LIST adaptor: mbox

This is the fourth list adaptor (or the third, depending on whether I finish this or the MySQL adaptor first) and what it does is fairly obvious; it organizes mbox-style mailbox files so that they look like lists to the repository manager. The advantages are likewise obvious: mail can be tossed into mbox format, and trigger workflow or publishing action with very little hassle. Also, further code can be written to do arbitrary processing of mail (for instance, I'm very interested in doing textual analysis.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "../wftk.h"
#include "../../xmlapi/xmlobj.h"
#include "../wftk_internals.h"
The adaptor_info structure is used to pass adaptor info (duh) back to the config module when it's building an adaptor instance. Here's what it contains:
static char *names[] = 

XML * LIST_mbox_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);

static WFTK_API_FUNC vtab[] = 

static struct wftk_adaptor_info _LIST_mbox_info =
Cool. So here's the incredibly complex function which returns a pointer to that:
struct wftk_adaptor_info * LIST_mbox_get_info ()
   return & _LIST_mbox_info;
As with the localdir adaptor, the sticky wicket with initialization is that we don't have all the information we need during the init call. Specifically, we don't have the ID of the list, which is generally used during the determination of the storage file of the mailbox. So we can't really do a lot of initialization here; that happens the first time the adaptor is actually called.
XML * LIST_mbox_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return (XML *) 0; }
XML * LIST_mbox_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return (XML *) 0; }
Next up is the info call, which builds and returns a little XML telling the caller about the adaptor. If the adaptor itself is NULL, then it just returns info about the installed adaptor handler; otherwise it's free to elaborate on the adaptor instance.
XML * LIST_mbox_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * info;

   info = xml_create ("info");
   xml_set (info, "type", "list");
   xml_set (info, "name", "mbox");
   xml_set (info, "ver", "1.0.0");
   xml_set (info, "compiled", __TIME__ " " __DATE__);
   xml_set (info, "author", "Michael Roberts");
   xml_set (info, "contact", "");
   xml_set (info, "extra_functions", "0");

   return (info);

So first off, let's define the actual initialization function, which for the mbox adaptor is non-trivial; after determining the actual mailbox to use, we check whether its index is current (by checking modification dates); if it isn't present, or isn't current, then we actually scan the mailbox and write a new index. During this operation, we will later store up a list of changes (adds and deletes; mail messages cannot be modified), which will be passed on to whatever indices are defined on the list. This is rather different from the standard list adaptor, and it'll be interesting to see what list applications might borrow from this sort of functionality. All in all, the list adaptor is turning out to be the most interesting adaptor class I've yet considered.

March 11, 2003: turns out this is also the first adaptor to use a configuration value. The mbox adaptor looks for a configuration value named "mbox_dir" -- this is the directory, defaulting to the current directory, which stores the mbox files. The reason it's a nice thing to use separate directories is that many mail clients (Netscape being one of them), extraneous files like site.opm sitting around in the mail directory get treated as folders themselves, and get overwritten willy-nilly. The easy solution is to have one directory for the repository, another for the mail itself.
static XML * _LIST_mbox_initialize (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list)
   struct stat statbuf;
   struct stat statbuf_idx;
   int current;
   int header = 0;
   XML * cache;
   FILE * mbox;
   FILE * idx;
   char line[1024];
   long offset = 0;
   char localmsgid[128];
   char id[128];
   char from[128];
   char to[128];
   char msgid[128];
   char recvdate[64];
   char date[64];
   char subject[1024];
   char * mark;
   XML * rec;
   XML * index;

   /* Find mbox storage file. */
   xml_set (ad->parms, "_dir", xmlobj_getconf (ad->session, "mbox_dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir")));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_dir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "_dir", ".");
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "mbox_dir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "_dir", xml_attrval (list, "mbox_dir"));

