Wiki Compiler

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The Wiki compiler is a snazzy little operation which takes Wiki code and builds an XML structure which can be scanned to produce Web pages (or indeed other types of content.) Note that one of the things it does is to scan directories, meaning that the code is OS-dependent until I build those OS function wrappers I keep thinking about.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <io.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "xmlapi.h"
#include "xml_template.h"
This is a departure -- a serious departure -- from the standard Wiki paradigm, because the object isn't just quick editing, it's also to provide arbitrary layout in a way which can still be quickly edited. Thus if I simply enter text, wiki_build will do something nice with it, but if I want to get detailed, it can still cope with my needs.

The result is a very flexible system, and in many ways it's kind of a "literate HTML programming" concept, I think. Layout is specified separately from content, which makes things much easier to type and read when writing content. Moreover, the system can maintain things for you -- your images, your stylesheets, your external links -- and even build to-do lists for getting things done.

So. Some of the regular Wiki formatting is supported: enclosing something in triple quotes (''') italicizes, while quadruple quotes ('''') bold. Blank lines turn into para breaks. And indented lines with dashes in front are turned into lists. So far, so good. But then I get fancy. Two square brackets [[likethis]] insert a graphic named "likethis.gif" or "likethis.jpg". Images are assumed to be in the "images" subdirectory, or in the directory noted with an "images" attribute in the context. If an image is there, it will be inserted with proper sizing; otherwise a to-do item is returned and no image is inserted.

Links and most directives are signalled with an asterisk '*'. Links may be either internal or external; if internal, they are of the form *id, where "id" is the id tag of the page linked to. If external, they contain a colon: * No link names may contain spaces. If the link runs into a quote mark, whatever's in the quotes is used as the link text; the "text" may contain images or formatting. If quotes are in the quoted text, they must be escaped with a backslash. The format *link:tag may be used for named external links. This, in fact, will generalize to the inclusion of objects in general.

External links are logged into the external link list (by means of making a to-do); internal links must exist or they're entered as a to-do.

The *-list: directive embeds a list of objects into the page. Layout for the list either follows or the default is used if the directive line ends in a period. If it doesn't end in a period, then it goes like this:
*-list:object(sort column)
Easy. Eventually the directive will also contain sort and selection criteria; for now it's just a raw list. If the parens are omitted, of course, then the default sort order will be used, which is undefined.

Styles are indicated using double curly braces: {{style}} translates into <span class="style"> and {{/}} quits the last style. Right now, styles are not checked for accuracy, but this is a goal. If a style is used, then it will be defined as an object in the opm_styles list, and later defined at the user's leisure.

We'll see how productive this all makes me. I may end up hating it. (Although so far I find it a wonderful way to concentrate on writing content without worrying too much about form.)

The whole thing has two steps: the first (wiki_parse) reads a Wiki-style flat text file and returns an internal XML representation of the thing. The second (wiki_build) operates on that XML structure and returns HTML (or actually, the internal XML equivalent, but you knew what I meant, didn't you?) This means, of course, that programs can build Wiki structure as needed and leave the building to the library.
const char * wiki_getline (XML * target, const char * attr, const char * src)
   const char * mark;
   mark = src;
   while (*mark && *mark != '\n') mark++;
   xml_attrncat (target, attr, src, mark - src);
   if (*mark) mark++;
   return (mark);
XML * wiki_parse (const char * src)
   XML * ret;
   XML * cur;
   XML * new;
   XML * check;
   const char * mark;
   const char * mark2;
   int ital = 0;
   int bold = 0;
   int list = 0;
   int oldindent = 0;
   int listindent = 0;
   int indent = 0;
   int blockquote = 0;
   int link = 0;
   int nofile;

   int linestart = 1;

   XML * image;

   ret = xml_create ("wiki");
   cur = ret;

   mark = src;
   while (*mark) {
      if (linestart) {
         /* Deal with line breaks first. */
         while (*mark == '\r') mark++;
         while (*mark == '\n') {
            xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
            xml_append (cur, xml_create ("br"));
            xml_append (cur, xml_create ("br"));

            mark += 1; while (*mark == '\r') mark++;
            src = mark;

