LIST adaptor: MySQL

This is list adaptor number three -- it implements object storage using the MySQL native interface. Use the general taskindex here, and wftk will chug along happily on MySQL. And we'll be cookin with gas.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <windows.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include "xmlapi.h"
#include "xmlobj.h"
#include "../wftk.h"
#include "../wftk_internals.h"

XML * wftk_sql_build_select (XML * list, char * key,   WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force);
XML * wftk_sql_build_insert (XML * list, XML * object, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force);
XML * wftk_sql_build_update (XML * list, XML * object, WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force);
XML * wftk_sql_build_delete (XML * list, char * key,   WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING force);
static void _LIST_mysql_force_mapping (XML * field);
If we're on Unix, we need to define strlwr, a quick little lower-case converter which is standard on Windows, but which isn't on Unix. Really this is one thing which should end up in the wftk standard helper function list, as soon as I get that organized.
#ifdef WINDOWS
#define _LIST_mysql_strlwr(x) strlwr(x)
void _LIST_mysql_strlwr (char * str) {
   if (!str) return;
   while (*str) {
      if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z') {
         *str += 'a' - 'A';
The adaptor_info structure is used to pass adaptor info (duh) back to the config module when it's building an adaptor instance. Here's what it contains:
static char *names[] = 

XML * LIST_mysql_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);

static WFTK_API_FUNC vtab[] = 

static struct wftk_adaptor_info _LIST_mysql_info =
Cool. So here's the incredibly complex function which returns a pointer to that:
struct wftk_adaptor_info * LIST_mysql_get_info ()
   return & _LIST_mysql_info;
The adaptor can reuse an existing database connection, which is stashed in the binary handle of a "connection" element in the repository. This is getting a tad baroque, perhaps... At any rate, if such a connection element is present, and it matches the parameter, then we'll use it, otherwise we'll create one. Database connections are thus (probably) not going to close until the repository is closed. Which makes sense to me.

The connection element looks like this:
<connection storage="mysql:wftk" conn="DSN=wftk"/>
Then we can reference it like this:
<list id="..." storage="mysql:wftk"/>
Thus the connection starts to look a lot like a predefined alias, see? This makes a lot more sense than the wftk config file, I think.
struct _LIST_mysql_handles {
   MYSQL * mysql;
   int ok;

void LIST_mysql_cleanup (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles)
   if (handles) {
      mysql_close (handles->mysql);
      free (handles);

XML * LIST_mysql_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   const char * parms;
   char * mark;
   XML * repository = (XML *) ad->session;
   XML * conn;
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles;
   int rslt;
   char buf[1024];

   parms = xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm");
   if (!*parms) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No MySQL datasource specified");
      return NULL;

   /* Find or create connection. */
   xml_setf (repository, "scratch", "mysql:%s", parms);
   conn = xml_search (repository, "connection", "storage", xml_attrval (repository, "scratch"));
   if (!conn) {
      conn = xml_create ("connection");
      xml_set (conn, "storage", xml_attrval (repository, "scratch"));
      xml_set (conn, "database", parms);  /* Default, if no predefined connection: parms name local database. */
      xml_append (repository, conn);

   /* Is connection already made?  If not, connect. */
   handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) xml_getbin (conn);
   if (!handles) {
      handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) malloc (sizeof (struct _LIST_mysql_handles));
      if (!handles) {
        xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to allocate binary stash.");
        return NULL;
      handles->mysql = NULL;
      handles->ok = 0;
   ad->bindata = (void *) handles;
   if (!handles->ok) {
      handles->mysql = mysql_init (NULL);
      if (!(handles->mysql)) {
         xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to allocate MySQL environment handle.");
         free ((void *) handles);
         xml_setbin (conn, NULL, NULL);
         ad->bindata = 0;
         return (XML *) 0;

