USER adaptor: list

This is the new standard user adaptor for the wftk. It stores user and group information in lists using the repository manager. (Naturally this means that the actual storage of these lists is completely configurable using arbitrary list adaptors, which is one reason the repmgr makes so much sense.)

Users are stored by default in the _users list, and groups in the _groups list. Naturally, these can be overridden from the adaptor spec.

This is, I believe, the first adaptor which requires the repository manager in order to do its job.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "repmgr.h"
The adaptor_info structure is used to pass adaptor info (duh) back to the config module when it's building an adaptor instance. Here's what it contains:
static char *names[] = 

XML * USER_list_init    (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_free    (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_info    (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_get     (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_auth    (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_ingroup (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_members (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * USER_list_roleusers (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);

static XML * _USER_get_group_recursive (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, const char * groupid);

static WFTK_API_FUNC vtab[] = 

static struct wftk_adaptor_info _USER_list_info =
Cool. So here's the incredibly complex function which returns a pointer to that:
struct wftk_adaptor_info * USER_list_get_info ()
   return & _USER_list_info;
First up is the initialization function. This figures out where our actual user lists are.
XML * USER_list_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   const char * parms;
   char * mark;

   parms = xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm");
   if (!*parms) parms = "";

   /* Check for comma; if none, our groups are stored in the _groups list. */
   mark = strchr (parms, ',');
   if (mark) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "groups", mark + 1);
      xml_set (ad->parms, "users", "");
      xml_attrncat (ad->parms, "users", parms, mark - parms);
   } else {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "groups", "_groups");
      xml_set (ad->parms, "users", parms);
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "users")) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "users", "_users");

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "list:%s,%s", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "users"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "groups"));

   return (XML *) 0;
Freeing up is (as always) really easy.
XML * USER_list_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return (XML *) 0; }
Standard info call boilerplate.
XML * USER_list_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * info;

   info = xml_create ("info");
   xml_set (info, "type", "user");
   xml_set (info, "name", "list");
   xml_set (info, "ver", "1.0.0");
   xml_set (info, "compiled", __TIME__ " " __DATE__);
   xml_set (info, "author", "Michael Roberts");
   xml_set (info, "contact", "");
   xml_set (info, "extra_functions", "0");

   return (info);
Getting a user, here, is identical to list retrieval. It's dubious whether we'll actually keep this at all. If it stays, though, it should really be augmented with a group get function. Ah well. At least it's trivial under the repository manager.
XML * USER_list_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   char * id = (char *) 0;

   if (args) id = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!id) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No ID given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   return (repos_get (ad->session, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "users"), id));
Authentication, now, is more interesting. How we handle it depends on the list definition; if there's an fcrypted field, for instance, we'll use the fcrypt datatype adaptor to assess equality. For now we're going to gloss over that and use the same cheat as earlier -- we'll just assume a password field right in the user object.

If the user survives authentication, the XML itself is returned. This works out pretty well, actually.
XML * USER_list_auth (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   char * userid = NULL;
   XML * user = 0;
   XML * list;
   XML * mark;
   char * password;
   const char * pwfield;

   if (args) userid = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!userid) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No user given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   password = va_arg (args, char *);

   list = repos_defn (ad->session, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "users"));
   if (!list) return NULL; /* TODO: better error handling than silent acquiescence? */

   user = repos_get (ad->session, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "users"), userid);
   if (!user) return NULL;

   mark = xml_search (list, "field", "special", "password");
   pwfield = mark ? xml_attrval (mark, "id") : "password";

   xml_set_nodup (user, "password", xmlobj_get (user, list, pwfield));
   if (!strcmp (password, xml_attrval (user, "password"))) return user;

   xml_free (user);
   return (XML *) 0;
This quickie initial group membership test doesn't handle recursive groups. Otherwise, it works pretty much as we'd expect. TODO: implement recursive group searches. (Of course, for serious work we'd be implementing LDAP anyway, but still...)
XML * USER_list_ingroup (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   char * userid = NULL;
   char * groupid = NULL;
   XML * group = 0;
   XML * mark;

   if (args) userid = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!userid) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No user given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   groupid = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!groupid) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No group given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   group = _USER_get_group_recursive (ad, groupid);
   if (!group) return NULL;

   mark = xml_search (group, "user", "id", userid);
   if (mark) return (group);

   xml_free (group);
   return (XML *) 0;
(25 June 2003): I'm being overly cautious with semantics here, perhaps, but there's almost certainly a difference between groups and roles and I don't want to burn my bridges by confusing them early on. This particular adaptor is going to treat roles as groups, but maybe LDAP or somebody has better ways of representing the difference.

Note: it was easy enough to build this as a helper function and then include the result in the USER_list_ismember implementation above, to give us recursive group membership. It's not the most scalable of solutions, but as I mention above, if we want scalability we're going to implement LDAP.
XML * USER_list_members (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   char * groupid = NULL;
   XML * group = 0;

   if (args) groupid = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!groupid) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No group given.");
      return NULL;

   group = _USER_get_group_recursive (ad, groupid);
   /* TODO: do we want to clean up any non-user elements? */

   return (group);

static XML * _USER_get_group_recursive (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, const char * groupid) {
   XML * group;
   XML * visited;
   XML * holder;
   XML * mark;
   XML * next;
   XML * submark;
   int   rerun;

   group = repos_get (ad->session, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "groups"), groupid);
   if (!group) return NULL;

   visited = xml_create ("list");
   mark = xml_create ("group");
   xml_set (mark, "id", xml_attrval (group, "id"));
   xml_append (visited, mark);

   do {
      rerun = 0;
      mark = xml_firstelem (group);
      while (mark) {
         if (xml_is (mark, "group")) {
            if (!xml_locf (visited, ".group[%s]", xml_attrval (mark, "id"))) {
               holder = xml_create ("group");
               xml_set (holder, "id", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
               xml_append (visited, holder);
               holder = repos_get (ad->session, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "groups"), xml_attrval (next, "id"));
               submark = xml_firstelem (holder);
               while (submark) {
                  if (xml_is (submark, "user")) {
                     if (!xml_locf (group, ".user[%s]", xml_attrval (submark, "id"))) xml_append_pretty (group, xml_copy (submark));
                  } else if (xml_is (submark, "group")) {
                     if (!xml_locf (visited, ".group[%s]", xml_attrval (submark, "id"))) xml_append (group, xml_copy (submark));
                  submark = xml_nextelem (submark);
               xml_free (holder);
            next = xml_nextelem (mark);
            xml_delete_pretty (mark);
            mark = next;

            rerun = 1;
         } else if (xml_is (mark, "user")) {
            mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
         } else {
            next = xml_nextelem (mark);
            xml_delete_pretty (mark);
            mark = next;
   } while (rerun);

   xml_free (visited);

   return (group);

XML * USER_list_roleusers (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return USER_list_members (ad, args); }

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2003, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.