         /* Now deal with indentation. */
         oldindent = indent; indent = 0;
         while (*mark == ' ') {

         if (list) {
            if (indent < listindent) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src - indent));
               if (xml_is (cur, "li")) cur = xml_parent (cur); /* pop */
               cur = xml_parent (cur); /* pop */
               list = 0;
               src = mark;
         } else if (blockquote && indent < oldindent) {
            xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src - indent));
            cur = xml_parent (cur);  /* pop */
            blockquote = 0;
            src = mark;

         if (indent > oldindent) {
            if (*mark == '-') {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src - indent));
               new = xml_create ("ul");
               xml_append (cur, new);
               cur = new;
               list = 1;
            } else if (!list) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src - indent));
               new = xml_create ("blockquote");
               xml_append (cur, new);
               cur = new;
               blockquote = 1;

         if (list && *mark == '-') {
            if (xml_is (cur, "li")) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src - indent));
               cur = xml_parent (cur); /* pop */
            new = xml_create ("li");
            xml_append (cur, new);
            cur = new; /* push */
            mark ++;
            while (*mark && *mark == ' ') mark++;
            src = mark;

      /* We're past the start of the line now -- let's deal with everything else! */
      linestart = 0;
      switch (*mark) {
         case '\n':
            if (!strncmp (mark, "\n\n", 2) || !strncmp (mark, "\n\r\n", 3)) {
               linestart = 1;

         case '\'':
            if (!strncmp (mark, "''''", 4)) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               if (!bold) {
                  new = xml_create ("b");
                  xml_append (cur, new);
                  cur = new;  /* push */
                  bold = 1;
               } else {
                  cur = xml_parent (cur);
                  bold = 0;
               mark += 3;
               src = mark + 1;
            } else if (!strncmp (mark, "'''", 3)) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               src = mark;
               if (!ital) {
                  new = xml_create ("i");
                  xml_append (cur, new);
                  cur = new;
                  ital = 1;
               } else {
                  cur = xml_parent (cur);
                  ital = 0;
               mark += 2;
               src = mark + 1;

         case '{':
            if (mark[1] == '{') {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               src = mark + 2;
               mark = strchr (src, '}');
               if (mark) {
                  if (*src == '/') {
                     /* Terminate last style (and anything else on the way.) */
                     check = cur;
                     while (check && !xml_is (check, "span")) check = xml_parent(check);
                     if (check) cur = xml_parent(check);
                  } else {
                     /* Start new style span. */
                     new = xml_create ("span");
                     xml_set (new, "class", "");
                     xml_attrncat (new, "class", src, mark - src);
                     xml_append (cur, new);
                     cur = new;
                  while (*mark == '}') mark++;
                  src = mark;
                  mark --;

         case '*': /* directive or link */
            if (mark[1] == '-') {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               /* directive */
               src = mark + 2;
               for (mark = src; *mark && *mark != ':' && *mark != '\n'; mark++);
               if (*mark == ':') { /* well-formed directive */
                  if (mark - src == 4 && !strncmp (src, "list", 4)) {
                     new = xml_create ("wiki:embed");
                     xml_set (new, "type", "list");
                     xml_set (new, "object", "");

                     src = mark + 1;
                     mark = src;
                     while (isalnum(*mark) || *mark == '_') mark++;
                     xml_attrncat (new, "object", src, mark - src);
                     while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                     if (*mark == '(') { /* Sort column. */
                        src = mark + 1;
                        while (isalnum (*mark) || *mark == '_') mark++;
                        xml_set (new, "order", "");
                        xml_attrncat (new, "order", src, mark - src);
                        while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                        if (*mark == '#') { xml_set (new, "op", "num"); mark ++; while (*mark == ' ') mark++; }
                        if (*mark == '-') { /* Do something with dir="desc" */ mark++; while (*mark == ' ') mark++; }
                        if (*mark == ')') { mark++; while (*mark == ' ') mark++; }
                        src = mark + 1;
                        while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                     if (*mark != '.') {
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                        while (*mark && strncmp (mark, "*-EOF", 5)) {
                           mark = wiki_getline (new, "content", mark);
                           xml_attrcat (new, "content", "\n");
                        xml_attrcat (new, "content", "");
                        check = xml_parse (xml_attrval (new, "content"));
                        xml_copyinto (new, check);
                        xml_free (check);
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                     while (*mark && *mark != '\n') mark++;
                     xml_append (cur, new);
                  else if (mark - src == 6 && !strncmp (src, "layout", 6)) {
                     src = mark + 1;
                     new = xml_create ("wiki:embed");
                     xml_set (new, "type", "layout");