      if (!mysql_real_connect (handles->mysql,
                               *xml_attrval (conn, "host")     ? xml_attrval (conn, "host")       : "localhost",
                               *xml_attrval (conn, "user")     ? xml_attrval (conn, "user")       : NULL,
                               *xml_attrval (conn, "password") ? xml_attrval (conn, "password")   : NULL,
                               *xml_attrval (conn, "database") ? xml_attrval (conn, "database")   : NULL,
                               *xml_attrval (conn, "port")     ? atoi (xml_attrval (conn, "port")): MYSQL_PORT,
                               NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS)) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to connect to database specified: %s", mysql_error (handles->mysql));
         mysql_close (handles->mysql);
         free ((void *) handles);
         xml_setbin (conn, NULL, NULL);
         ad->bindata = 0;
         return (XML *) 0;

      handles->ok = 1;
      xml_setbin (conn, handles, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *)LIST_mysql_cleanup);

   return (XML *) 0;
XML * LIST_mysql_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return (XML *) 0; }
Next up is the info call, which builds and returns a little XML telling the caller about the adaptor. If the adaptor itself is NULL, then it just returns info about the installed adaptor handler; otherwise it's free to elaborate on the adaptor instance.
XML * LIST_mysql_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * info;

   info = xml_create ("info");
   xml_set (info, "type", "list");
   xml_set (info, "name", "mysql");
   xml_set (info, "ver", "1.0.0");
   xml_setnum (info, "mysql_ver", MYSQL_VERSION_ID);
   xml_set (info, "compiled", __TIME__ " " __DATE__);
   xml_set (info, "author", "Michael Roberts");
   xml_set (info, "contact", "");
   xml_set (info, "extra_functions", "0");

   return (info);

So. Down to business. I'm most interested in indexing at the moment, so I'm going to start with the add/mod/del functions, then do the create/destroy functions (the latter easy under SQL), and only then do querying and retrieval. So. Let's do it. First off let's define a couple of helper functions.

static void _LIST_mysql_builderrmsg (XML * ap, MYSQL * mysql)
   xml_setf (ap, "_error", "%s[%d] %s", xml_attrval (ap, "error"), mysql_errno (mysql), mysql_error (mysql));
   xml_set (ap, "error", xml_attrval (ap, "_error"));
   xml_set (ap, "_error", "");

static void sql_escaped_append (XML * s, const char * q, const char * v)
   char * mark;
   if (!v) return;
   while (mark = strchr (v, '\'')) {
      xml_attrncat (s, q, v, mark - v);
      xml_attrcat (s, q, "'");
      v = mark + 1;
   xml_attrcat (s, q, v);

So. Down to business. Adding is first up. I initially wanted to say it pretty straightforward, but really -- it isn't. Too much going on, what with checking whether we need to return a generated key, testing for the various data types we know about, and such. For the moment, we're ignoring links, but pretty soon we'll have to start working with them. Their entire point, after all, is for relational databases.

For some education, compare the querying code of this adaptor with that from the ODBC adaptor. Or Oracle, once I've written it. The MySQL API is so much simpler. Building the query, of course, is the same code.

(March 4, 2004) And now, building queries is in a separate file: wftk_sql. And about time.
static XML * _LIST_mysql_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list, XML * object)
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) ad->bindata;
   XML * rest_xml = NULL;

   if (!handles) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;
   if (!handles->ok) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;

   xml_set (list, "_now", "NOW()");
   xml_set (list, "_blob", "NULL");
   xml_set (list, "_keygen", "");
   xml_set (list, "_keycol", "");
   rest_xml = wftk_sql_build_insert (list, object, (WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING) _LIST_mysql_force_mapping);

   /* Now execute the query we just built. */
   (ad->log) (ad->session, ad, 5, xml_attrval (list, "_insert"));
   if (mysql_query (handles->mysql, xml_attrval (list, "_insert"))) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "SQL error from [%s] ", xml_attrval (list, "_insert"));
      _LIST_mysql_builderrmsg (ad->parms, handles->mysql);
   } else {
      if (*xml_attrval (list, "_keycol")) {
         xml_setnum (list, "_newkey", (int)mysql_insert_id(handles->mysql));
         xmlobj_set (object, NULL, xml_attrval (list, "_keycol"), xml_attrval (list, "_newkey"));
         xml_unset (list, "_newkey");

