);
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