                     mark = src;
                     while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                     if (*mark != '.') {
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                        while (*mark && strncmp (mark, "*-EOF", 5)) {
                           mark = wiki_getline (new, "content", mark);
                           xml_attrcat (new, "content", "\n");
                        xml_attrcat (new, "content", "");
                        check = xml_parse (xml_attrval (new, "content"));
                        xml_copyinto (new, check);
                        xml_free (check);
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                     while (*mark && *mark != '\n') mark++;
                     xml_append (cur, new);
                  else if (mark - src == 4 && !strncmp (src, "text", 4)) {
                     new = xml_create ("wiki:text");
                     xml_set (new, "name", "");

                     src = mark + 1;
                     mark = src;
                     while (isalnum(*mark) || *mark == '_') mark++;
                     xml_attrncat (new, "name", src, mark - src);

                     if (!*xml_attrval (new, "name")) xml_set (new, "name", "text");

                     while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                     if (*mark != '.') {
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                        while (*mark && strncmp (mark, "*-EOF", 5)) {
                           mark = wiki_getline (new, "content", mark);
                           xml_attrcat (new, "content", "\n");
                        check = wiki_parse (xml_attrval (new, "content"));
                        xml_copyinto (new, check);
                        xml_free (check);
                        xml_set (new, "content", "");
                     while (*mark && *mark != '\n') mark++;
                     xml_append (cur, new);
               if (*mark) mark++;
               src = mark;
               mark --;
            } else if (isalnum (mark[1]) || mark[1] == '_') {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               /* link: internal, external, or tagged? */
               mark++; src = mark;
               while (isalnum (*mark) || (*mark == '_')) mark++;

               new = xml_create ("link");
               xml_append (cur, new);
               xml_set (new, "linktype", "page");

               if (*mark == ':') {
                  /* Object specification. */
                  if (mark - src == 4 && !strncmp (src, "http", 4)) {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "url");
                  } else if (mark - src == 5 && !strncmp (src, "https", 5)) {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "url");
                  } else if (mark - src == 6 && !strncmp (src, "mailto", 6)) {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "url");
                  } else if (mark - src == 3 && !strncmp (src, "ftp", 3)) {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "url");
                  } else if (mark - src == 4 && !strncmp (src, "link", 4)) {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "link");
                     src = mark + 1;
                     mark = src;
                  } else {
                     xml_set (new, "linktype", "object");
                     xml_set (new, "object", "");
                     xml_attrncat (new, "object", src, mark - src);
                     src = mark + 1;
                     mark = src;

                  while (*mark &&
                         *mark != ' ' &&
                         *mark != '\n' &&
                         *mark != '\r' &&
                         *mark != '\t' &&
                         *mark != '"') mark++;
               xml_set (new, "link", "");
               xml_attrncat (new, "link", src, mark - src);

               if (*mark == '"') {
                  link ++;
                  cur  = new;
                  src  = mark +1;
                  mark = src;
               } else {
                  if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (new, "linktype"), "url")) {
                     if (strncmp (xml_attrval (new, "link"), "mailto:", 7))
                        xml_append (new, xml_createtext (xml_attrval (new, "link")));
                        xml_append (new, xml_createtext (xml_attrval (new, "link") + 7));
                  src = mark;

         case '"':
            if (link) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));
               src = mark + 1;
               cur = xml_parent (cur);

