LIST adaptor: localdir

This is the canonical list adaptor; it stores objects as XML files in a directory in the filesystem. It knows (and cares) nothing about the structure of its objects. Objects use a particular DTD which (in classical wftk style) I haven't documented yet. I'll get to it as soon as I can.

The motivators for the list adaptor are the popup GUI framework and the repository manager. Each makes use of lists of objects. The object format itself is an extension of the datasheet, so eventually there's going to be a lot of closure here. Eventually.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <io.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "../wftk.h"
#include "../wftk_internals.h"
#include "../xmlapi/xmlobj.h"
The adaptor_info structure is used to pass adaptor info (duh) back to the config module when it's building an adaptor instance. Here's what it contains:
static char *names[] = 

XML * LIST_localdir_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args);

static WFTK_API_FUNC vtab[] = 

static struct wftk_adaptor_info _LIST_localdir_info =
Cool. So here's the incredibly complex function which returns a pointer to that:
struct wftk_adaptor_info * LIST_localdir_get_info ()
   return & _LIST_localdir_info;
Now, the problem with initializing the list adaptor is that the list ID is not everything we know about the list. Ideally we would have the entire list definition XML here, but we don't -- we do, however, get it later, when we get down to business. At any rate, we may or may not actually know the list's ID (and thus default directory) until later. If we do have the storage spec, though, we need to take care of it here.
XML * LIST_localdir_init (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   const char * parms;
   char * mark;

   parms = xml_attrval (ad->parms, "parm");
   xml_set (ad->parms, "defsuffix", ".xml");
   if (!*parms) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", "");
      return NULL;

   xml_set (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:?");

   /* TODO: get current directory as basedir. */

   mark = strchr (parms, ';');
   if (!mark) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", parms);
      return NULL;
   xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", "");
   xml_attrncat (ad->parms, "subdir", parms, mark - parms);
   parms = mark + 1;
   mark = strchr (parms, ';');
   if (mark) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "suffix", "");
      xml_attrncat (ad->parms, "suffix", parms, mark - parms);
      xml_set (ad->parms, "prefix", mark + 1);
   } else {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "suffix", parms);
   if (mark = strchr (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "suffix"), ',')) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "multsuffix", "yes");
      xml_set (ad->parms, "defsuffix", "");
      xml_attrncat (ad->parms, "defsuffix", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "suffix"), mark - xml_attrval (ad->parms, "suffix"));
   } else {
      if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "multsuffix")) xml_set (ad->parms, "multsuffix", "");
      xml_set (ad->parms, "defsuffix", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "suffix"));

   return (XML *) 0;
XML * LIST_localdir_free (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return (XML *) 0; }
Next up is the info call, which builds and returns a little XML telling the caller about the adaptor. If the adaptor itself is NULL, then it just returns info about the installed adaptor handler; otherwise it's free to elaborate on the adaptor instance.
XML * LIST_localdir_info (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * info;

   info = xml_create ("info");
   xml_set (info, "type", "list");
   xml_set (info, "name", "localdir");
   xml_set (info, "ver", "1.1.0");
   xml_set (info, "compiled", __TIME__ " " __DATE__);
   xml_set (info, "author", "Michael Roberts");
   xml_set (info, "contact", "");
   xml_set (info, "extra_functions", "0");

   return (info);

So. Down to business. The first function I want to implement is the "get" function, just because it's kind of a sanity check. Since there's no satisfactory way for initialization to come up with a base directory for the list, I'm going to assume that a subsequent call will have set the parameter "basedir" -- if it's not set, we'll assume that the current working directory is the base. Basically, localdir assumes that an object is stored in <basedir>/<list>/<key>.xml. If this file persists in not existing, then NULL is returned. Otherwise, we read the file and return its content (as an XML structure.)

Note that this provides a template for other list storage adaptors; the "get" function simply takes a key and returns XML.
XML * LIST_localdir_get (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * scratch = xml_create ("scratch");
   XML * ret = NULL;
   XML * list = NULL;
   char * key;
   FILE * file;
   char * mark;
   char * buf[128];

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   if (*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"));
   xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", key);
   xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix"));

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), "r");
   if (file) {
      ret = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
      if (xml_is (ret, "xml-error")) {
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error",
                   "XML error in line %s of list item file %s: %s",
                    xml_attrval (ret, "line"),
                    xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"),
                    xml_attrval (ret, "message"));
         xml_free (ret);
         ret = NULL;
      fclose (file);

   if (ret) xml_set (ret, "key", key);

   xml_free (scratch);
   return ret;
OK. That works fine, so now let's scan the directory for the query action, which will also be used for iteration. Iteration simply does an immediate query, and returns pointers into that result set with calls to the iteration functions. So for localdir you're not gaining a whole lot by using the iterators, but for others you will -- database queries, especially.