   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file")) {
      if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm")) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "_file", "%s/%s", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm"));
      } else {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "_file", "%s/%s", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_dir"), xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* Build full index filename. */
   if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm")) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "_idx", "%s/%s.mbox", *xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir") ? xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir") : ".",
                                                  xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm"));
   } else {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "_idx", "%s/%s.mbox", *xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir") ? xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir") : ".",
                                                  xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* Check for currency of index. */
   current = 1;
   if (stat (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_idx"), &statbuf_idx) == -1) { current = 0; }
   if (current) {
      if (stat (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"), &statbuf) == -1) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Mailbox '%s' not found.", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"));
         return NULL;

      if (statbuf.st_mtime > statbuf_idx.st_mtime) current = 0;

   if (current) {
      /* Do we have a loaded index? */
      index = xml_loc (ad->parms, ".cache");
      if (!index) {
         /* Load index. */
         index = xml_create ("cache");
         xml_append (ad->parms, index);
         idx = fopen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_idx"), "rt");
         while (fgets (line, sizeof (line)-1, idx)) {
            rec = xml_create ("record");
            xml_append (index, rec);
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "offset", strtok (line, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "id", strtok (NULL, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "recvdate", strtok (NULL, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "date", strtok (NULL, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "from", strtok (NULL, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "to", strtok (NULL, "\t"));
            xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "subject", strtok (NULL, "\n"));

            xml_set_nodup (rec, "id", xmlobj_get (rec, NULL, "id"));
         fclose (idx);
   } else {
      /* Scan mailbox if index absent or no longer current. */
      /* TODO: there may be a way to reuse existing index info when the mailbox is changed.  If so, this would be the place to do this. */
      mbox = fopen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"), "rt");
      if (!mbox) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Cannot open mailbox '%s' for reading.", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"));
         return NULL;
      idx = fopen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_idx"), "wt");
      if (!idx) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Cannot open index '%s' for writing.", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_idx"));
         fclose (mbox);
         return NULL;

      /* Do we have a loaded index?  If so, delete it. */
      index = xml_loc (ad->parms, ".cache");
      if (index) xml_delete (index);
      index = xml_create ("cache");
      xml_append (ad->parms, index);

      while (fgets (line, sizeof (line)-1, mbox)) {
         if (!strncmp (line, "From -", 6)) {
            if (offset) { /* Write a line. */
               sprintf (localmsgid, "%ld@local", offset);
               fprintf (idx, "%ld\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
                             offset, *msgid ? msgid : localmsgid, recvdate, date, from, to, subject);
               rec = xml_create ("record");
               xml_append (index, rec);
               xmlobj_setnum (rec, NULL, "offset", offset);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "id", *msgid ? msgid : localmsgid);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "recvdate", recvdate);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "date", date);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "from", from);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "to", to);
               xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "subject", subject);

               xml_set_nodup (rec, "id", xmlobj_get (rec, NULL, "id"));
            strcpy (recvdate, line + 7);
            mark = strchr (recvdate, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            *id = '\0';
            *date = '\0';
            *from = '\0';
            *to = '\0';
            *subject = '\0';
            *msgid = '\0';
            header = 1;
         } else if (!header) {
            offset = ftell (mbox);

         if (*line == '\n') {
            header = 0;

         if (!strncmp (line, "Date: ", 6)) {
            mark = line + 6;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (date, mark);
            mark = strchr (date, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "From: ", 6)) {
            mark = line + 6;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (from, mark);
            mark = strchr (from, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "To: ", 4)) {
            mark = line + 4;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (to, mark);
            mark = strchr (to, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "Subject: ", 9)) {
            mark = line + 9;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (subject, mark);
            mark = strchr (subject, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "Message-Id: ", 12)) {
            mark = line + 12;
            while (mark && (*mark == ' ' || *mark == '<')) mark++;
            strcpy (msgid, mark);
            mark = strchr (msgid, '>');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
         offset = ftell (mbox);
      if (offset) { /* Write a line. */
         sprintf (localmsgid, "%ld@local", offset);
         fprintf (idx, "%ld\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
                       offset, *msgid ? msgid : localmsgid, recvdate, date, from, to, subject);
         rec = xml_create ("record");
         xml_append (index, rec);
         xmlobj_setnum (rec, NULL, "offset", offset);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "id", *msgid ? msgid : localmsgid);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "recvdate", recvdate);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "date", date);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "from", from);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "to", to);
         xmlobj_set (rec, NULL, "subject", subject);

         xml_set_nodup (rec, "id", xmlobj_get (rec, NULL, "id"));

      fclose (idx);
      fclose (mbox);

   return (index);
The first real functionality, then, is the list function. It's easy, because all it needs to do is scan the index and return whatever it sees.
XML * LIST_mbox_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * index;
   XML * rec;
   int count;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   index = _LIST_mbox_initialize (ad, list); /* Note that this may reinitialize before *any* operation, if the mailbox has changed. */
   if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "error")) return NULL;
   if (!index) return NULL;