         case '[':
            if (mark[1] == '[') {
               xml_append (cur, xml_createtextlen (src, mark - src));

               src = mark + 2;
               mark = src;
               while (isalnum (*mark) || (*mark == '_')) mark++;

               image = xml_create ("image");
               xml_set (image, "name", "");
               xml_attrncat (image, "name", src, mark - src);

               xml_append (cur, image);

               do {
                  while (*mark == ' ') mark++;
                  switch (*mark) {
                     case '"':
                        src = mark+1; mark = src;
                        while (*mark && *mark != '"') mark++;
                        xml_set (image, "alt", "");
                        xml_attrncat (image, "alt", src, mark - src);
                     case '!':
                        src = mark+1; mark = src;
                        while (isalpha(*mark)) mark++;
                        xml_set (image, "align", "");
                        xml_attrncat (image, "align", src, mark - src);
               } while (*mark == ' ');

               while (*mark && (*mark != ']')) mark++;
               while (*mark == ']') mark++;
               src = mark;
               mark --;

      if (*mark) mark ++;
   xml_append (cur, xml_createtext (src));

   return ret;
So once that's parsed, what do we do with it? We pass it to wiki_build, which converts it into HTML and checks that all the references are correct. That kind of stuff. Since some of the references are files, we have xml_set_firstmatch, which will find files to specification -- note that filesystem interaction works different under Windows and Unix, so we have some OS-specific code. Given that this same type of thing is going on in the local-directory adaptor, eventually I'll beef up that list adaptor to work here (but at the moment it only looks for XML files, and that's no good.)
int xml_set_firstmatch (XML * xml, const char * attr, const char * directory, const char * spec, const char * exclude)
#ifdef WINDOWS
   long hFile;
   struct _finddata_t c_file;
   DIR * dir;
   struct dirent * entry;

   char * mark;
   int  ok;
   XML * scratch = xml_create ("s");

   xml_setf (scratch, "spec", "%s/%s.*", directory, spec);
#ifdef WINDOWS
   hFile = _findfirst (xml_attrval (scratch, "spec"), &c_file);
   if (hFile < 0L) {
      xml_free (scratch);
      return 0;
   dir = opendir (directory);
   if (!dir) {
      xml_free (scratch);
      return 0;
   entry = readdir (dir);
   if (!entry) {
      xml_free (scratch);
      return 0;

   do {
#ifdef WINDOWS
      ok = 1;
      ok = 0;
      if (!strcmp (entry->d_name, spec)) ok = 1;
      else if (!strncmp (entry->d_name, spec, strlen(spec)) && entry->d_name[strlen(spec)] == '.') ok = 1;

      if (!ok) continue;

      if (exclude) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
         mark = strrchr (, '.');
         mark = strrchr (entry->d_name, '.');
         if (mark) {
            if (strstr (exclude, mark)) ok = 0;

      if (ok) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
         xml_setf (xml, attr, "%s/%s", directory,;
         _findclose (hFile);
         xml_setf (xml, attr, "%s/%s", directory, entry->d_name);
         closedir (dir);
         xml_free (scratch);
         return 1;
#ifdef WINDOWS
   } while (_findnext (hFile, &c_file));
   } while (entry = readdir (dir));

#ifdef WINDOWS
   _findclose (hFile);
   closedir (dir);
   xml_free (scratch);
   return 0;
XML * wiki_build (XML * context, XML * wiki, XML * todo)
   XML * ret;
   XML * cur;
   XML * new;
   XML * check;
   XML * image;
   int nofile;
   int downone;
   char * stash;
   XML * parent;
   XML * mark;
   XML * mark2;
   XML * list;
   int count;

   ret = xml_create ("html");
   cur = ret;

   while (wiki) {
      downone = 0;
      new = NULL;

      if (xml_is (wiki, "wiki")) {
         wiki = xml_first (wiki);
      } else if (xml_is (wiki, "image")) {
         image = xml_create ("img");