   /* TODO: handle links. */

   /* TODO: BLOB/rest_xml stuff. */

   xml_free (rest_xml);
   return NULL;

XML * LIST_mysql_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * obj = NULL;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   return _LIST_mysql_add (ad, list, obj);
That little bit uses a helper function to tell wftk_sql what fields to map onto what aliases (this allows the wftk to avoid tripping over MySQL-specific reserved words.)
static void _LIST_mysql_force_mapping (XML * field)
   const char * id;
   if (*xml_attrval (field, "alias")) return;

   /* TODO: encode reserved words. */

   if (!strncmp (xml_attrval (field, "storage"), "record:", 7)) {
      xml_set (field, "alias", xml_attrval (field, "storage") + 7);
   if (!*xml_attrval (field, "alias")) xml_set (field, "alias", xml_attrval (field, "id"));

Updating is a little easier. We do have to worry about the key field; at the moment, we assume it's set as an attribute of the list definition, which is probably a facile assumption.
static XML * _LIST_mysql_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list, XML * object)
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) ad->bindata;
   XML * rest_xml;

   if (!handles) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;
   if (!handles->ok) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;

   xml_set (list, "_now", "NOW()");
   xml_set (list, "_blob", "NULL");
   xml_set (list, "_keygen", "");
   rest_xml = wftk_sql_build_update (list, object, (WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING) _LIST_mysql_force_mapping);

   /* Now execute the query we just built. */
   (ad->log) (ad->session, ad, 5, xml_attrval (list, "_update"));
   if (mysql_query (handles->mysql, xml_attrval (list, "_update"))) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "SQL error from [%s] ", xml_attrval (list, "_update"));
      _LIST_mysql_builderrmsg (ad->parms, handles->mysql);
   } else {
      if (!xml_is (object, "diff")) { /* Note: we only allow an insertion for a complete record, not a diff. */
         if (mysql_affected_rows (handles->mysql) == 0) {
            xml_free (rest_xml);
            return _LIST_mysql_add (ad, list, object);
   xml_free (rest_xml);
   return 0;

XML * LIST_mysql_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   return _LIST_mysql_update (ad, list, obj);

static XML * _LIST_mysql_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list, char * key)
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) ad->bindata;

   if (!handles) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;
   if (!handles->ok) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "Database connection not initialized.");
      return 0;

   wftk_sql_build_delete (list, key, (WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING) _LIST_mysql_force_mapping);

   /* Now execute the query we just built. */
   (ad->log) (ad->session, ad, 5, xml_attrval (list, "_delete"));
   if (mysql_query (handles->mysql, xml_attrval (list, "_delete"))) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "SQL error from [%s] ", xml_attrval (list, "_delete"));
      _LIST_mysql_builderrmsg (ad->parms, handles->mysql);
   return 0;

XML * LIST_mysql_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   char * key;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!key) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No key given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   return _LIST_mysql_delete (ad, list, key);
Next stop: queries. Naturally, queries are where RDBMS-type list adaptors will excel. For now, I'm going to omit any support for reverse scanning of query results; iteration will simply have to work in the forward direction only. Frankly, I'm not even sure if there's any reason to care.

The query in this adaptor returns all known fields, as they're just as cheap to retrieve as not to retrieve (or close). A full get will also retrieve links, at least it will later. For now, that's not terribly important either. A common configuration for a repository is going to be a relatively restricted index which keys content stored in a local directory. Thus a query will ask the RDBMS index, but a get will retrieve the file directly.