During iteration you still have to call 'get' to retrieve the full object. All you can count on in the pointer record is just the ID -- other adaptors may do a limited query, or query the full record, or whatever, but localdir is minimal.

So here's the directory scanner. Unfortunately, the filesystem is one place where Microsoft figured they could do better, so we have completely different code for Windows and for Unix. On the other hand, one thing Microsoft did do better than dirent.h is that their directory scan function can filter for wildcard matches, and under Unix we have to do that part ourselves.
void _LIST_localdir_scan (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, XML * list) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
   long hFile;
   struct _finddata_t c_file;
   DIR * dir;
   struct dirent * entry;
   char * cp;
   char * mark;
   const char * prefix;
   int  count = 0;
   XML * scratch = xml_create ("s");
   XML * record;

   xml_set (list, "count", "0");
   xml_replacecontent (list, NULL); /* Delete any existing contents. */

   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");

   prefix = xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix");
   xml_setf (scratch, "spec", "%s%s*%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), prefix, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes */
#ifdef WINDOWS
   hFile = _findfirst (xml_attrval (scratch, "spec"), &c_file);
   if (hFile < 0L) {
   if (!*xml_attrval (scratch, "dir")) xml_set (scratch, "dir", ".");
   dir = opendir (xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"));
   if (!dir) {
      xml_free (scratch);

#ifndef WINDOWS
   entry = readdir (dir);
   if (!entry) {
      xml_free (scratch);

   do {
#ifndef WINDOWS
      if (strlen (entry->d_name) < strlen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix"))) continue;
      if (*prefix) if (strncmp (prefix, entry->d_name, strlen (prefix))) continue;
      mark = entry->d_name + strlen (entry->d_name) - strlen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix"));
      if (strcmp (mark, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix"))) continue; /* TODO: multiple suffixes. */

      record = xml_create ("record");
#ifdef WINDOWS
      cp = strdup (;
      cp = strdup (entry->d_name);
      if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "multsuffix")) {
         mark = strchr (cp, '.');
         if (mark) *mark = '\0';
      xml_setf (record, "id", "%s", cp + strlen (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix")));
      free (cp);
      xml_append (list, record);

#ifdef WINDOWS
   } while (-1 != _findnext (hFile, &c_file));
   } while (entry = readdir (dir));

   xml_setnum (list, "count", count);
   xml_free (scratch);

#ifdef WINDOWS
   _findclose (hFile);
   closedir (dir);
So let's wrap that in an adaptor command, shall we? Addendum: I realized that the "query" command is the place to do selection and sorting. I'm skipping the selection (where clause) for now, but sorting is important in the short term, so here we go. In addition, although the default scan is just good for IDs, we normally want some selection of fields, meaning that the full object has to be loaded. That also happens here.
XML * LIST_localdir_query (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * defn;
   XML * scratch;
   XML * cur;
   XML * ret;
   XML * sort;
   XML * scan;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "order")) defn = xml_copy (list);

   _LIST_localdir_scan (ad, list);

   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "select") && !*xml_attrval (list, "order") && !*xml_attrval (list, "where")) return list;

   /* If requested, we load the files -- note that we're not going to get sophisticated and select fields yet or anything. */
   scratch = xml_create ("s");

   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");

   cur = xml_firstelem (list);
   while (cur) {
      xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (scratch, "prefix"), xml_attrval (cur, "id"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes. */

      file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), "r");
      if (!file) {
         cur = xml_nextelem (cur);
         if (cur) {
            xml_delete (xml_prevelem (cur));
         } else {
            xml_delete (xml_lastelem (list));
      } else {
         ret = xml_parse_general (file, (XMLAPI_DATARETRIEVE) fread);
         xml_unset (ret, "key"); /* Long story. */
         if (!xml_is (ret, "xml-error")) xml_copyinto (cur, ret);
         xml_free (ret);
         fclose (file);

      cur = xml_nextelem (cur);