         if (!xml_set_firstmatch (image, "src",
                                  *xml_attrval (context, "images") ? xml_attrval (context, "images") : "images",
                                  xml_attrval (wiki, "name"), ".txt.xml.html")) {
            /* To-do! */
            new = xml_create ("todo");
            xml_setf (new, "id", "image!%s", xml_attrval (wiki, "name"));
            check = xml_locf (todo, ".todo[%s]", xml_attrval (new, "id"));
            if (!check) xml_append (todo, new);
            xml_free (image);
         } else {
            xml_append (cur, image);
            if (*xml_attrval (wiki, "alt")) xml_set (image, "alt", xml_attrval (wiki, "alt"));
            if (*xml_attrval (wiki, "align")) xml_set (image, "align", xml_attrval (wiki, "align"));
      } else if (xml_is (wiki, "link")) {
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "linktype"), "page")) {
            /* Link to managed page. */
            check = xml_search (context, "page", "id", xml_attrval (wiki, "link"));
            if (check) {
               new = xml_create ("a");
               xml_set (new, "href", xml_attrval (check, "page"));
               xml_append (cur, new);
               if (!xml_first (wiki)) {
                  if (*xml_attrval (check, "name")) {
                     xml_replacecontent (wiki, xml_createtext (xml_attrval (check, "name")));
                  } else {
                     xml_replacecontent (wiki, xml_createtext (xml_attrval (check, "id")));
               downone = 1;
            } else {
               new = xml_create ("todo");
               xml_setf (new, "id", "page!%s", xml_attrval (wiki, "link"));
               check = xml_locf (todo, ".todo[%s]", xml_attrval (new, "id"));
               if (!check) xml_append (todo, new);
         } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "linktype"), "url")) {
            /* Raw URL. */
            new = xml_create ("a");
            xml_set (new, "href", xml_attrval (wiki, "link"));
            xml_append (cur, new);
            downone = 1;
         } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "linktype"), "link")) {
            /* managed link */
         } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "linktype"), "object")) {
            /* object embedding */
      } else if (xml_is (wiki, "wiki:embed")) {
         if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "type"), "list")) {
            list = xml_create ("list");
            xml_set (list, "id", xml_attrval (wiki, "object"));
            xml_set (list, "select", "*");
            xml_set (list, "order", xml_attrval (wiki, "order"));
            xml_set (list, "op", xml_attrval (wiki, "op"));
            /* Get the list from the repository. */
            repos_list (context, list);
            /* Apply the list template to the list. */
            new = xml_template_apply_list (context, wiki, list, NULL, NULL);
            /* Et voila -- fini! */
            mark = xml_firstelem (new);
            while (mark) {
               xml_append (cur, xml_copy (mark));
               mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
            xml_free (new);
            new = NULL;
         } else if (!strcmp (xml_attrval (wiki, "type"), "layout")) {
            xml_set (wiki, "type", "done");
            mark = xml_firstelem (xml_parent (wiki));
            while (mark) {
               if (xml_is (mark, "wiki:text")) {
                  count = 0;
                  while (check = xml_search (wiki, "template:value", "name", xml_attrval (mark, "name"))) {
                     if (count++ > 10) break;
                     xml_replacewithcontent (check, mark);
               mark = xml_nextelem (mark);
            wiki = xml_first (wiki);
         } else {
            if (xml_first (wiki)) {
               wiki = xml_first (wiki);
      } else if (xml_is (wiki, "wiki:text")) {
         /* Text is ignored unless referenced in an embedded layout. */
      } else if (xml_is_element (wiki)) {
         new = xml_create (xml_name (wiki));
         xml_copyattrs (new, wiki);
         xml_append (cur, new);
         downone = 1;
      } else {
         xml_append (cur, xml_copy (wiki));

      if (downone && xml_first (wiki)) {
         if (new) cur = new;
         wiki = xml_first (wiki);
      } else {
         while (xml_parent (wiki) && !xml_next (wiki)) {
            wiki = xml_parent (wiki);
            if (!xml_is (wiki, "wiki:embed")) cur = xml_parent (cur);
         if (wiki) {
            wiki = xml_next (wiki);

   return ret;
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2002-2004, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license.