wftk configuration module

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When I originally starting building a configuration module, I envisioned a more interchangeable module -- Unix configuration is generally compiled in or read from a .conf file somewhere, while Windows configuration is usually retrieved from the Registry. But then I started putting all the configuration information into an XML file, and probably it'll stay there. I guess you could still do something else with it, but (like so many aspects of the wftk) this way works.

The only remaining drawback is that for statically compiled adaptors, the config module needs to be recompiled. That's inconvenient. I'm not yet sure what the answer is, either; it'll have something to do with the repository manager and lists of compiled modules, but that's as far as I've thought it through.

And speaking of linking, one of the things we need to do is to keep track of what we've already loaded dynamically. To do that, let's define some linked-list things before we get serious about configuration stuff.
struct loaded_library {
   int adaptor_class;
   char adaptor[32]; /* Note the limit on adaptor name.  Since typical names are "localxml" or "oracle"
                        this limit should be quite sufficient. */
   char filename[256]; /* Here we'll build the path to the DLL. */
#ifdef WINDOWS
   HINSTANCE inst; /* This is how we'll do it under Win32.  Under Unix, I still have to learn how... */
   struct wftk_adaptor_info * ai;
   struct loaded_library * next;
struct loaded_library * loaded_libraries = NULL;
Now, I'm tempted to put this into the session, so it can be cleaned up when the session unloads. But really I think it's session-independent. This leaves me a little confused as to when it should be cleaned up. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

I think the best way to handle this is to create a cleanup function which can be called when the wftk DLL is unloaded. If the wftk is statically linked, then we can either call this explicitly, or we can trust the OS to clean up properly for us when our process is terminated. Does that make sense?

Let's go ahead and define our cleanup:
void wftk_config_cleanup ()
   struct loaded_library * ll;

   while (loaded_libraries) {
      ll = loaded_libraries;
      loaded_libraries = ll->next;
#ifdef WINDOWS
      FreeLibrary (ll->inst);
      free (ll);
Jan 3, 2004: First change of the new year. I really need a principled way of reporting things that happen in adaptors. So here's an adaptor logger. I'm going to pass a pointer to this thing into every adaptor, and it can be used for logging events properly regardless of whether we're in repmgr or wftk_bare modes.
static void wftk_config_adaptor_log (XML * session, WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, int level, const char * message)
   if (level < 3) {
      wftk_config_debug_message ('A', "[%d]%s (%d): %s", ad->num, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "spec"), level, message);
   repos_log (session, level, 0, NULL, "adaptor", "class %d %s: %s", ad->num, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "spec"), message);
So let's look at the wftk_config_get_adaptor function. Note a couple of things about this function. First, if the adaptor descriptor is a null pointer, that means that the config module should use the system default, and that default must be statically linked at the moment. (Later I'll work out how to signify a default DLL in the config structure.)

To make the declarations of statically linked adaptors come out right, we need to declare a few functions for each right here. So to configure this config module with a new statically linked adaptor, all you need to do is to declare the functions here, and then add the adaptor into the switch statement below, and of course link the adaptor to the core engine at link time.

And now the function itself.
static WFTK_ADAPTOR * wftk_config_get_adaptor (XML * session, int adaptor_class, const char * adaptor_descriptor, int name_length)
   char namebuf[64];
   struct loaded_library * library;
   struct wftk_adaptor_info * ai = NULL;
   char * dll_start = "";

   WFTK_ADAPTOR * ret;
   WFTK_SESSION * sess = wftk_session_init (session);

      repos_log (session, 6, 0, NULL, "adaptor", "Loading adaptor class %d, descriptor %s, name length %d", adaptor_class, adaptor_descriptor, name_length);

   if (sess->static_module_lookup) ai = (sess->static_module_lookup) (adaptor_class, name_length, adaptor_descriptor);