Like the directory adaptor, we define a separate scanner function which is used by both query and iteration calls. If the latter, the context of the iteration must be stored. The scanner in this case is called "select" -- what it does is to define the query and execute it. The query function will read all results and return the resulting list; the iterator functions on the other hand will not do that, but rather will simply retrieve rows when asked.
static void _LIST_mysql_select (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list, char * key) {
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) ad->bindata;
   XML * scratch;
   XML * field;
   char * value;
   XML * mark;
   MYSQL_RES * result;

   if (!handles) return;
   if (!handles->ok) return;

   wftk_sql_build_select (list, key, (WFTK_SQL_FORCE_MAPPING) _LIST_mysql_force_mapping);

   /* Execute the query. */
   (ad->log) (ad->session, ad, 5, xml_attrval (list, "_select"));
   if (mysql_query (handles->mysql, xml_attrval (list, "_select"))) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "SQL error selecting data ");
      xml_set (list, "_status", "error");
      _LIST_mysql_builderrmsg (ad->parms, handles->mysql);
   } else {
      result = mysql_store_result (handles->mysql);
      xml_set (list, "_status", "ok");
      xml_setnum (list, "_numcols", mysql_field_count (handles->mysql));
      xml_setbin (list, result, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *)mysql_free_result);
Selection is only half the battle, though; we also need retrieval. Retrieval takes a currently active statement handle and attempts to retrieve a row from it; if there is no row, it fails (and sets a flag in the list.) Retrieval will be used for the "get" function as well.

Retrieval takes a flag "save_row" by which the caller indicates whether the retrieved row should be appended to the list or not.
static XML * _LIST_mysql_retrieve (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list, int save_row) {
   struct _LIST_mysql_handles *handles = (struct _LIST_mysql_handles *) ad->bindata;
   int numcols;
   int col;
   long value_len;
   MYSQL_RES * result;
   MYSQL_ROW row;
   MYSQL_FIELD * fields;
   XML * ret;
   char column[256];
   char value[1024];
   XML * field;

   if (!handles) return (XML *) 0;
   if (!handles->ok) return (XML *) 0;

   result = xml_getbin (list);
   if (!result) return (XML *) 0;

   /* Retrieve a row; if none, free the statement and return NULL. */
   row = mysql_fetch_row (result);
   if (!row) {
      xml_set (list, "_status", "complete");
      mysql_free_result (result);
      xml_setbin (list, NULL, NULL);
      return (XML *) 0;

   fields = mysql_fetch_fields (result);
   numcols = xml_attrvalnum (list, "_numcols");

   ret = xml_create (*xml_attrval (list, "element") ? xml_attrval (list, "element") : "record");
   if (save_row) xml_append (list, ret);

   for (col=0; col < numcols; col++) {
       strcpy (column, fields[col].name);
       _LIST_mysql_strlwr (column);
       field = xml_search (list, "field", "id", column);

       if (field) {
          xmlobj_set (ret, list, xml_attrval (field, "id"), row[col]);
   xml_set_nodup (ret, "id", xmlobj_getkey (ret, list));

   return ret;
Now that we know how to select and retrieve, we have all the building blocks we need to define the adaptor functionality (query, iteration, and get.) For this sort of usage, the list is assumed to be a copy of the repository's list definition, because it will be used to store cursor information.
XML * LIST_mysql_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   int count = 0;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   _LIST_mysql_select (ad, list, NULL); /* NULL = no specific key. */

   /* Retrieve all results. */
   while (_LIST_mysql_retrieve (ad, list, 1)) { /* 1 = save row in list. */
      count ++;

   xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
   return list;
Iteration is the same thing, really, except that we don't save anything while iterating.
XML * LIST_mysql_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   _LIST_mysql_select (ad, list, NULL);

   return _LIST_mysql_retrieve (ad, list, 0);
XML * LIST_mysql_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   return _LIST_mysql_retrieve (ad, list, 0);
XML * LIST_mysql_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "'rewind' command not supported under mysql");
XML * LIST_mysql_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "'prev' command not supported under mysql");
XML * LIST_mysql_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "'last' command not supported under mysql");
Retrieval of a single keyed record is pretty easy -- we just make a copy of the list spec as cursor, perform the retrieval query with the key attached, save the result, free the list copy, and return the result. The result may be NULL, if the key doesn't exist, which is exactly what we want.
XML * LIST_mysql_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   char * key;
   XML * copy;
   XML * ret;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   copy = xml_copy (list);

