Working with individual objects as reports

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(August 31, 2002): This is a tasty little addition to the API, but if you look closely, there's really not a lot of basically new functionality here. A report is simply an object, but the reporting API gives us a programmatic way to deal with such objects much more conveniently. A report object is opened with repos_report_start, at which point it gets a slot in the current repository session in memory. No change is made to the list itself until the report is closed (the report may also be canceled, in which case nothing happens at all.) Anything at all may be done with the report object, and once it's closed, any normal publishing processes may get invoked. A very convenient repos_report_log can format a string into a line in the report content, which is simply a special plain-text field in the object.

This is quite handy for logging of publishing or problems in the repmgr itself. The motivation for this is actually exactly that -- I need organized logging for some debugging, and simultaneously I have some other repmgr-oriented work that could greatly benefit from a more transparent audit trail, and so logging is on my mind today.

Starting a report is nothing more exciting than building a handle for it in the current repository structure. Note that subsequent access to the report is by name, not by pointer; that's one thing that makes this new API so handy. If you happen to call a logging call with a name for which no report has been opened, no action occurs. Very safe.
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_report_start  (XML * repository, const char * list, const char * name)
   XML * rep;
   XML * obj;

   if (!name) name = list;
   if (!name) return 1;
   rep = xml_locf (repository, ".report[%s]", name);
   if (rep) return 1;

   rep = xml_create ("report");
   xml_set (rep, "id", name);
   xml_append (repository, rep);

   obj = xml_create ("record");
   xml_set (obj, "list", list);
   repos_mark_time (obj, "start");
   xml_setbin (rep, obj, (XML_SETBIN_FREE_FN *) xml_free);

   return 0;
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_report_close  (XML * repository, const char * report)
   XML * rep;
   XML * obj;

   rep = xml_locf (repository, ".report[%s]", report);
   if (!rep) return 1;

   obj = xml_getbin (rep);
   xml_unset (obj, "content");
   xml_setbin (rep, NULL, NULL);
   xml_delete (rep);

   repos_add (repository, xml_attrval (obj, "list"), obj);
   xml_delete (obj);

   return 0;
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_report_cancel (XML * repository, const char * report)
   XML * rep;

   rep = xml_locf (repository, ".report[%s]", report);
   if (!rep) return 1;

   xml_delete (rep);
   return 0;
WFTK_EXPORT XML * repos_report_getobj (XML * repository, const char * report)
   XML * rep;

   rep = xml_locf (repository, ".report[%s]", report);
   if (!rep) return NULL;
   return (xml_getbin (rep));
The only kind of neat thing remaining is thus our report logging function. I'm pumped about this. Transparency is on its way! Ideally, at some point the logging content field might really be an alias for an actual logging file. That is, we could treat a field as having a separate storage area. But I don't want to have to write all that just to get my reporting function working, so I'll just do a little handwaving to the effect that it should be possible.
WFTK_EXPORT int   repos_report_log    (XML * repository, const char * report, const char * format, ...)
   XML * rep;
   XML * obj;
   const char * content;
   XML * list;
   XML * mark;

   va_list args;
   char * colon;
   char * strarg;
   int intarg;
   char numbuf[sizeof (int) * 3 + 1];

   rep = xml_locf (repository, ".report[%s]", report);
   if (!rep) return 1;

   obj = xml_getbin (rep);
   if (!obj) return 1;

   content = xml_attrval (obj, "content");
   if (!*content) {
      list = repos_defn (repository, xml_attrval (obj, "list"));
      if (list) {
         mark = xml_search (list, "field", "special", "content");
         xml_set (obj, "content", xml_attrval (mark, "id"));
         content = xml_attrval (obj, "content");
      if (!*content) {
         xml_set (obj, "content", "content");
         content = xml_attrval (obj, "content");
   mark = xmlobj_field (obj, NULL, content);

   va_start (args, format);
   while (colon = strchr (format, '%')) {
      xml_attrncat (mark, "value", format, colon-format);
      format = colon;
      format ++;
      switch (*format) {
         case 's':
            strarg = va_arg (args, char *);
            xml_attrcat (mark, "value", strarg);
         case 'd':
            intarg = va_arg (args, int);
            sprintf (numbuf, "%d", intarg);
            xml_attrcat (mark, "value", numbuf);
            xml_attrncat (mark, "value", format, 1);
      format ++;
   va_end (args);

   xml_attrcat (mark, "value", format);
   xml_attrcat (mark, "value", "\n");
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