   if (!ai && name_length) { /* The adaptor isn't statically linked, anyway.  Let's try finding it dynamically, if it's named. */
      switch (adaptor_class) {
         case DSREP:
            dll_start = "DSREP_";
         case DATASTORE:
            dll_start = "DATASTORE_";
         case DATATYPE:
            dll_start = "DATATYPE_";
         case PDREP:
            dll_start = "PDREP_";
         case USER:
            dll_start = "USER_";
         case LIST:
            dll_start = "LIST_";
         case PERMS:
            dll_start = "PERMS_";
         case TASKINDEX:
            dll_start = "TASKINDEX_";
            if (!name_length) {  /* The default not being a static link, we have to check the config for an explicit name. */
               adaptor_descriptor = (char *) wftk_config_get_value (session, "taskindex.default");
               if (strchr (adaptor_descriptor, ':')) name_length = strchr (adaptor_descriptor, ':') - adaptor_descriptor;
               else                                  name_length = strlen (adaptor_descriptor);
         case NOTIFY:
            dll_start = "NOTIFY_";
            if (!name_length) {
               adaptor_descriptor = (char *) wftk_config_get_value (session, "notify.default");
               if (strchr (adaptor_descriptor, ':')) name_length = strchr (adaptor_descriptor, ':') - adaptor_descriptor;
               else                                  name_length = strlen (adaptor_descriptor);
         case ACTION:
            dll_start = "ACTION_";
         case DEBUG_MSG:
            dll_start = "DEBUG_MSG_";
            return (WFTK_ADAPTOR *) 0;

      /* Is this DLL already loaded?  Check the loaded list. */
      library = loaded_libraries;
      strncpy (namebuf, adaptor_descriptor, name_length);
      while (library) {
         if (adaptor_class == library->adaptor_class && !strcmp (namebuf, library->adaptor)) {
            ai = library->ai;
         library = library->next;

#ifdef WINDOWS
      if (!ai) {
         /* Look for a properly named DLL.  When I figure out dynaloading under Unix this will expand. */
         library = (struct loaded_library *) malloc (sizeof (struct loaded_library));
         library->adaptor_class = adaptor_class;
         strcpy (library->adaptor, namebuf);
         strcpy (namebuf, dll_start);
         strncat (namebuf, adaptor_descriptor, name_length);
         strcat (namebuf, ".dll");
         library->inst = LoadLibrary (namebuf);
         if (!library->inst) {
            wftk_config_debug_message ('A', "Failed to load library %s (%d).\n", namebuf, GetLastError());
            repos_log (session, 1, 0, NULL, "adaptor", "Failed to load library %s (%d).", namebuf, GetLastError());
            free (library);
            return NULL;
         strcpy (namebuf, dll_start);
         strncat (namebuf, adaptor_descriptor, name_length);
         strcat (namebuf, "_get_info");
         func = (WFTK_ADAPTOR_INFO_FN *) GetProcAddress (library->inst, namebuf);
         if (!func) {
            wftk_config_debug_message ('A', "Adaptor doesn't export %s.\n", namebuf);
            repos_log (session, 1, 0, NULL, "adaptor", "Adaptor doesn't export %s.", namebuf);
            free (library);
            return NULL;
         ai = (*func) ();
   if (!ai) return (WFTK_ADAPTOR *) 0; /* No luck. */

   ret = (WFTK_ADAPTOR *) malloc (sizeof (struct wftk_adaptor) + ai->nfuncs * sizeof (void *));
   if (!ret) return (WFTK_ADAPTOR *) 0;

   ret->num     = adaptor_class;
   ret->parms   = (void *) 0;     /* This will be filled in by the caller. */
   ret->nfuncs  = ai->nfuncs;
   ret->names   = ai->names;
   ret->vtab    = ai->vtab;
   ret->session = session;
   ret->log     = (WFTK_ADAPTOR_LOG_FN) wftk_config_adaptor_log;
   return (ret);
We need a very similar function in order to return adaptor lists. Note that for adaptor lists, we don't bother with all the adaptor classes, because many of them don't even make sense used that way. Adaptor lists are only used for notification-like functions (task index, debug messager, etc.)

May 28, 2003: So here I am, introducing a repository-manager-specific snippet of code for the big workflow integration thing. I don't want to have to explicitly configure the repmgr-driven taskindex to get notification of task events, so when I'm asked for a taskindex list, I'm going to test whether I can actually get a list:_tasks adaptor or not. If not, I proceed as normal. If so, however, I'm going to make sure that adaptor is there first.
static WFTK_ADAPTORLIST * wftk_config_get_adaptorlist (XML * session, int adaptor_class)
   const char * spec = "";
   int adaptors = 0;
   int i;
   const char * mark;
   char * mark2;
   char * adaptorbuffer;
   WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad_repmgr = NULL; /* Just to be sure. */

   switch (adaptor_class) {
      case TASKINDEX:
         spec = wftk_config_get_value (session, "taskindex.always");
         ad_repmgr = wftk_get_adaptor (session, TASKINDEX, "list:");
      case NOTIFY:
         spec = wftk_config_get_value (session, "notify.always");
         return (WFTK_ADAPTORLIST *) 0;

   if (!*spec && !ad_repmgr) return (WFTK_ADAPTORLIST *) 0;