   /* And now we sort the files as requested. */
   if (*xml_attrval (list, "order")) {
      xmlobj_list_sort (list, defn, xml_attrval (list, "order"));
      xml_free (defn);

   xml_free (scratch);
   return list;
So now we're in a position to define iteration over lists. Both backwards and forwards are simple to define for this adaptor; for databases things may be more difficult to manage.
XML * LIST_localdir_first (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * ret;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   _LIST_localdir_scan (ad, list);
   xml_set (list, "cur", "");

   ret = xml_firstelem (list);
   if (ret) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (ret));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
   return (ret);
XML * LIST_localdir_next (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * cur;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (*xml_attrval (list, "cur")) {
      if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "cur"), "EOF")) return NULL;

      cur = xml_loc (list, xml_attrval (list, "cur"));
      if (cur) cur = xml_nextelem (cur);
      if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
      else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
      return (cur);

   cur = xml_firstelem (list);
   if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");
   return (cur);
XML * LIST_localdir_rewind (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   xml_set (list, "cur", "");
XML * LIST_localdir_prev (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * cur;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (list, "cur")) return NULL;

   if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (list, "cur"), "EOF")) {
      cur = xml_lastelem (list);
      if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
      else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
      return (cur);

   cur = xml_loc (list, xml_attrval (list, "cur"));
   if (cur) cur = xml_prevelem (cur);
   if (cur) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (cur));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
   return (cur);
XML * LIST_localdir_last (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args)
   XML * list;
   XML * ret;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_set (list, "cur", "EOF");

   ret = xml_lastelem (list);
   if (ret) xml_set_nodup (list, "cur", xml_getlocbuf (ret));
   else     xml_set (list, "cur", "");
   return (ret);
Let's skip the create/destroy stuff for now. I haven't figured out sequencing for everything yet.
XML * LIST_localdir_create (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return 0; }
XML * LIST_localdir_destroy (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) { return 0; }
When adding an object to a list, we get a list descriptor (which serves every function) and the object itself. The list descriptor includes our destination directory, possibly cryptically. If no actual directory was given in our initialization, we will simply use the list ID given in the list descriptor. If this directory doesn't exist, it won't be created -- that's what we have an explicit create for, after all.

If the "key" attribute is set on the object, this is used as a key; if not, then the "key" attribute of the list definition is checked and is assumed to name a field unless bracket notation is used, in which case a key value will be constructed. Failing this, the first field in the object is taken as the key. This logic applies to all three operations. Update will check to see whether the key given in the object can still be reconstructed from the list definition and will delete the earlier object, if the list definition includes a key field definition!

Add will fail if the key already exists; update will overwrite but will not fail if the key does not exist; delete will likewise not fail if the key does not exist.

November 30, 2002: and of course, what I've always been glossing over for add is that sometimes we want the storage adaptor to generate a unique key for us. I'm going to adopt the same strategy here that I did with the ODBC adaptor, and start with the timestamp as a unique key, and diddle it if it doesn't happen to be unique.

