xml: XMLAPI data structure

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The XMLAPI datastructure is the internal storage data structure used throughout the wftk. The original idea was simply to store data in XML -- but once I started working with the XMLAPI library, it came to pervade my coding so very much that I simply started using it for everything I do. Thus all data moving in or out of the wftk is made up of XMLAPI structures. The practical upshot of this is that any non-C wrapper of the wftk must always begin by wrapping the XMLAPI so that it can build data structures the wftk can work with.

Object orientation makes this ever so palatable. The xml object treats the attributes of an element as a dictionary, so that I can start with an XML element like this:
<xml something="or other"/>
and then simply say:
>>> x['something'] = 'else'
>>> x['other'] = 'thing'
and end up with the following XML:
<xml something="else" other="thing"/>
That is so extremely cool I still can't get over it (but wait until you see the xmlobj record.)

Every class in the wftk should eventually have a docstring.
class xml:
   """Implements a convenient class on top of the XMLAPI library.
In the initialization routine, we see two things. First, the xml object may at times not actually contain any XML. The XML CObject that the low-level wrapper uses is stored in an _xml attribute, and if this attribute is None, then we don't actually have any XML on hand. This makes things inconvenient in a way, as we have to test for None-ness all through the class, but I don't like the necessity of hanging onto a bunch of CObjects I'm not using, either.

The _iterparent attribute is used for the iteration functions below.
   def __init__ (self, str=None):
      """Create XML object from optional string input"""
      self._xml = None
      self._iterparent = None
      if str:
            self.parse (str)
         except ParseError, message:
            raise ParseError, message

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Formatting XML strings.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def __str__ (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_string (self._xml)
   def __repr__ (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_string (self._xml)
   def string (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_string (self._xml)
   def stringhtml (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringhtml (self._xml)
   def stringcontent (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringcontent (self._xml)
   def stringcontenthtml (self):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringcontenthtml (self._xml)

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # File I/O: Writing to files.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def write (self, file):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_write (file, self._xml)
   def writehtml (self, file):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringhtml (file, self._xml)
   def writecontent (self, file):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringcontent (file, self._xml)
   def writecontenthtml (self, file):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_stringcontenthtml (file, self._xml)
   # xml_output: probably not necessary in Python
   # xml_save: also not terribly necessary

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Reading XML from strings and files.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def parse (self, str):
         self._xml = xmlapi.xml_parse (str)
      except IOError, message:
         self._xml = None
         raise ParseError, message
   def read (self, file):
         self._xml = xmlapi.xml_read (file)
      except IOError, message:
         self._xml = None
         raise ParseError, message

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Attribute access (including treating the attributes as a dictionary).
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def __getitem__ (self, key):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_attrval (self._xml, key)
   def attrval (self, key):
      if self._xml == None: return ""
      return xmlapi.xml_attrval (self._xml, key)
   def __setitem__ (self, key, value):
      if self._xml == None: return
         xmlapi.xml_set (self._xml, key, value)
         xmlapi.xml_set (self._xml, key, `value`)
   def set (self, key, value):
      if self._xml == None: return
         xmlapi.xml_set (self._xml, key, value)
         xmlapi.xml_set (self._xml, key, `value`)
   def attrlist (self):
      if self._xml == None: return
      return xmlapi.xml_attrlist (self._xml)
   def attrs (self):
      if self._xml == None: return
      return xmlapi.xml_attrs (self._xml)

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Subelement identification and iteration.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def elements (self):   # Returns list of subelements.
      if self._xml == None: return []
      ret = []
      for e in xmlapi.xml_elements (self._xml):
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = e
         ret.append (x)
      return ret
   def name (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      return xmlapi.xml_name (self._xml)
   def parent (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_parent (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def is_element (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      return xmlapi.xml_is_element (self._xml)
   def is_a (self, name):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      return xmlapi.xml_is (self._xml, name)
   def first (self):       # Regular C-style iteration functions.
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_first (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def firstelem (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_firstelem (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def next (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_next (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def nextelem (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_nextelem (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def prev (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_prev (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def prevelem (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_prevelem (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def last (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_last (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None
   def lastelem (self):
      if self._xml == None: return None
      ret = xmlapi.xml_lastelem (self._xml)
      if ret:
         x = copy.copy(self)
         x._xml = ret
         return x
      return None