   /* First pass: count semicolons, so we know how large a list structure to allocate. */
   mark = spec;
   adaptorbuffer = (char *) malloc (strlen (spec) + 1);
   do {
      mark = strchr (mark, ';');
      if (!mark) break;
      adaptors++; mark++;
   } while (mark);

   if (ad_repmgr) adaptors++;

   list = (WFTK_ADAPTORLIST *) malloc (sizeof (WFTK_ADAPTOR_LIST) + adaptors * sizeof (WFTK_ADAPTOR *));
   list->count = adaptors;

   if (ad_repmgr) list->ads[0] = ad_repmgr;

   for (i=ad_repmgr ? 1 : 0, mark = spec; i < adaptors; i++) {
      strcpy (adaptorbuffer, mark);
      mark = strchr(mark, ';');
      if (mark) { mark++; while (*mark == ' ') mark++; }
      mark2 = strchr (adaptorbuffer, ';');
      if (mark2) *mark2 = '\0';

      list->ads[i] = wftk_get_adaptor (session, adaptor_class, adaptorbuffer);

   free ((void *) adaptorbuffer);
   return (list);
OK, with that out of the way, let's look at a simple function to return named values. Since these named values will be constant, I'm going to take the cheap way out and just return pointers. This means that if the pointer is used to write, the workflow system is not going to react in a happy, friendly way, but it's so much simpler to work with this way.

Some of the named values we use will be required only by specific adaptors, so I don't think it makes sense simply to number them. So instead of a nice clean switch we need a bunch of string comparisons. Sorry. The smarter config module will presumably just pass this off to some API (the canonical one being the Windows Registry, of course.)

This function itself uses the definitions in the localdefs.h file. That seems weird -- why not just include the values right here? -- but it's more natural to look for config values in a .h file than in a .c file, so I think that makes more sense for the time being. At any rate, with any luck that's going to be superseded relatively quickly anyway. Right?

And wow -- I superseded it before I even finished the release. It was just too stupid. The compiled values will still be there as fallbacks in case you want to run sans config.xml, but we'll go ahead and read config.xml.
static XML * config_find_option (XML * xml, const char * name) {
   int len;
   XML * x;
   char * mark = strchr (name, '.');

   if (mark) len = mark - name;
   else      len = strlen (name);

   x = xml_firstelem (xml);
   while (x) {
      if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (x, "name"), name, len) ||
          !strncmp (xml_attrval (x, "id"), name, len)   ||
          !strncmp ("?", name, len)) {
         if (mark) {
            return (config_find_option (x, mark + 1));
         return (x);
      x = xml_nextelem (x);
   return NULL;
static XML * config_get_option (XML * session, const char * valuename) {
   WFTK_SESSION * sess = wftk_session_init(session);
   if (sess) {
      if (sess->config) {
         return (config_find_option (sess->config, valuename));
   return NULL;
WFTK_EXPORT const char * wftk_config_get_value (XML * session, const char * valuename) {
   XML * mark = config_get_option (session, valuename);
   if (mark) return (xml_attrval (mark, "value"));

   /*if (!strcmp (valuename, "")) return PROCDEF_DIRECTORY;
   if (!strcmp (valuename, "")) return DATASHEET_DIRECTORY;
   if (!strcmp (valuename, "")) return USER_DIRECTORY;
   if (!strcmp (valuename, "")) return GROUP_DIRECTORY;
   if (!strcmp (valuename, "taskindex.odbc.?.conn")) return ODBC_CONNECTION;*/
   return "";
Was that too weird? I'm sure it'll make sense later.

Finally, the debugging message handler. In this first version, I'm going to get dumb (duh) and simply write to stdout. Later we can refine this, with debug logging and stuff. And later still we can get fancy.
WFTK_EXPORT void wftk_config_debug_message (char type, const char * message, ...)
   va_list arglist;

   va_start (arglist, message);
   printf ("DEBUG %c:", type);
   vprintf (message, arglist);
   printf ("\n");
   va_end (arglist);
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