October 15, 2003: Have I mentioned that I hate timestamps? I do. So I'm replacing the timestamp with a properly formatted readable date/time string instead. Also I'm forcing the granting of a key if none is supplied, even if the list specifies no special key field. TODO: These semantics should be propagated to the other list adaptors as well.
XML * LIST_localdir_add (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;
   struct stat statbuf;
   char timebuf[16];  /* Note: NO buffer overflow risk, since we know what's going into this puppy. */
   struct tm * timeptr;
   time_t julian;
   FILE * file;
   const char * keygen = NULL;
   int temp;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* Check list for key-generation special. */
   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   for (mark = xml_firstelem (list); mark; mark = xml_nextelem (mark)) if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key")) break;
   if (!mark) {
      xml_set_nodup (obj, "key", xmlobj_getkey (obj, list));
      if (!*xml_attrval (obj, "key")) {  /* If no special key field but we still don't have a field, we have to choose a key field. */
         mark = xml_loc (list, ".field[key]");
         if (!mark) mark = xml_loc (list, ".field");
         if (!mark) mark = xml_loc (obj, ".field[key]");
         if (!mark) mark = xml_loc (obj, ".field");
         /* At this point, the user has to live keylessly.  I don't expect it to occur often. */
   xml_set_nodup (obj, "key", xmlobj_getkey (obj, list));
   if (mark && (!strcmp (xml_attrval (mark, "special"), "key") || !*xml_attrval (obj, "key"))) {
      keygen = xml_attrval (mark, "id");
      mark = xmlobj_is_field (obj, NULL, keygen);
      if (!mark) {
         mark = xml_create ("field");
         xml_set (mark, "id", keygen);
         xml_prepend_pretty (obj, mark);
      time (&julian);
      timeptr = localtime (&julian);
      sprintf (timebuf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",
                         timeptr->tm_year + 1900, timeptr->tm_mon + 1, timeptr->tm_mday,
                         timeptr->tm_hour, timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec);
      xml_setf (scratch, "key", "%s00", timebuf);
      xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), xml_attrval (scratch, "key"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
      temp = stat (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), &statbuf);
      while (stat (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), &statbuf) != -1) { /* File exists already. */  /* TODO: probably some locking would help here... */
         xml_setf (scratch, "key", "%s%d", timebuf, rand() * 100 / RAND_MAX);
         xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), xml_attrval (scratch, "key"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
      xmlobj_set (obj, NULL, keygen, xml_attrval (scratch, "key"));
      xml_set (obj, "key", xml_attrval (scratch, "key"));
   } else {
      xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), xml_attrval (obj, "key"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Object file %s cannot be opened for writing.", xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));
   } else {
      xml_write (file, obj);
      fclose (file);

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_localdir_update (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   const char * oldkey;
   const char * key;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   obj = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!obj) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   oldkey = xml_attrval (obj, "key");

   key = xmlobj_getkey (obj, list);

   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), key, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Object file %s cannot be opened for writing.", xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));
   } else {
      xml_write (file, obj);
      fclose (file);
      if (*oldkey && strcmp (oldkey, key)) {
         xml_setf (scratch, "delfile", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), oldkey, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */
         unlink (xml_attrval (scratch, "delfile"));

   free ((void *)key);

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_localdir_delete (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   XML * obj;
   char * key;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   XML * scratch;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!key) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No object given.");
      return (XML *) 0;

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   scratch = xml_create ("s");
   xml_set (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (scratch, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (scratch, "file", "%s%s%s%s", xml_attrval (scratch, "dir"), xml_attrval (ad->parms, "prefix"), key, xml_attrval (ad->parms, "defsuffix")); /* TODO: multiple suffixes? */

   unlink (xml_attrval (scratch, "file"));

   xml_free (scratch);
   return NULL;
So (January 12, 2002) the next thing to address is attachments. I think it's likely that handling attachments will be the last new thing that the list storage adaptor will have to handle itself. At any rate, an attachment is a regular field value, except it is generally stored separately from the object. As far as storage is concerned, attachments are pretty straightforward: they're files, or something like files. You open them, set their MIME types, read and write to streams, close them.

It's important to realize that actually telling the object where its attachment is stored is up to the repository manager library, not the adaptor. I waffled about this a lot, but essentially the list adaptor shouldn't be dependent on the repmgr, so that precludes any knowledge of the structure of record objects, and so (for instance) to open an attachment for retrieval, the repmgr will simply give the adaptor back whatever the adaptor told it earlier was the "location" of the attachment. In our case here, this is a filename local to the adaptor's controlled directory, but in a database it may be a unique key into a BLOB table or something.
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   char * filename;
   char * ver;
   struct stat statbuf;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   void * sess;
   FILE * file;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list descriptor given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   field = va_arg (args, char *);
   filename = va_arg (args, char *);
   ver = va_arg (args, char *);
   if (!ver) ver = "0";

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   /* If we're not given a fieldname, then we'll just scan the list definition to find the first "document"-type field. */
   if (!field) {
      mark = xml_search (list, "field", "type", "document");
      if (!mark) {
         xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No attachment field given and no default exists.");
         return NULL;
      field = (char *) xml_attrval (mark, "id");

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");
   mark = xml_search (ad->session, "wftk-session", NULL, NULL);
   if (mark) { /* Copy wftk session pointer into our attachment handle, because we'll be using that as a substitute repdef. */
      sess = xml_getbin (mark);
      mark = xml_create ("wftk-session");
      xml_setbin (mark, sess, NULL);
      xml_append (ret, mark);