   def iterate (self, parent, type='elem', dir='f'):  # A nice OO kind of iteration paradigm.
      self._iterparent = parent
      self._itertype = type
      self._iterdir = dir
      self._iteration = None
   def iterator (self, type='elem', dir='f'):
      i = copy.copy(self)
      i.iterate (self, type, dir)
      return i
   def rewind (self):
      self._iteration = None
   def advance (self):
      if not self._iteration:
         self._iteration = 1
         if self._iterdir == 'f':
            if self._itertype == 'elem':
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_firstelem (self._iterparent._xml)
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_first (self._iterparent._xml)
            if self._itertype == 'elem':
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_lastelem (self._iterparent._xml)
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_last (self._iterparent._xml)
         if self._xml:
            return 1
         return None
         if not self._xml: return None
         if self._iterdir == 'f':
            if self._itertype == 'elem':
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_nextelem (self._xml)
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_next (self._xml)
            if self._itertype == 'elem':
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_prevelem (self._xml)
               self._xml = xmlapi.xml_prev (self._xml)
         if self._xml:
            return 1
         return None

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Element manipulation.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def create (self, str):
      self._xml = xmlapi.xml_create (str)
   # createtext: TODO: implement
   # createtextf, len, _nodup: not necessary in Python
   # textcat: TODO: implement
   def delete (self):
      if self._xml:
         xmlapi.xml_delete (self._xml)
         self._xml = None
   # delete_pretty: TODO: implement
   # free: not applicable to Py env
   def new_copy (self):
      ret = copy.copy(self)
      if not self._xml: return ret
      ret._xml = xmlapi.xml_copy (self._xml)
      return ret
   def copy (self, other):
         if not other._xml:
            self._xml = None
            self._xml = xmlapi.xml_copy (other._xml)
         raise TypeError, "object not XML object"
   def copyinto (self, other):
         if not other._xml:
            xmlapi.xml_copyinto (self._xml, other._xml)
         raise TypeError, "object not XML object"
   def replace (self, other):
         other._xml = self._xml
         self._xml = None
         raise TypeError, "object not XML object"
   def replacecontent (self, other):
         other._xml = self._xml
         self._xml = None
         raise TypeError, "object not XML object"

   def prepend (self, other):        xmlapi.xml_prepend (self._xml, other._xml)
   def prepend_pretty (self, other): xmlapi.xml_prepend_pretty (self._xml, other._xml)
   def append (self, other):         xmlapi.xml_append (self._xml, other._xml)
   def append_pretty (self, other):  xmlapi.xml_append_pretty (self._xml, other._xml)

   # insertafter, insertbefore: TODO: implement

   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   # Finding pieces of XML.
   # --------------------------------------------------------------
   def loc (self, location):
      if not self._xml: return None
      l = xmlapi.xml_loc (self._xml, location)
      if not l: return None
      ret = copy.copy(self)
      ret._xml = l
      return ret
   # locf: not necessary in Python
   def getloc (self):
      if not self._xml: return None
      return xmlapi.xml_getloc (self._xml)
   # getloc is actually getlocbuf, and getloc is unnecessary (and in fact impossible) in Python
   def search (self, elem, attr, val):
      if not self._xml: return None
      l = xmlapi.xml_search (self._xml, elem, attr, val)
      if not l: return None
      ret = copy.copy(self)
      ret._xml = l
      return ret
   # search_next: TODO: implement?
   def search_all (self, elem, attr, val):
      if not self._xml: return []
      ret = []
      for result in xmlapi.xml_search_all (self._xml, elem, attr, val):
         r = copy.copy(self)
         r._xml = result
         ret.append (r)
      return ret

   # -------------------------------------------
   # Binary pointer access
   # -------------------------------------------
   # setbin, getbin: TODO: implement

   # -------------------------------------------
   # UTF8 stuff
   # -------------------------------------------
   # toutf8_attr, toutf8_text, toraw_str: necessary in Py?

   # -------------------------------------------
   # Sorting
   # -------------------------------------------
   # sort: TODO: implement
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This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are additionally copyright (c) 2001, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license.