   _LIST_mysql_select (ad, copy, key);
   ret = _LIST_mysql_retrieve (ad, copy, 0);
   xml_free (copy);

   return ret;
Creation and destruction of lists (i.e. tables) will be fairly straightforward DML -- but I'm unsure whether I should be checking for table existence or not. There are a lot of potential traps as far as consistency is concerned, as a constant field may be used to allow lists to share a table -- but that means if one list drops/creates the table, the others are disrupted. Likewise, there needs to be some sort of logic allowing lists of different structure either to share the table or at least to note that they can't. So (since I don't really need this yet) I'm going to leave it for later.
XML * LIST_mysql_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mysql_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   return NULL;
So (January 12, 2002) the next thing to address is attachments. I think it's likely that handling attachments will be the last new thing that the list storage adaptor will have to handle itself. At any rate, an attachment is a regular field value, except it is generally stored separately from the object. As far as storage is concerned, attachments are pretty straightforward: they're files, or something like files. You open them, set their MIME types, read and write to streams, close them.

It's important to realize that actually telling the object where its attachment is stored is up to the repository manager library, not the adaptor. I waffled about this a lot, but essentially the list adaptor shouldn't be dependent on the repmgr, so that precludes any knowledge of the structure of record objects, and so (for instance) to open an attachment for retrieval, the repmgr will simply give the adaptor back whatever the adaptor told it earlier was the "location" of the attachment. In our case here, this is a filename local to the adaptor's controlled directory, but in a database it may be a unique key into a BLOB table or something.
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   char * filename;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   field = va_arg (args, char *);
   filename = va_arg (args, char *);

   /* If we're not given a fieldname, then we'll just scan the list definition to find the first "document"-type field. */
   if (!field) {
      mark = xml_search (list, "field", "type", "document");
      if (!mark) {
         xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No attachment field given and no default exists.");
         return NULL;
      field = (char *) xml_attrval (mark, "id");

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "mysql:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   /* If we're supplied with a filename, then that file can't already exist in our controlled
      directory. */
   if (filename && *filename) {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", filename);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), filename);
      xml_set (ret, "tempfile", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
   } else {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s.dat", key, field);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_setf (ret, "tempfile", "%s_newatt_%s_%s.dat", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), key, field);

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for writing.", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;

   xml_setbin (ret, file, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *)fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
Writing and closing are easy -- note that when closing the attachment, we do nothing else; the repository manager wrapped around this adaptor will take care of writing any location information into the object for the attachment, any version-control work, or whatever else. Otherwise we'd be duplicating that logic in every adaptor, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   int size, number;
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, int);
   number = va_arg (args, int);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setnum (handle, "last-write", fwrite (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle)));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   unlink (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mysql_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   rename (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"), xml_attrval (handle, "file"));
   return NULL;
Retrieval is easier than attachment, because we already have a filename. The filename is stored in the object, using the attribute "filename" -- this reserves the content of the field element for version control or whatever else may be appropriate.
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * fld;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   FILE * file;
   WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad2;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   fld = va_arg (args, XML *);

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "mysql:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   if (fld) {
      xml_set (ret, "location", xml_attrval (fld, "location"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ret, "location")) xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s.dat", key, xml_attrval (fld, "id"));
   xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "r");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for reading.", xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;

   xml_setbin (ret, file, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *)fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   int size, number;
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, int);
   number = va_arg (args, int);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setnum (handle, "last-read", fread (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle)));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mysql_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   return NULL;

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2002-2004, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.