   /* if (!*xml_attrval (list, "select") && !*xml_attrval (list, "order") && !*xml_attrval (list, "where")) return list; */

   /* Copy things over.  If "where" depends on fields not found in the index, then load those fields, but also load anything needed for
      "select" or "order". TODO: implement "where" */
   rec = xml_firstelem (index);
   count = 0;
   while (rec) {
      if (xml_is (rec, "record")) {
         xml_append (list, xml_copy (rec));
      rec = xml_nextelem (rec);
   xml_setnum (list, "count", count);

   /* Sorting happens here. TODO: do it.*/

   /* Finally, sweep through and remove any non-selected fields. TODO: do it. */

   return list;
So now we're in a position to define iteration over lists. Both backwards and forwards are simple to define for this adaptor; for databases things may be more difficult to manage.
XML * LIST_mbox_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * ret;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_set (list, "cur", "");

   ret = xml_firstelem (list);
   if (ret) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (ret));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
   return (ret);
XML * LIST_mbox_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * cur;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "cur")) {
      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "cur"), "EOF")) return NULL;

      cur = xml_loc (list, xml_attrval (list, "cur"));
      if (cur) cur = xml_nextelem (cur);
      if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
      else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
      return (cur);

   cur = xml_firstelem (list);
   if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
   return (cur);
XML * LIST_mbox_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   xml_set (list, "cur", "");
XML * LIST_mbox_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * cur;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "cur")) return NULL;

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "cur"), "EOF")) {
      cur = xml_lastelem (list);
      if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
      else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
      return (cur);

   cur = xml_loc (list, xml_attrval (list, "cur"));
   if (cur) cur = xml_prevelem (cur);
   if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
   return (cur);
XML * LIST_mbox_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * ret;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");

   ret = xml_lastelem (list);
   if (ret) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (ret));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
   return (ret);
Let's skip the create/destroy stuff for now. I haven't figured out sequencing for everything yet.
XML * LIST_mbox_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return 0; }
XML * LIST_mbox_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return 0; }
The "get" function for the mbox adaptor is somewhat complex, as it must work with MIME types to parse out attachments. The MIME reader is shared with the repmgr_mail front-end, and in fact the object constructed by the mbox adaptor is exactly the same as that built from incoming mail by repmgr_mail, except for the way that attachments are handled. Likewise, I suppose that the same basic structure should be used for notifications, so that attachments can be added to notifications going out. All in all, this needs some serious exploration.

Here's the basic idea, though. First, the basic fields of a mail message are "to", "from", "sent" (the date), "subject", and "content". The content field is the readable text version of the actual content; if necessary and possible, this content will be generated from the actual content received. In addition, there are a set of "header" fields, one per header in the mail message.

Let's define the "get" function first, then below we'll define a reader for it (this reader will migrate over to the repmgr_mail front-end at some point.)
static XML * _LIST_mbox_read (FILE * mbox, int content);
XML * LIST_mbox_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * ret = NULL;
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * index;
   char * key;
   FILE * mbox;
   XML * mark;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);

   /* Get the index. */
   index = _LIST_mbox_initialize (ad, list); /* Note that this may reinitialize before *any* operation, if the mailbox has changed. */
   if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "error")) return NULL;
   if (!index) return NULL;