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   /* If we're supplied with a filename, then that file can't already exist in our controlled
      directory. */
   if (filename && *filename) {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", filename);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), filename);
      xml_set (ret, "tempfile", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
      if (stat (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), &statbuf) != -1) { /* File exists already. */
         xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "File %s is already present.", filename);
         xml_free (ret);
         return NULL;
   } else {
      xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s_%s.dat", key, field, ver);
      xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_setf (ret, "tempfile", "%s_newatt_%s_%s_%s.dat", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), key, field, ver);

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "w");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for writing.", xml_attrval (ret, "file"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;

   xml_setbin (ret, file, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *)fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
Writing and closing are easy -- note that when closing the attachment, we do nothing else; the repository manager wrapped around this adaptor will take care of writing any location information into the object for the attachment, any version-control work, or whatever else. Otherwise we'd be duplicating that logic in every adaptor, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_write (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   int size, number;
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, int);
   number = va_arg (args, int);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setnum (handle, "last-write", fwrite (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle)));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_cancel (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   unlink (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"));
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_localdir_attach_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   rename (xml_attrval (handle, "tempfile"), xml_attrval (handle, "file"));
   return NULL;
Retrieval is easier than attachment, because we already have a filename. The filename is stored in the object, using the attribute "filename" -- this reserves the content of the field element for version control or whatever else may be appropriate.
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_open (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * list = NULL;
   XML * fld;
   char * key;
   char * field;
   char * ver;
   XML * mark;
   XML * ret;
   void * sess;
   FILE * file;
   WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad2;

   if (args) list = va_arg (args, XML *);
   if (!list) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No list given.");
      return (XML *) 0;
   key = va_arg (args, char *);
   fld = va_arg (args, XML *);

   xml_setf (ad->parms, "spec", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (list, "id"));

   ret = xml_create ("attachment-handle");
   mark = xml_search (ad->session, "wftk-session", NULL, NULL);
   if (mark) { /* Copy wftk session pointer into our attachment handle, because we'll be using that as a substitute repdef. */
      sess = xml_getbin (mark);
      mark = xml_create ("wftk-session");
      xml_setbin (mark, sess, NULL);
      xml_append (ret, mark);

   xml_set (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "basedir"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir")) xml_set (ad->parms, "subdir", xml_attrval (list, "id"));
   if (strcmp (xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"), ".")) {
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", xml_attrval (ad->parms, "subdir"));
      xml_attrcat (ret, "dir", "/");
   xml_setf (ret, "adaptor", "localdir:%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"));

   if (fld) {
      xml_set (ret, "location", xml_attrval (fld, "location"));
   if (!*xml_attrval (ret, "location")) xml_setf (ret, "location", "_att_%s_%s_%s.dat", key, xml_attrval (fld, "id"), xml_attrval (fld, "ver"));
   xml_setf (ret, "file", "%s%s", xml_attrval (ret, "dir"), xml_attrval (ret, "location"));

   file = fopen (xml_attrval (ret, "file"), "r");
   if (!file) {
      xml_setf (ad->parms, "error", "Unable to open file %s for reading.", xml_attrval (ret, "location"));
      xml_free (ret);
      return NULL;
   mark = xml_create ("reader");
   xml_append (ret, mark);
   xml_setbin (mark, (void *) fread, NULL);

   xml_setbin (ret, file, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *) fclose);
   xml_set (ret, "content-type", "text/plain");

   return (ret);
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_read (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   void * buffer;
   long size, number;
   XML * handle;
   XML * reader;
   int bytes;
   int (*read_fn) (void *, int, int, void *);

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   buffer = va_arg (args, void *);
   size = va_arg (args, long);
   number = va_arg (args, long);
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   reader = xml_loc (handle, ".reader");
   if (reader) read_fn = xml_getbin (reader);
   else        read_fn = fread;

   bytes = (*read_fn) (buffer, size, number, xml_getbin(handle));
   xml_setnum (handle, "last-read", bytes);
   return NULL;
XML * LIST_localdir_retrieve_close (WFTK_ADAPTOR * ad, va_list args) {
   XML * handle;

   if (!args) {
      xml_set (ad->parms, "error", "No arguments given.");
      return NULL;
   handle = va_arg (args, XML *);

   fclose (xml_getbin (handle));
   return NULL;

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2001, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.