   /* Find the message in question. */
   mark = xml_locf (index, ".record[%s]", key);
   if (!mark) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Message-Id '%s' not present in mailbox.", key);
      return NULL;

   mbox = fopen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"), "rt");
   if (!mbox) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Cannot open mailbox '%s' for reading.", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "_file"));
      return NULL;

   fseek (mbox, xml_attrvalnum (mark, "offset"), SEEK_SET);
   ret = _LIST_mbox_read (mbox, 1);

   xmlobj_set (ret, list, "id", key);

   return ret;
All right, so how do we work that reader magic? This will start simple, and probably at some point get pretty horrendous. Fun! This version of the function expects the "From -" header to get things started off right.
static XML * _LIST_mbox_read (FILE * mbox, int content)
   char   line[1024];
   char   buf[1024];
   char * mark;
   XML  * msg = xml_create ("msg");
   XML  * field;
   char   mimetype [64];
   char   separator [64];
   int    header = 1;

   while (fgets (line, sizeof (line)-1, mbox)) {
      if (*line == '\n') {
         header = 0;

      /* Now we collect our special fields. */
      if (header) {
         if (!strncmp (line, "From -", 6)) {
            strcpy (buf, line + 7);
            mark = strchr (buf, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "recvdate", buf);
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "Date: ", 6)) {
            mark = line + 6;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (buf, mark);
            mark = strchr (buf, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "date", buf);
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "From: ", 6)) {
            mark = line + 6;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (buf, mark);
            mark = strchr (buf, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "from", buf);
            mark = strchr (buf, '<');
            if (mark) {
               strcpy (buf, mark+1);
               mark = strchr (buf, '>');
               if (mark) *mark = '\0';
               xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "from_addr", buf);
            } else {
               xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "from_addr", buf);
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "To: ", 4)) {
            mark = line + 4;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (buf, mark);
            mark = strchr (buf, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            mark = strchr (buf, '<');
            if (mark) {
               strcpy (buf, mark+1);
               mark = strchr (buf, '>');
               if (mark) *mark = '\0';
               xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "to_addr", buf);
            } else {
               xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "to_addr", buf);
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "Subject: ", 9)) {
            mark = line + 9;
            while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
            strcpy (buf, mark);
            mark = strchr (buf, '\n');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "subject", buf);
         } else if (!strncmp (line, "Message-Id: ", 12)) {
            mark = line + 12;
            while (mark && (*mark == ' ' || *mark == '<')) mark++;
            strcpy (buf, mark);
            mark = strchr (buf, '>');
            if (mark) *mark = '\0';
            xmlobj_set (msg, NULL, "msgid", buf);
         } else {
            /* TODO: collect more headers. */
      } else {
         /* Get the content and set any attachment stuff that's necessary. */

   return (msg);
When adding an object to a list, we get a list descriptor (which serves every function) and the object itself. The list descriptor includes our destination directory, possibly cryptically. If no actual directory was given in our initialization, we will simply use the list ID given in the list descriptor. If this directory doesn't exist, it won't be created -- that's what we have an explicit create for, after all.

If the "key" attribute is set on the object, this is used as a key; if not, then the "key" attribute of the list definition is checked and is assumed to name a field unless bracket notation is used, in which case a key value will be constructed. Failing this, the first field in the object is taken as the key. This logic applies to all three operations. Update will check to see whether the key given in the object can still be reconstructed from the list definition and will delete the earlier object, if the list definition includes a key field definition!

Add will fail if the key already exists; update will overwrite but will not fail if the key does not exist; delete will likewise not fail if the key does not exist.
XML * LIST_mbox_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   const char * key;
   int cleanup = 0;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   key = xml_attrval (obj, "key");
   if (!*key) {
      key = xml_attrval (list, "key");
      if (*key) {
         key = xml_attrval (obj, key);
      } else {
         mark = xml_search (obj, "field", NULL, NULL);
         if (!mark) {
            xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No key can be determined.");
            return (XML *) 0;
         key = xml_attrval (mark, "value");
         if (!*key) {
            key = xml_stringcontent (mark);
            if (!*key) {
               free ((void *)key);
               xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No key can be determined.");
               return (XML *) 0;
            cleanup = 1;

   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), key, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
   if (cleanup) free ((void *)key);

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Object file %s cannot be opened for writing.", xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));
   } else {
      xml_write (file, obj);
      fclose (file);

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mbox_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   const char * oldkey;
   const char * key;
   int cleanup = 0;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   oldkey = xml_attrval (obj, "key");

   key = xml_attrval (list, "key");
   if (key) {
      mark = xml_search (obj, "field", "id", key);
      if (mark) {
         key = xml_attrval (mark, "value");
         if (!*key) {
            key = xml_stringcontent (mark);
            if (!*key) {
               free ((void *) key);
               key = "";
            } else {
               cleanup = 1;

   if (!*key) key = oldkey;

   if (!*key) {
      mark = xml_search (obj, "field", NULL, NULL);
      if (!mark) {
         xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No key can be determined.");
         return (XML *) 0;
      } else {
         key = xml_attrval (mark, "value");
         if (!*key) {
            key = xml_stringcontent (mark);
            if (!*key) {
               free ((void *)key);
               xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No key can be determined.");
               return (XML *) 0;
            cleanup = 1;

   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), key, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */

   if (cleanup) free ((void *)key);

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Object file %s cannot be opened for writing.", xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));
   } else {
      xml_write (file, obj);
      fclose (file);
      if (*oldkey && strcmp (oldkey, key)) {
         xml_setf (scratch, "delfile", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), oldkey, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
         unlink (xml_attrval (scratch, "delfile"));

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mbox_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   char * key;
   int cleanup = 0;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!key) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), key, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
   if (cleanup) free (key);

   unlink (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
So (January 12, 2002) the next thing to address is attachments. I think it's likely that handling attachments will be the last new thing that the list storage adaptor will have to handle itself. At any rate, an attachment is a regular field value, except it is generally stored separately from the object. As far as storage is concerned, attachments are pretty straightforward: they're files, or something like files. You open them, set their MIME types, read and write to streams, close them.

It's important to realize that actually telling the object where its attachment is stored is up to the repository manager library, not the adaptor. I waffled about this a lot, but essentially the list adaptor shouldn't be dependent on the repmgr, so that precludes any knowledge of the structure of record objects, and so (for instance) to open an attachment for retrieval, the repmgr will simply give the adaptor back whatever the adaptor told it earlier was the "location" of the attachment. In our case here, this is a filename local to the adaptor's controlled directory, but in a database it may be a unique key into a BLOB table or something.
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   char * filename;
   struct stat statbuf;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   field = va_arg (args, char *);
   filename = va_arg (args, char *);

   /* If we're not given a fieldname, then we'll just scan the list definition to find the first "document"-type field. */
   if (!field) {
      mark = xml_search (list, "field", "type", "document");
      if (!mark) {
         xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No attachment field given and no default exists.");
         return NULL;
      field = (char *) xml_attrval (mark, "id");

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "mbox:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   /* If we're supplied with a filename, then that file can't already exist in our controlled
      directory. */
   if (filename && *filename) {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", filename);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), filename);
      xml_set (ret, "tempfile", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
      if (stat (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), &statbuf) != -1) { /* File exists already. */
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "File %s is already present.", filename);
         xml_free (ret);
         return NULL;
   } else {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s.dat", key, field);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_setf (ret, "tempfile", "%s_newatt_%s_%s.dat", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), key, field);

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for writing.", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;

   xml_setbin (ret, file, fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
Writing and closing are easy -- note that when closing the attachment, we do nothing else; the repository manager wrapped around this adaptor will take care of writing any location information into the object for the attachment, any version-control work, or whatever else. Otherwise we'd be duplicating that logic in every adaptor, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   int size, number;
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, int);
   number = va_arg (args, int);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setnum (handle, "last-write", fwrite (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle)));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   unlink (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mbox_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   rename (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"), xml_attrval (handle, "file"));
   return NULL;
Retrieval is easier than attachment, because we already have a filename. The filename is stored in the object, using the attribute "filename" -- this reserves the content of the field element for version control or whatever else may be appropriate.
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * fld;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   FILE * file;
   WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad2;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   fld = va_arg (args, XML *);

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "mbox:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   if (fld) {
      xml_set (ret, "location", xml_attrval (fld, "location"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ret, "location")) xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s.dat", key, xml_attrval (fld, "id"));
   xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "r");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for reading.", xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;

   xml_setbin (ret, file, fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   int size, number;
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, int);
   number = va_arg (args, int);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setnum (handle, "last-read", fread (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle)));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_mbox_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   return NULL;

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2001, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.